Twilight X King Sombra 736 members · 132 stories
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I would go with Fluttershy, I do love the shy girl with a very demanding king idea. I do read some of those fics and love quite a few of them, any others I read just don’t make a lot of sense. Maybe Cadence since they both live in the Empire and both may have immortality, unlike Shining Armor. So you can do a lonely Cadence many years after Shining’s passing and she gets together with Sombra. Oh yeah, I’m not a fan of Pinkie Pie shipping, change my mind.

Sunset Shimmer
Flash Sentry
Big Mac

I know the last three are stallions but same-sex relationships is still shipping

I would probably go with Fluttershy myself, but that's mostly due to some great artwork I have seen for that pairing.

I've read a shipfic that was Sombra x Nurse Redheart.

TDefender of Justice, King Sombra!
King Sombra wakes up in the forest with a pounding headache and horrifying memories of what he had been. Now, he sets out not to change his past, but brighten his future.
VashTheStampede · 84k words  ·  1,314  31 · 18k views

All those suggestions and noone said Luna? *Tisk, tisk*

I would ship Princess Luna and King Sombra.

I'm with Queen Chrysalis X King Sombra!

Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, or Tempest Shadow. Though I'm not opposed to Sombrashy ships.

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