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I wanted there to be a story that involved a ponified (or animalized) version of Iran, I never planned on writing about it, it was just an idea I had, but I figured, I could get this out there and let others use it. I wanted to think of a horse pun name for Iran, I couldn't think of one.
Before 1935, Iran in the west was known as Persia, I also couldn't think of a name for that one.
The language they speak in Iran is known as Persian, or locally "Farsi". Couldn't think of one for that either. So I stoped thinking for one for a while.

In Islamic/Middle Eastern culture, the cat is seen as a favorable creature
We all know of Capper from the movie, and in the comics we saw where he was from: Abyssinia, but I thought of another name that could work.
While I was reading a story, It talked about how Rarity's cat, Opalescence was a Persian cat. and that made me realize the perfect pun name for Iran:


In Purrsia, it would be populated by anthropomorphic cats, who dress and behave in Middle Eastern style.
Because Iranians are known for their kindliness, they would welcome foreigners very warmly.

Neat. I actually did something with the Saddle Arabian that's not gone anywhere, so nice to see other people using the Arabian backdrop

I didn't think of a better Pony World name for Iran either.

Do it. "One species - one country" is astupid rule anyway.

Well, as I said:

I never planned on writing about it, it was just an idea I had, but I figured, I could get this out there and let others use it.


Do it. "One species - one country" is astupid rule anyway.

The saddle arabians share their lands with a multitude of greater and lesser species (by number.), the most noteable being the lankier jackle cousins to equestrias Diamond dogs, and a lot of zebras. Why are there a lot? Because one of their war chiefs got a wild hair up his ass because they refused to pay tribute to his burgeoning empire, so he challenged their greatest to a duel, with the winner claiming the others kingdom. An orix (or curved horned saddle arabian unicorn) claimed the entire group gathered vassals as hers (much to her displeasure since they just followed her into the desert and refused to leave her or her herd and tribe alone) after walking into his camp and bending him backwards and shoving him up his own ass.

One might question how a gathered throng like that could create a populace. Zebras used to have a lot of slaves:twilightoops:

Of course theres also a whole lot of what the buck is that and oh my gods, kill it with fires. Lot of lost cities out there in the desert, and plenty of dopes willing to delve them for some tome of some such, or better yet some mare who gets it into her silly head that being a demons bride is the way to go. It speaks to the state of matters when said feebs come over the dunes doing cartwheels and shooting out screeching abominations like a squishy pez dispenser most saddle arabians merely roll their eyes and bang the "Its tuesday again" bells.

This is a good concept.

Idk abt u guys, but I imagine Middle East Equestria being the origin country of the donkeys and a few zebras. Most of this concept is based on the Exodus (warning: slightly dark), the donkeys taking the role of the Jewish slaves.
Donkeys irl were stronger than horses and were used as agricultural beasts of burden, pulling trough and carrying heavy load on rough terrain. Donkeys in Sadle Arabia r used exactly like their irl counterpart, despite the population of Earth ponies who have natural doubled strength than other tribes. Ofc, there were still standard pony slaves and a few zebras, the donkeys being the majority.
I like to imagine an MLP version of the Exodus event (however u imagine it) and the donkey, zebras, and pony slaves were free to find a "Promising Land". Whether or not they find is unknown but some donkeys have grown accustomed to traveling they've developed a nomadic lifestyle and culture, refering real world use of them for heavy load travelling.

For real tho, its weird that very little donkeys and/or mules r referenced. I felt bad and thot maybe the Middle East could be their homeland since it had tge Silk Road trade route thing.

Maybe change it to zebras being the slaves cuz ya know.... African slavery?.... plz dont kill me if its insensitive.

The zebras were the slaves of a zebra

Saddle Arabians in my story find chatel slavery abhorrent to a violent degree. Indentured servitude does exist but its done under specific circumstances, under rigid stricture, and is only for a certain amount of time. Dragging the weeping gelded stallions before their wailing mares before you drag her off to be chucked into either a relatives harem or sold off to God know who in Bumfukistan is something they don't do.

Zebras... not so much. And I'm saying that's what they, zebras, do, I'm making no real world correlations

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