Tambelon: The Domain of Lord Grogar 152 members · 92 stories
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Pretty simple, really. With Season 6 on the horizon, I was curious as to how you guys wish to re-invent Grogar for FIM for the upcoming season or future ones (or even the 2017 movie if Hasbro wants to save him/build him up so much)?

have him as the ruler of Tartarus who goes rouge and releases all the villains trapped their and sends them out to conquer equestria in his name

Just don't do to him what you did to the smooze Hasbro


Real OG


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I think it's would be interesting to have Grogar to show up as a already reform villain and the King of Tambelon like Major Threat from Wander Over Yonder here:

And with Discord is scare of him due the stories of his villain days. But with Grogar now reform he is a really nice guy despite his scary appearce and his evil looking magic and everybody is a lot more accepting of him (even Twilight) then Discord seeing this try to prove that he is really not reform with rest of the episode of Discord's plans backfiring. Ending with Discord finding out that Grogar is really on up and up and Grogar was aware of Discord's plans but went along with it to let's Discord blow some stream then taking it out with him.

5105835 That would be funny. I myself would have a much darker version. Grogar has existed before Celestia, Luna and Discord. Personally im tired that each villain in the series is know by the princesses, Starswirl knows of him but destroyed every record of him in order to prevent from returning.

He is also the one responsible for alot of events on MLP. Corrupting Luna, twisting discord, creating the changelings. teaching Sombra and making tirek power hungry. Not only that but wispered to Sunset Shimmer so she could gain more power and turned 3 flutter ponies into the sirens.

Also who could voice him? Sadly two of my options sadly are dead(Leonard Nimoi and Christopher Lee), Maybe James earl Jones or Patrick Stuart

Grogar is one of the Children of Krastos, the first evil that made itself known in the universe in which Equestria sits. Destroyed in battle by Faust, Krastos's body broke apart, and the surviving fragments became the evils that menaced it in later ages. Discord and Ahuizotl were born from the Devouring Serpent's fangs, while Scorpan and Tirek took shape from Krastos's eyes. Grogar was given life from Krastos's tongue, while his voice gave rise to the three Sirens.

Grogar, due to his ability to raise the dead, is often referred to as the Necromancer, and as such most Equestrians do not remember his true name, as those who knew him were afraid to speak it. When Grogar realized that the undead were not sufficient for his plans for conquest, he instead turned to a new source of soldiers. To start, he single-handedly conquered the kingdom of Tambelon, enslaving its people, the Grundles. As Mother Faust could no longer directly interfere with the affairs of Equestria, it fell to her daughters, Celestia and Luna, to contain the threat of Krastos's deadliest Child. However, when Grogar realized that he was in danger of being defeated, as the Grundles were too rebellious for him to control effectively, he withdrew his entire empire into the Realm of Darkness, where the Royal Sisters could not follow. The power required to perform this left Grogar unable to return for five hundred years, but he did not see this as a hindrance, as it left him with more than enough time to manipulate and corrupt the Grundles into a far deadlier, more subservient race: the Trogals. Orc-like in appearance, hideous and cruel, Grogar molded them into a fearsome army, and when five hundred years had come and gone, Tambelon returned, and Grogar began his conquest.

However, in desperation, Mother Faust spirited away a young, pure-hearted human girl, an orphan from another realm named Megan Williams, and gave her an impossible mission: to deliver a strange bell to the topmost tower of Grogar's palace and ring it. Given the powers of holy light by Faust, Megan trained with the Royal Sisters for ten long years as the war between Equestria and Tambelon raged on. Finally, when she had fully matured and learned to control her new powers, Megan led a great army comprised of ponies, griffons, and minotaurs in what became known as the Siege of Tambelon. During the battle, Megan personally confronted Grogar in battle, but was unable to best the Demon King in direct combat. However, despite the severity of her wounds, she successfully rang the bell, forcibly banishing Grogar and his Trogal army back into the Realm of Darkness, hopefully forever. Before this happened, Celestia saved Megan from the vanishing city, but could not save Equestria's champion. In order to preserve her in spirit, six friends she had made during her time in Equestria, the earth ponies Bright Eyes and Caramel Crunch, the pegasi Firefly and Northstar, and the unicorns Glory and Sunbeam, sacrificed themselves to merge with her soul and create the Tree of Harmony, with each of Megan's friends becoming jewels that continued to grow stronger through the love and friendship they shared with Megan and each other over the centuries that would eventually come to be known as the Elements of Harmony.

Though Grogar did not return in person, he did make one last attempt at influencing Equestria, when he sensed potential in a unicorn prince named Sombra, who was the son of Princess Amore of the Crystal Empire. Sombra was wary that the Royal Sisters sought to absorb the Empire into Equestria as they had done with the many fiefdoms once belonging to Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Princess Platinum, as doing so would have denied him the throne of the Empire in his future. After a political summit in which Celestia and Luna assured Amore that they had no intention of annexing the Empire, Amore mysteriously fell deathly ill, and died shortly after. Mad with grief, Sombra believed the Princesses to have poisoned his mother, and were planning a hostile takeover. Knowing he had no chance of fighting them himself, he was abruptly approached by Grogar in a vision, who promised him vengeance and power if he agreed to become the Necromancer's apprentice and find a way to set him free. Sombra did so, and Grogar taught Sombra all that he knew of dark magic, these teachings culminating in the creation of the Alicorn Amulet, a talisman designed to counter the power of the Elements of Harmony. Believing Sombra to have murdered his mother in a bid to take the throne himself, Celestia and Luna confronted Sombra, only to learn the horrifying truth that Sombra had become a pawn for Grogar. Sombra attempted to kill the Princesses right then and there, but they escaped, and soon war broke out between Equestria and the Sombratic Crystal Empire.

Once Sombra had been fully corrupted by his knowledge of black magic, Grogar gave him one last test, revealing the truth of Amore's death; that Grogar himself had been responsible for it, specifically to lure Sombra to him. What Sombra did with this information would decide whether or not Sombra was a worthy apprentice. Sombra, having lost his empathy, acknowledged that he would not have been nearly as powerful as he was if his mother had lived, and passed his final test.

Sombra, in an attempt to free Grogar, forced his people to mine for crystals with which he would augment his own power and break the barrier. However, the war quickly turned against Sombra when the Princesses liberated his enslaved soldiers, who were quick to betray him, and he was defeated before he could succeed. However, in a last-ditch attempt to keep the Empire out of Equestrian hooves, used the self-banishing spell Grogar had taught him to make the Empire disappear for a thousand years. With the loss of his greatest apprentice, Grogar withdrew from Equestria fully, and nothing is known of his activities afterwards.

Grogar is manipulative and cruel, often referred to as the deadliest of the Children of Krastos. Not necessarily because of his power, though it was on par with Tirek's prior to his battle with Princess Twilight, but because of his cunning intellect and skills in manipulation. His armies of Trogals were equipped with magical weapons of Grogar's own creation that allowed them to level the playing field against unicorns and pegasi. This, along with the Alicorn Amulet he helped Sombra make, establishes him as a skilled magical weaponsmith. His only weakness is his tendency to lose himself in his anger when his carefully-laid plans go awry. But other than that, he is patient, willing to play the long game if it's necessary in order to achieve his goals.


I'd put him in the movie, maybe after some rare artifact or power the seaponies had (since we know those will be in the movie already.) Make him have an army and perhaps even make Bray a bit more competent of a general. Perhaps he'd even get close to KILLING somepony. Definitly take a darker route.

I don't plan to bring back the barrow-lord. He's my setting's very own Evil In A Can, and even the the free-range liches and social-climbing minor necromancers of Tambelon would prefer the old ram stay quiet in his sealed necropolis. The big world-wracking war in my Tambelon is over who gets control over the mystical keys to his prison, not over whether or not anypony wants to let him out.


It all started when I was playing a Mortal Kombat game. When I researched the character, I noticed that Tambelon making a return every five hundred years, the same amount every Mortal Kombat Tournament that occurred. So I figured maybe he would star a very dangerous tournament.

This Pretty Much sealed the deal when I wrote a rather rough story on the goat lord.

As for voice actors, my first choice is David Kaye (C'mon, we've got a few of the Beast Wars cast members in there, give us Megatron already!), then after reading a TMNT crossover, my other choice would be Michael Dorn (they got John De Lancie and have been getting celebrities and broadway singers here and there, I'm certain they could try).


That, my friend, sounds epic.

Too bad they probably won't do somethng like that in the show, though...

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