Bat Ponies 539 members · 164 stories
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If you're here, we know you like Bat Ponies for some reason. Why don't you share with us why you do? It can be as in-depth or as general as you want. I'll start us off.

So why do I like Bat Ponies?

Just the fact that there is another sub-species of pony is interesting. And since the show has basically forgotten about them, their history, culture, way of life, EVERYTHING is up for debate and discussion. Just imagine all the imagination and creativity they can cause! It is for this reason that I like the Bat Ponies: because there is just so much potential for a good story and a good race of ponies.

Why do I like them? They're god damned adorable. And luna's guard. And SO much better then those obnoxious sun guards. Bein' all loud and HEY LOOK I'MMAGUARD. I imagine the Bat ponies in the night guard to be more stealthy, espianoge oriented. Sure, they can puff up an be intimidating as hell, but I like to think they shouldn't have to, to be effective. Perhaps moreso than the guard we can see along the walls.

Because as we all know, the best defenses are the ones we never see.:pinkiecrazy:

Well, I like them for their mysteriousness. My first story was about a bat pony filly escaping with her friends. I portrayed them as completely anti-equestrian because I thought they made good villains. And you're right, we know nothing about them. Hopefully, it remains that way. Also, if you're interested, my story is called Shadowbolt:Origin. It's pretty bad so far, but my prereader and I are working on it. :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

I like them for all the untapped potential to explore with these creatures, I mean with normal ponies their society is already laid out for us in general, but with bat ponies we don't really know much about them, like what they eat, how they find mates, whether they are nocturnal or not, its just so much potential for creativity, it makes me giddy.

I like bat ponies because

They are like the kinda stealthy, batty , freakin awesome and they remind me of splinter cell quite a bit. and because we no nothing about them apart from they are luna's guard how did they originate? Why haven't we seen any of these bat pony guards in future episodes ? Are they overprotective of luna like in the FIMs some people post or are they kind hearted but have a rough edge to them ?

This is why I like bat ponies .. And they also make good romance FIM charters we need more of these

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