The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [2/20/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel concluded [2/24/2013] with Nathan Traveler as the victor by judicial vote.

727381 ((READY! Though with my opponent being the judge normally on when I am available, I have no clue who will OK my stuff...))

((So I don't suppose we can predetermine this one like the last, right? I'm sure I could give a story reason why I need to not lose.))

Group Admin

727806, 727402
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [2/23/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Today's match was a strange one, for the crowd seemed oddly silent. Gone were the frantic and eager cheers that had often filled the arena even before the contestants made their entrances. The reason for their quieter demeanor was immediately clear, however. Rather than in his viewing box, Aurus was in the center of the arena this day, smiling away as if nothing were wrong in the slightest. Standing next to him were Celestia and Luna, both of which seemed to be incredibly amused by the crowd's reaction.

Arrayed behind them were the vast number of mages who usually lined the walls of the ring to prevent the crowd from being injured, both unicorn and changeling alike. These creatures all talked amongst themselves in a manner similar to the crowd, curious and confused.

It was apparent that whatever was going on, it had yet to be announced publicly.

At last Aurus speaks up as the contestants draw nearer, his voice augmented so that all can hear, yet sounding only at normal volume no matter how close the duelists grew.

"It's that time again, my friends. Time for you to show the world what you can do. But this time it is a special occasion. The tournament's quarter-finals begin this day, and at this point there are none who can doubt your courage, tenacity, and strength," he said, smiling between the two fighters.

"But though none can doubt it, you will find it further tested. For now you face only those who have fought ferociously to prove themselves your equals in these Games. I regret to announce that this simple coliseum has grown too small for your magnificent duels. So today, you will fight in another place entirely. A place deep within the heart of T'rahk Enox," he said simply.

At this point, the changelings in the crowd suddenly exploded into chatter and some scattered cheering. Clearly wherever it was, they knew exactly the place Aurus spoke of. The rest of the crowd murmured their confusion, for if the contestants did not fight here, then where? And what sort of spectacle would it be then?

"Worry not," Aurus chuckled, raising a hoof. "You will still see the match here, as you have before. Our most skilled illusionists will display the match in its perfect entirety in this very arena. Those of you who have come to see the battles shall see them."

The crowd cheered happily for a brief moment before Aurus continued.

"But to you it will be another place entirely, removed from all of this. Their cheers will not reach you where we are going. It will simply be you and your opponent in the heart of my realm," he said quietly, and it was clear that only the contestants heard this, for his powerful voice did not echo with magic this time.

Portals of fire opened in the ground before the duelists, and Aurus smiled. "When you are ready, enter. We will be waiting for you. Fight with honor, friends, and enjoy the serenity of Cloud's Calling for a moment before you begin. Keep in mind that if you fall from its heights, your duel will be lost."

In a flash of midnight blue and golden magic from Celestia and Luna, the two princesses, Aurus, and the mages vanished.

Stepping through, you found yourself in a place you would never have expected.

Rapid steps through the portal confidently, her Canterlot Guard uniform in perfect order, her Peacemakers strapped on tightly, her earth pony disguise carefully in place, and a powerful smile on her face. The smile, however, fades to awe as she sees her new arena.

One giant mesa, towering above a roiling sea of clouds, roughly round, with a lake in the center to give it the effect of a giant chalice. A couple trees are spread over it, but otherwise it's mostly flat and clear. She smiles as her opponent appears on the other side of the grail, the jade dog, Ferris Candle. A light breeze blows against her face, much different from the gusting winds she'd expected, and she yells across the lake. "Hey there Ferris! An honor to be facing you in this match. I've been looking forward to it ever since I saw you were in my bracket!"

She bows to her opponent as a sign of respect, then yells again. "I hope this is an amazing fight! But one question: you want to take the first move, or you gonna give that honor to me?"

Snowfall took her seat in the stands, watching the illusion form in the arena. Though she had never had the chance to meet him personally, Rapid Fire always spoke highly of Ferris, so she was looking forward to seeing the two of them face off. They were both known for their agility and speed, so in a head to head match like this it would be interesting to see who won.

Obviously she was rooting for Rapid, but with an opponent like Ferris, it would take more than a bit of cheering to ensure her victory.


As the fiery portal opened before him, the monk could not help but recall an old story of Steel Paw. How before he had led their ancient ancestors into the mountains, his very courage and wisdom had been tested in the heat of battle. He had only been a simple miner before that fated day...and now, one-thousand years later, he had become a legend.

Our souls are tested and forged each day, in the fires of life.

He steeled his nerves once more, his breath slowing, and he stepped into the portal...

When he reached the other side, Ferris was taken in by the beauty of the battlefield. The sheer cliffs, the lush trees; even though there were hundreds of perils among them. Still, he was once more moved to his very soul. When the tournament was over, he would return here, simply to meditate. For now, though, he would focus on naught but the present.

This battle, against his friend, Rapid Fire.

Bowing in respect to her, Ferris called out, "Hello, Rapid! Is please to be seeing you again!"

Taking up a defensive stance, readying himself, the dog nodded at her, silently letting her make the first move.


Judges: Doorknobs, Kapuchu

Magic: 99, Stam: 98, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: B Str: B Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

(Stat change: Will: A -> B, Agi: A -> S)
Rapid takes in the small nod and smiles. "Aw, such the gentledog. This is going to be fun." She the drops into an aggressive stance, eyes glowing dimly as she begins her long gallop around the lake, reaching about the halfway point on the left side.


((Health: 100%, Stam: 100%
Approved by: Man Gell))


She moves quick. Quicker than before... Ferris noted, his own eyes catching the dim glow of Rapid's. Did that signify some form of magic? That was impossible, though. Earth Ponies could not use a visible form of magic, according to what he had learned of the races. There had to be more to her than he was seeing...


With that information stored in his mind, the dog simply took a step backwards, his muscles tensed up. Whatever was coming, he would be prepared for it.

Judges: Kapuchu, Man Gell

Magic: 97, Stam: 95, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: C Str: A Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

(Stat change: Will: B-> C Str: B -> A)
Slightly disappointed her opponent didn't come to her, Rapid continues her gallop, coming within striking range in the center of Ferris's half of the mesa, eyes glowing slightly brighter.

Rapid steps in low and close to her opponent, aiming a punch straight for the center of Ferris's gut, figuring she might as well start the fight off quickly.


((Health: 100%, Stam: 99%
Approved by: ManGell))


There it is again, Ferris noted as he took another step to the side, catching the tell-tale glow of magic in Rapid's eyes. While the punch was avoided entirely, the monk started to grow suspicious. What was this trickery?


Replaying the last moment in his mind, he realized that her muscles seemed to have...altered, somehow. It wasn't much; perhaps as simple as gathering qi, but there was something off about it. Warily, the dog braced himself once again.

Runt rolled onto the spectator seats, having arrived a bit late. His wheelchair, which he had been stuck in until his muscles healed from him and Ferris's fight, had been stuck on the bottom of the stairs for what, in Runt's mind, had been an eternity.

"Argh! We're late!" He cried. He would gladly have ditched the wheelchair if he could. Although... she wouldn't let him.

"Nothing to do about it sweetie." Tika mused from behind him, positioning the wheelchair at the top of the stands, enabling them to see everything. "Your body still needs to heal, and you know it."

Runt rolled his eyes. "Yes mom." He replied stoically.

"Oh hush." She giggled and jumped carefully onto his lap, careful not to prod any damaged muscles. Laying her head on Runt's chest, she looked onto the arena, watching the fight together with Runt. "So... any idea who'll win?"

"Well, ah haven't seen Rapid fight, but..." He grinned. "Seeing what Ferris kin do, ah know who mah bits are on."

Judge: Dracmatais

Magic: 94, Stam: 92, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: S Will: D Str: A Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

(Stat change: Will: C -> D Vit: A -> S)
Rapid steps forward into Ferris's block, never letting up the offensive as she brings down a powerful haymaker punch aimed for his forehead, followed by a rolling sobat aimed at his chest. It was a flurry of attacks, but she needed him to feel the pressure as she studied him with her sharp red eyes glowing a bright green. I need to know what he can do.


((Health: 100%, Stam: 97%
Approved by: Twilight at Dusk))


There was only one use for a punch such as the one Rapid attempted to hurl into Ferris as he dodged. With that much power behind it, she would have surely followed it up with something that would work with the momentum behind it. Taking a deep breath, he twisted himself underneath the first part of the attack-


And acting with his own momentum, spun out of harm's way entirely. As he spun, he pushed himself away from Rapid Fire, and moved into another ready stance just a small distance away from her.

The way her eyes glowed still lingered on his mind though. Green eyes? he idly wondered. This is not right. She hides a secret. But why?

Judge: Dracmatais

Magic: 91, Stam: 91, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: S Will: D Str: A Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

Rapid slowly walks towards her opponent, a firm grin on her face. "Come on, Ferris! It's no fun if you don't fight back!" She fixes her eyes on him, their green glow bright even in the light. "Don't look so confused. You act like you've seen a ghost."

She moves very slowly, like a predator approaching their prey, making sure that if he keeps going backwards, the only thing he'd have to jump on soon enough is the air.

Suddenly she rushes right next to him again, launching a swift jab towards his stomach, still hoping for a connection, or at least a change in tactic.


((Health: 100%, Stam: 95%
Approved by: Dracmatais))


As he felt the breeze pick up ever so slightly as he neared the edge, the monk couldn't help but smile. He was on his way to a long fall, that was certain...or at least, that was certainly how it looked. When Rapid lunged at him, he tucked his body into a tight ball, somersaulting beneath her swing and completely dodging once again.


The very instant he had rolled to a spot right behind Rapid Fire, he whirled around, and, as he had before, took up another defensive stance. While he did that, though, he mulled over her last words.

You look like you've seen a ghost.

In an instant, his mind started putting everything together. The glow of her eyes, the way her muscles and actions seemed to change rapidly during the course of their battle. That was magic. Yet she was an Earth pony; physically, it should have been impossible. But...

Not for something else.

" are changeling, yes?" Ferris asked curiously, stepping back as he did so, never dropping his guard. "Why try hide?"

Seeing as the contestants weren't accomplishing much in the arena, Snowfall took a moment to look around the stands. Since the match was moving somewhat slowly, she decided that it would be a good time to find the pony she was looking for. Despite working in the same building where he had been staying for the whole tournament, she had yet to run across him, probably due to the differences in the hours they kept, but she knew he would be here at this match.

As she scanned the crowd, failing to catch sight of him anywhere, her hopes began to dwindle. Maybe he hadn't shown up to the match after all. But finally, just as she was about to give up and turn back to the match, she saw him standing up in the back of the stadium, keeping away from most of the other spectators. Virgil. The only other earth pony to make it this far in the competition.

With a smile, she rose from her seat and began making her way up to where he sat. Navigating her way through the crowd was a bit of a hassle given her bulky armor, but that same armor also tended to keep ponies from voicing any complaints about her passage. When she reached one of the staircases leading up to the top rows where the other earth pony was seated, movement became easier and easier as there were fewer ponies to get in her way.

Finally reaching the area where he was seated as Rapid began her next attack against Ferris, she carefully, and as quietly as her armor would allow, took a seat next to him, turning her attention back to the arena as Ferris, once again, dodged. "I figured you'd be here to watch this match. It's honestly more than a little surprising that we haven't managed to run into each other in the castle before now."

Judge: Dracmatais

Magic: 88, Stam: 89, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: S Will: D Str: A Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

Rapid frowns as she makes a small circle around Ferris, making sure to stick to the side with more ground as she did. "Aw, you noticed? I must be slipping." Fangs slide out of her lips, but otherwise her disguise maintains, not wanting to give that bit of information away quite yet. The young Prince wouldn't appreciate it yet. "However, I don't hide anything. This is me. Has been for my entire life, will continue to be until I am either defeated or standing victorious."

She shakes her head slightly. "You know, you wouldn't even begin to fathom what it was like to be a changeling in Canterlot after the invasion, especially not one loyal to the Princesses. You learn to keep a disguise so tightly wrapped it replaces your skin. And I don't care what ten years of freedom and enlightenment had brought, I didn't want to take off my skin."

She rushes towards him, her predatory smile returning. "But what do you hide, Ferris? I expected a fight as equals, and so far-" she leaps into a low flying kick, a little under his center of mass in case he dodged under her again, "-you dishonor me."

730653 ((Messed up, didn't tag you, doing it now))


((Health: 100%, Stam: 92%))


"Not dishonor!" Ferris shouted as he pushed himself upwards with his legs, and did an unexpected nimble flip over Rapid's kick. He rolled into the landing, making sure to keep himself well enough away from the edge of the cliff. "I protect!"


He stood up once more, his paws at the ready, his eyes focusing on his opponent's every move. It would have been so much easier, if he could have just attacked her himself. would have been wrong. There was nothing Ferris could do to justify it.

He waited once again, steeling his nerves to whatever was ahead.

Judge: Dracmatais

b]Magic: 86, Stam: 89, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: C Str: A Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

Rapid stops looking at him nearly as preditorially, looking first warmly, then her face hardens as she slowly approaches him. You're treating me special... I hate that. "Ferris, I have fought in two rounds since we had that talk. I have fallen off a cliff, I have been struck there directly, and the foal is fine. I want you to fight me. Please. All I want in this tournament is one real fight. Just don't aim low, it's all I ask."

[Stat change: Vit S -> A, Will -> C]
"And if you don't want to fight me, we could always just go swimming. Nice pool, great environment, might as well make the best out of it." She offers a forehoof with a friendly smile. Her eyes dim slightly, her fangs disappear, and she looks at him softly. "So whaddya say? Truce? Or shake on a fair match?"

"Snowfall," she replied, giving a lopsided smile to the older pony sitting next to her. "I've been trying to get a hold of you since your win in round one, you know. There aren't many earth ponies that can fight a unicorn like that. Even fewer that could do it at your age." She turned her head back to watch the match below.

"I figured you'd be one of the ponies to make it to this point in the competition, and you certainly didn't disappoint. Now that it's down to the wire so to speak, and after all the times I've caught glimpses of you around the castle without ever actually getting a chance to talk to you, I figured it was about time I got to it. I'd hate to have to hurt you in the Finals without knowing anything about you," she finishes, flashing him a smirk and a wink.

Snowfall watches with curiosity as Rapid walks over to Ferris, hoof held out as though for a hoofshake. She just sighs and shakes her head as she chuckles at what's happening on the field. "Oh, he shouldn't have kept dodging her like that. This match is about to get ridiculous."

Snowfall grimaces slightly at the mention of Arcantos. "I don't even want to think about that fight. I hate having to fight mages. I get stuck spending most of my time just making sure they don't set me on fire, or drop a mountain on me, or something ridiculous like that," she says with a scowl, only managing to hold it for a moment before returning to her almost constant smirk. "But thanks none the less. Resilience is what I do best, as if the armor didn't give that one away already.

"And I gotta say, your match with Emilia was no less impressive. Probably more so since you actually won fairly decisively. She was no push over, so that's saying something. It was totally worth having her show up drunk to my office and pass out to see that match."

As she spoke, she kept glancing back to the arena, waiting for Ferris to make his move. "At this point I'm more interested in seeing how she'll make him fight her," Snowfall says with a chuckle, motioning vaguely in the direction of the arena. "She has a wicked sense of humor, and the more annoyed she gets the more it shows. And from what I've heard of Ferris, he.....doesn't. She'll get him with something eventually, the only question is whether it'll make him fight or laugh."

As she listened to Virgil speak, watched the way he would sometimes stare off into the distance as though remembering some long ago moment, she began to get a good idea of the kind of pony she was talking with. The dance comparison was probably the most telling of all though. Honestly, one of the only other ponies she knew who would make a metaphor like that was Rapid Fire.

"I'm sure they'd appreciate the sentiment. They seem like the type to think of their duel like that." She looked back to the arena, imagining the kind of reaction Rapid would give to a comment like that. "Personally though, I never liked that mentality. I've seen far too many ponies get up, even from mortal wounds, to make their opponent regret believing that their last attack had been 'decisive'. I've even done it myself on occasion," she says with a laugh, gesturing to the large scar running diagonally over her left eye.

"As long as me and my opponent are both still breathing, nothing is decided yet." Her smirk suddenly seems far colder than it was only moments before as her jovial exterior slips just slightly. But as quickly as it had arrived, the moment passes, her eyes losing their steel as she looks back to Virgil. "But that's just me. Rapid and, from what she's told me of him, Ferris, both tend to be far more.....gentle.....than I am."

Snowfall's smile widens a bit as she sees Virgil turn to look at her. "I'm glad I was right about you. I've seen far too many creatures here that fight simply to gain fame, fortune, revenge, or even just the joy they find in being able to hurt somepony else. But you, you're different. You're a pony who's fighting for something; something far more important to you than yourself."

She looks back towards the arena with a nod. "That's something I don't see nearly as often as I would like, and it's one of the reason's I respect Rapid as much as I do." Snowfall lapses into silence for a moment before turning back to look at Virgil for a moment. "If you don't mind me asking, I can't help but be curious what that 'something' is. What is it that drives a pony like you to compete in a tournament like this? If it's personal, I won't pry, but since you're obviously not the type of pony who fights solely for yourself, I can't help but wonder why you're here?"


((Health: 100%, Stam: 95%
Approved by: Crafter))


Ferris stopped for a moment to consider her words. It was an honest request; to have a fair fight, with no holding back. He knew of her prowess as a fighter, that she could hold her own against a great amount of challenges. She was tough, a hardened soul that had already faced down an impossible number of foes. Was he really dishonoring her by denying her a challenge? A brief pang of guilt shot through him as he ran that thought through his head.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped back from her slowly...and almost instantly, his mind recalled a lesson he had learned long ago, when he was but a pup in the monastery.

A small dog, garbed in bright yellow robes, trembled before three other dogs, these ones taller and cloaked in robes of a dark green. The taller ones leered at the pup, calling him a mongrel and insulting his strength. Still shaking, the smaller dog attempted to get away from them, only to be grabbed by his collar. Feeling himself get lifted into the air, the pup snarled and bit at his captor, forcing the bully to drop him to the ground. Just before the others could move, however-


All four of the dogs immediately stopped in their tracks, turning to regard the stout, bearded figure of an elder. He leaned heavily on his staff, while his white and green robes hung on his wide frame. His eyes glittered angrily at the trio, softening for a moment as they paused at the pup.

"Stone Breaker! Swift! Redstone!" he barked at them, slowly making his way over. "The candles still burn in their windows. Meditation time is not over. Yet here I find you, outside of Jade Halls. Why is that?"

"Master Longtail-" One of them, Redstone, tried.

"Enough," he interrupted calmly, raising a paw. "Return to the hall. Add another candle to the one still flickering." When all three of them opened their mouths to protest, he smiled, and added, "And then you shall prepare my personal meditation area. You know where the instruction scroll is. Go."

"Yes, Master."

While the three bullies walked off, properly brought down, the elder dog looked over to the pup that was still standing there, trembling and unable to move.

"Student Ferris," Longtail softly said, kneeling down to his level. "What troubles you? Troublemakers are gone, and will not bother you again."

The pup looked down, his stance clearly showing his own personal shame, and he muttered something too softly for him to hear. Shaking his head, Master Longtail repeated the question, although not unkindly. After a moment, the old master caught the timid pup's answer, and chuckled lightly.

"Ashamed that you wanted to run?" he repeated, still chuckling. "Young one, there is no shame in such an act. Remember the lesson of the boar and tiger." At Ferris' confusion, he told him, "The wild boar runs from the tiger, knowing that each be well-armed by nature with deadly strength, may kill the other. Running, he saves his own life and that of the tiger. This is not cowardice...."


"It is love of life," Ferris remembered. The entire flashback had taken almost no time at all, happening purely within his own mind. The dog took another step back, and his gaze hardened.

The Jade Monk placed himself in another ready stance, shifting himself so he stood out of reach.

"Rapid Fire," he said in a kind voice. "If want to hit, you need work for it."

For the first time in his life, Ferris Candle, had tried to make a joke while in combat.

As she sees Virgil lose himself in thought for a moment, Snowfall prepares herself for the kind of answer she's expecting, but hopes not to hear. Her expression goes carefully neutral, a mask she had learned to wear years ago, one she only used when informing somepony's next of kin that they would never be coming back from a mission. She knows full well that there aren't many things in the world that could move a stallion like Virgil to compete in a tournament like this, and when he tells her his reason, she simply nods once in understanding.

There aren't many things, but family is one of them. Some of the most heroic, and likewise some of the most terrible, things she had ever witnessed had been performed by ponies trying to protect their foals. "I may not have any foals of my own, but I've seen the power of that bond, both in loss and in reunion. If there's anything the Royal Guard can do to help, let me know....and if not, then I wish you luck."

"Heh, I wouldn't doubt it. Earth ponies usually don't get into the Guard at all, much less make a name for themselves. If you had even half the skill then that you do now, I'm sure they will, at least by reputation." With that she let the matter drop, turning her attention back to the arena just in time to see Ferris' reaction to the offered hoofshake.

Ashe dodged backwards and tried to make a 'joke', Snowfall couldn't help but facehoof. "Well, this should be interesting."

Judges:Razorbeam, Dracmatais

Magic: 85, Stam: 88, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: B Str: B Agi: S Int: C (-1 mana per turn)
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

(Stat change: Str: A->B Will: C->B)
Rapid's hoof drops, her eyes dimming again as her opponent continues to not only evade her, but not even give her the decency to shake her hoof. She shakes her head. "Ferris, I thought you'd at least give me the decency of a shake. We're the same speed, I'm not going to go chasing you around this whole arena, I'll just get tired." She trots over to the pool of crystal clear water and examines it carefully. "Though I suppose it would be a waste to just lay here and watch you posture defensively."

"Cannonball!" Rapid yells as she jumps into the pool, immediately shocked by the chilly water as she enters it and it soaks through her uniform. She can feel the Peacemakers going through their auto-drying routine, and actually feel bad for the poor little machine as it goes to work. Still, smiling, she calls out to her opponent, still watching her from his defensive pose. "You just gonna stand there all day? The water's great! And I won't even try to hit you or nothing!"


((Health: 100%, Stamina: 95%
Approved by: Twilight at Dusk))


The Jade Dog watched as Rapid dived into the pool, and chuckled. Truth be told, he was disappointed in himself for forgetting the pony tradition. However, his relief at avoiding needless harm to his friend was far greater. Despite his control, he had been afraid to harm her and the child she carried with her.

Satisfied in seeing Rapid's enjoyment of the crystal lake, he shook his head politely, and bowed to her briefly. "I fine over here," he said as he adjusted himself to simply leaning against his staff. "Want to see beauty of land first. Rare sight, yes?"

His eyes slowly scanned the surrounding fog banks, taking note of every sharp rise and fall, of the trees that grew out of the stone, defiant to the world around them. There was a beauty to it, one that Ferris found a strange sense of comfort in.

Suddenly speaking out loud, he said, "Wish brought ink and brush. Would be nice paint, practice art."

Judge: Helrumyc

Magic: 85, Stam: 88, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: A Str: B Agi: A Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

(Stat change: Agi: S->A Will: B->A)
Rapid lays back in the pool, floating in the water calmly and looking up at the sky. "Yeah, this place is nice, isn't it? But, then again, you should be used to being in high mountains. Hidden monastery and all." Her eyes completely fade back to their normal state, their red tones looking out at Ferris from the cool water. "But seriously, you should hop in the pool, it's really nice." With a smirk, she turns back over, quickly using her hoof to launch some water through the air at the back of his head before returning to gently floating.


((Stam: 95%, Health: 100%
Approved by: Twilight at Dusk))


Smiling, the dog barely had to take a step to avoid the splash of water. Chuckling once again, he told his friend, "No, I fine. But this very strange."


Starting a slow walk around the pool, he looked all around at the scene around him, committing each detail to his memory. Every drop of water, every wisp of mist that caressed the lush trees that clung to the mountainous terrain. To Ferris, it was a truly beautiful place. It was one filled with the very definition of life.

Yes. He would return, once this battle was over, if only to meditate amid its serene nature.

"This not like monastery mountain," he admitted to Rapid. "At monastery, snow all time. Very cold, sometimes have stay underground with Crystals. But here, it at perfect balance. Cool wind, keep mind and heart calm. Ledge remind us to stay ready, or fall into abyss. Water show us peace, even at height that scare other." He paused to take a deep breath, and nodded silently. "Yes. It very, very nice here."

Comment posted by _Medicshy deleted Feb 21st, 2013

Judge: SwiftEthan

Magic: 85, Stam: 88, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: A Str: B Agi: A Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

"Yes. Yes it is. Why don't you go over one of the land bridges, see what else is around here." She points to the closer one, connecting this plateau to one of the mountains near it. "Might be interesting. Could give a nicer view."


((Health: 100%, Stam: 95%
Approved by: Twilight at Dusk))


The monk considered her words for but a moment, before shaking his head. "Perhap you right," he agreed. "But first see beauty here. Not see all yet. To truly take in, must learn to love what see. What hear, what feel. Still learn that."

He continued his calm leisurely stroll, observing the entirety of the arena.

Judge: Helrumyc

Magic: 84, Stam: 86, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: B Str: B Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

Rapid was bored. Seriously, I'm up against the martial arts master, and he just walks around and does nothing! The stands are probably getting more action than this... She sighs, then pulls herself out of the water, the warming sensation as her Peacemakers auto-dried going ignored compared to the wet clinging of the rest of her outfit. She walks up fairly near Ferris, frowning slightly. "Well, I think it's a great idea to get a closer look. And I think the best way is the most direct."

"Do you know why my disguise is an Earth Pony?" Rapid says as she readies herself for what is conceivably a very stupid, slightly desperate move. "It's because I learned neither magic nor flight." With that she runs off the edge of the mesa, throwing herself very much like a suicide jumper would.

(Stat change: Will: A -> B Agi: A -> S)

However, as soon as she knows she's out of sight of the cliff face, her wings flick open from her chitin, the water on them flying away and the air behind her disguise shimmering oddly. She shoots back towards the wall and against the cliff face, positioned directly beneath where she fell off, barely under the overhang at all. Hopefully, when the match wasn't called, Ferris would come looking, either out of fear or out of curiosity, and when he did, she would be ready to grab him and pull him over the edge.

This wasn't the way she wanted the fight to go. Really, she'd wanted a real fight against the monk, but, darn it, she wanted to win even more.


((Health: 100%, Stam: 95%
Approved by: Twilight at Dusk))


Ferris listened to Rapid with rapt attention, readying himself for her next move. As she hurled herself off of the cliff, he wondered what she had up her sleeve. There was a reason for every move, wasn't there?


After a moment, he started to piece together her strategy. He knew of her changeling origins, and how she could maintain such a clever disguise for so long. When he combined that with the way she had refused to leave the tournament, even for her child, he knew there was something wrong.

Patiently, he waited, his staff quickly moved back to its place on his back, and placed his paws in another ready stance. If she had a plan...he would be ready for it.

Judge: Helrumyc

Magic: 84, Stam: 86, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: A Str: B Agi: A Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

(Stat change: Agi: S -> A Will: B -> A)
Rapid, feeling Ferris's hesitation and now thoroughly and extensively bored, settles herself on a small ledge beneath the lip of the mesa, sighing in very vocal agitation. "Alright, fine! Don't fight me!" She looks to one of the many mages surrounding the arena and scowls. "Can we be done here? He's doesn't want to fight me, therefore he's given up. I win by default, don't I? It's not a fight until he throws a punch or something." She settles down on the ledge, lounging and prepared to take a nap from boredom.

Snowfall watched the 'match' happening in the arena below with an ever growing frown. She knew Ferris couldn't have gotten this far by just standing around and dodging all day, but no matter what she did, he seemed determined not to fight Rapid. It didn't make any sense. They were in the quarter-final matches of a fighting tournament, what could possibly be holding him back from what essentially amounted to a sparring match between friends?

Unless......"I wonder if he knows about her condition?"


((Health: 100%, Stam: 95%
Approved by: Twilight at Dusk))


Ferris once again found himself chuckling at her logic. Was it not a fight in her eyes, simply because he hadn't raised a paw to strike her? The very notion of that idea was somehow amusing to the dog; still, he felt he should explain his own reasoning.


"Fight is much more than violence," he called out, making sure he was loud enough for all to hear, even those only relying on the power of the changeling illusionists to recreate it for them back in the arena. "It test of will, of strength and cunning. Show balance of self, how one know to rely on more than force. It very early lesson of monastery. But it one that very useful, yes?

"Maybe I win without strike. That be very hard do, but it possible," he continued, slowly gathering his qi within his body, just in case she had another trick to use. "It show strength of will, patience. Use to get trouble for temper as pup. Learn to wait, to calm. Very hard, but it very worthwhile. Maybe you force strike, or wait longer. I not know. I just simple tea-brewer."

His smile grew even larger, as he paused to bow for a moment, before resuming his ready stance, staff clutched behind him.

"I tell now, Rapid Fire, soon-be mother, one with heart of fire: I not give up."

Judge: Twilight at Dusk

Magic: 84, Stam: 86, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: A Str: B Agi: A Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

Rapid yawns impatiently on her rock shelf, looking up at the overhang with just a hint of contempt, which crept into her voice. "Yeah, well, that's all fine and good, but it doesn't make for a good show, an interesting fight, or any sore of reverie between the two of us. It makes me bored and angry, and I'm guessing it does the same to the ponies in the stands." She continues to lay lazily, idly swinging a hoof over the edge. "I'm still contesting that until you try to hit me back, it's not a fight, it's a route, and I'm not coming back up until you show this fight the respect it deserves."

She lets her eyelids droop slightly, completely prepared to take a nap right there. "I thought I had a friend and an interesting opponent to fight. Not a disrespectful kitten." She growls that line in Diamond Dog, just to get the point across as clearly as she can.

Snowfall looks over at Virgil with a raised eyebrow. "Apparently you and I have very different views of what the word 'battle' means. What I see when I look down there is one pony who's so bored she's about to take a nap, and a diamond dog admiring the scenery and jumping at shadows because he refused to stand and fight them when they stood right in front of him." She shakes her head as she looks down at the field, the complete lack of anything happening causing a wave of disgust to rise in her mind.

"And before you say it, I'm sure you've got some deep philosophical reason for why you're able to see that as a battle. Probably something about patience as a virtue or something like that. But the fact of the matter is that Ferris can prepare for Rapid's attacks all he wants, but if he has no intention of ever launching one of his own, there is no battle, just a diamond dog watching clouds form and a pony taking a nap."

Snowfall rolls her eyes at the typically cryptic, pseudo-philosophical response she had come to expect from Virgil, even after only knowing him for a few minutes. "You say that as though I'm some novice that's never seen battle before. I assure you, I didn't live through the past eleven years in the Royal Guard or beat my last three opponents because I believed that battles were won by strength of hoof alone.

"This isn't a matter of tactics or mind games, it's the simple fact that Ferris refuses to fight. I know you saw just as well as I did in the early attacks Rapid made that Ferris intentionally gave up a counter after counter just to keep running. My opinion of this match would remain the same regardless of who was in the arena, that is that this whole thing is nothing but a farce."

Snowfall smirked as Virgil finished his speech. "I'd love to now that I've finally got you back to saying more than a single sentence before getting lost in thought," she says with an amused chuckle.

"Seriously, I was beginning to wonder how much farther I was gonna have to take that before you finally snapped at me. Not to say that my anger and disappointment at the fight, or lack there of, weren't real, but c'mon, even I'm not rude enough to go seek somepony out and then insult their ideas."

She gestured back to the arena with a motion of her head as she looked at Virgil. "You obviously see something in whatever it is that Ferris is doing out there, so what is it? I'm sure you're well aware by now of what I see happening," she says with a chuckle, "so what makes you believe there's something else entirely going on?"

With that she sits, patiently, with a smile across her muzzle looking at Virgil with a completely innocent expression on her muzzle that's rendered completely ineffective by the scar across her face and the dark armor covering her body. After waiting expectantly for a few moments, she perks up, adding, "oh, but you'd best get used to the eye roll. That's one of my favorite expressions," she says with another laugh before going back to failing at looking innocent.


((Health: 100%, Stam: 88%
Approved by: Razorbeam))


Ferris waited until he was certain his opponent had grown bored and sucumbed to the sweet embrace of slumber. Nodding grimly to himself, he decided that he would have to be the one to end this. So far, King Aurus had ensured the safety of everyone in the tournament, making sure that each one made a full recovery. If that was the case, the Jade Monk needed to act quickly.


Gathering every ounce of Qi he had secretly been gathering for the past few moments, he carefully guided it directly into his fist. This was a rare technique, one that very few dogs sought to master. At the monastery, it was most famous for being the move that Steel Paw himself had created and used to save their ancestors so long ago. According to legend, he had used but a single punch to topple an entire mountain, thus protecting the future monks from their pursuers. 

Only four dogs in history had been known to master it; Steel Paw, Stoneclaw, Master Longtail...and now, Ferris Candle.

The Tempered Steel Strike.

While it certainly was powerful, it was deemed useless if it hit the wrong spot. However, Rapid Fire had unwittingly given Ferris the exact thing he had needed.


Ever since he had begun his slow gathering of Qi, the monk had waited patiently, taking in every single detail about their new arena. His years of mining had given him an eye for noticing what flaws existed in the stone around them, which would crack or fall at the slightest notion. With the way the pool had been naturally formed, added with the roots of the trees loosening the dirt and stone around them, further combined with the constant presence of mist and wind...

Ferris had been given a shot. This shot was made even more apparent when Rapid had attempted to trick him by diving off of the cliff, and stubbornly insisting on his apparent “disrespect” for the match. While those words hurt him, if only because a friend said them, he had forced himself to remain patient. His time would come, he was sure of that.

And by steel, it had come.

Raising his Qi empowered paw, Ferris looked at a crack in the stone that lay directly in front of him. At first glance, it would seem almost harmless. Not wide enough to fall into, no direct path to the bottom. A simple, wide, crack. But...with the nearby tree, he knew the roots beneath it would have weathered the stone away to such a fragile state, that a strong enough force could dislodge it...and a great chunk of the plateau with it.

The monk remained completely silent, mentally reciting a chant in an effort to help keep himself focused. This would have to be completely, and utterly perfect. With all the speed of a bullet, his fist shot forward, coming into direct contact with the weakened stone. 

All was silent as time seemed to slow down for the monk. Did his attack work? Was it all in vain? Did he waste everything on a single move?

At that instant, the ground beneath him started to rumble, the crack suddenly widening, as all of its pent up force and power was finally pushed past its limit. Quickly, almost too fast for the monk to comprehend, the cliff began to crumble to pieces, falling over itself as it rushed towards the ground, finally freed.

As the plateau crumbled before him, the monk nimbly stepped away from the worst of the damage. He was unsure if his opponent would have been able to survive the fall, or react in time given her obviously dulled state, but he readied himself all the same.

Ferris Candle, once again, set himself to wait.

Judge: Man Gell

Magic: 82, Stam: 80, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: B Str: B Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

[Stat change: Will: A -> B Agi: A -> S]
Rapid continues to lounge on the side of the cliff, bored enough to go to sleep, but not stupid enough to actually fall asleep in the middle of a battle. She yawns, then stops, alert as she feels a shift in Ferris's emotions. From the calm of biding time, to the calm of somebody fully focused in their action. And then, with no sound, it releases, only a mild moment of doubt before she feels the rock shifting beneath her. With lightning reflexes she kicks up and away from the cliff, wings flicking out, again to blue the air behind her illusion, as she removes herself from the falling rock, enough of it splitting open to cause a waterfall behind it, the crystal clear lake draining into the clouds below. Hovering with her slightly glowing eyes staring her opponent down, Rapid smirks. "I knew you had a trick up your sleeve."

"And I said I wanted a fight, not you trying to kill me, friend. You've got to draw the line somewhere." Glad to finally have some action, she rockets through the sky towards Ferris, remembering all the ways he had tended to dodge. It was normally in the same direction, though high or low couldn't be said. She aims herself ever so slightly to be able to intercept his evasive move, forward or back, ready for either high or low, aiming to grab on quickly and hang on for dear life or, missing that, land as close as physically possible to him.

Because this was going to become the kind of fight she was used to, whether he wanted it to or not.


((Health: 100% , Stamina: 86%
Approved by: Razorbeam ))


As the changeling deftly avoided the entirety of the rockslide, Ferris couldn't help but wonder how she had pulled off such an impossible move. All the same, he was glad he had been sensible enough to keep his distance. Even at her speed, he had a very clear chance to avoid her head-on rush. 

As she barreled towards him with all the speed of an arrow, the dog easily stepped outside of her range, smiling as he did so.


While Rapid's charge carried her far past Ferris, he brought himself into another ready stance, his eyes twinkling merrily. 

"Not try kill," he pointed out cheerfully. "Have wings, yes? Wise king not fail." Patting his stomach, he added, "Hope not angry. Wish to share meal after, celebrate fight!"

Snowfall arches an eyebrow at Virgil's words as she looks back to the arena. Not long after, Ferris moves a bit closer to the edge and slams a fist into the ground, causing a landslide and destroying a part of the plateau. Snowfall begins to grin, expecting the match to finally get somewhere....

.....only for it to fall back into the same pattern as before.

Snowfall leaned back in her chair again, looking down at the arena with a bored expression. "Well that was anticlimactic. What was the point of preparing such a specific attack for the whole match like that? There's really not a lot he can do with that aside from breaking the terrain. Not to mention that, no matter how he uses it, all it accomplishes is to give Rapid an advantage by cutting down the amount of solid ground while he fights an opponent that can fly.

"And now we're right back where we started, watching Ferris do nothing but stand around and dodge," she says with an annoyed huff.

Judge: Kapuchu

Magic: 80, Stam: 72, Health: 100
Current Stats: Vit: A Will: C Str: A Agi: S Int: C
Peacemaker: 5/5 charges

(Stat Change: Will: B -> C Str: B -> A)
Rapid stops on a dime, spinning around the forehoof she plants on the ground and turning her forward momentum into rotational of the pivot point, shutting her wings and losing almost no speed as she rockets towards him, rear hoof first in a flying kick. "This isn't a fight! We're celebrating nothing except your decision that I'm not a worthy foe."

Whether or not she hits, she catches herself on the ground with a forehoof, pushing off with her free rear hoof to bring down another vicious hammer blow. "You seem to think I'm no longer a fighter. No longer a pony. No longer worth your attention! Just some baby carrier to be coddled. I'm going to prove you wrong!"

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