Tambelon: The Domain of Lord Grogar 152 members · 92 stories
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WARNING: SPOILERS! (well, possibly, but you already knew that.
Okay everypony I don't know if you know but there have been TONS of leaks around season 7, maybe more so than usual, geez, I wonder why...
Rainbow Dahs's Parents, Applejack's Parents, Willaim Shatner... More Discord, seriously, John De Lancie is always a win and is literally the best "pony", LOL

Anyhow the title for the finale was leaked and it is called Shadow Play
No description, no nothing, but this does lead to some interesting things, will it be a Halloween/October themed episode? Will it be a play about the past history of Equestria? Will it be the return or introduction of a new villain?
I don't know, but I am here to talk about it and let's discuss what villains might return or what might happen.

4. Nightmare Rarity
I put this last on the list because it's HIGHLY unlikely to happen, but still, interesting concept.

3. Nightmare Moon
Again, unlikely to happen, and we already now her backstory so why do a play about that?

2. King Sombra
YES! PLEASE YES! More him, even if it is only a play because a return of a "dead" villain might be confusing but an interesting lesson, sometimes bad guys do return, but more screen time with him would be a win, even more history, but you see, I don't think it will be him 100%, I am more in favor for...

1. Grogar
That's right, you heard me!
Now here's why I think he'll be the guy, I did a few wiki searches and here's what I found...

Grogar is a ram necromancer

Grogar is an evil demonic ram necromancer and the leader of a kingdom named Tambelon, who once ruled Ponyland with an iron fist 500 years ago before he was defeated when the ancient bell was rung. This banished him and the city to the Shadow World.

He then returned to Ponyland 500 years later, capturing all the Unicorn Ponies one by one and plans to capture everyone in Dream Valley to be banished to the Shadow World. He has a cold and antagonistic personality, always scolding Bray for his mistakes and sometimes abuses the Troggles so they can follow his orders and do what he wants. Grogar's powers come from the bells on his neck, and he has superior magic skills far beyond any Unicorn Pony that ever existed.

Grogar was defeated again by Megan after she rang the ancient bell for the second time, destroying the bell containing his power and banishing him and the whole city back to the Shadow World.

It is said he is unlikely to escape the Realm of Darkness again.

Interesting, maybe it'll be a play about him? Maybe he'll escape, but regardless the odds do seem to shift towards his favor, somewhat, I mean being a necromancer is one of the darkest things like ever.

But what do you think? Do you think a villain will return? Do you think it will be just a play and slice of life episode?

Leave your thoughts and opinions down below please!

The whole necromancer thing is pure fandom. Yet i do hope is him.


I think bringing Grogar back would be great. Hey they brought back Tirek to finish off season 4 so why not Grogar to finish off season 7. We didn't have a villain to start the season so they may as well bring back a dark classic.


I'm thinking that after I finish "Terror in Equestria 8" where Twilight will finally be cleansed of all the evil she's had since the first story that I will have Grogar return in a "Terror in Equestria 9"

Hell I might decide to write a second ending for TiE 8 where Twilight remains evil and then it could be an evil slave driver pony so many people love versus Grogar....that would be the ultimate evil vs. evil.

Sounds like a nice series...


Back in my first year on this site, that is pretty much what I was known for, "Terror in Equestria." The last one I thought I would write was "Terror in Equestria 7" with two endings, one where the Dark Goddess Twilight Sparkle prevailed for everypony who loved her dearly and then one where Supreme Commander Colgate won.

In the past months I had written a ton of Dazzling stories and I had gotten into writing more gore and then clop. Right now I'm also working on an E rated Moondancer/Twilight story but something has awoken within me, a desire to resurrect the Dark Goddess. I have a feeling a lot of people who adored her have probably left the site but I think this will also be a chance to give my old stories a boost and expose a new crowd to a character I loved creating. I even had a plushie of her commissioned back in the day.

Whether she stays evil or becomes cleansed of that evil, I could continue with this series but it wouldn't be "Terror in Equestria" without an evil Twilight so any sequels will go off the ending where she remains evil.

Oh and thanks for the adds.

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