The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 269 )
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Group Admin

Hey, sorry for not getting this thread up sooner. I'm sure there will be questions (and complaints) as we draw closer to the end of submissions and the actual duels. Feel free to ask anything you like here, and I will answer questions and address concerns to the best of my ability!

Lol, I literally just made something like this... then deleted because you had an official one.

542744 Razorbeam! Foxi Hooves here from DerpyHoovesNews. Is it true that you like turtles?

Group Admin

Yeah, I suck at this and should have had it done forever ago. But in the hours since the contest announcement.... it's been a long day, lol. :rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, I'm sure you've got your work cut out for you, Razor. Good luck dealing with all the madness.

Okay, first serious question...

If we submit an OC, will it be possible to replace them with another before time's up?

Group Admin
Group Admin

Absolutely. Just send me a PM and we'll weed through the details. :pinkiecrazy:

542749 I clicked on it and it said 'Error: page not found. But we did find this cute picture of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo'

My heart then proceeded to explode with the unexpected D'awww

Hey, I don't mean to be a nudge, but did my PM get through? I sent it through nigh on three and a half hours ago, and sometimes FIMfiction just don't want to work with me and not make the PM go through.


Group Admin

Yes, it got through! I am so sorry for the delay, but I have read through it and your character is good to go! It helps that I have absolutely no lore in Visionary for Minotaurs, so you get to use that to your advantage. :twilightblush:

I am excited to see him participate! He's currently the only Minotaur in the competition, so it will certainly be a sight to see!



Does that mean I got free range to do whatever lore for Minotaur I feel like?

Good thing I've been pretty much writing an entire fiction behind this guy for a while.

@Razor on the Roster page: Sorry about that.

Group Admin

Yep, more or less. I don't have stories planned for Minotaurs for a while, so it wouldn't be until much later that I would have to impliment anything.:rainbowkiss:

Anyone else having problems seeing the roster?

Did you post the roster already.

There's a thread called the tournament roster but I can't see any names or anything

Group Admin

542830, 542836
Sorry for the confusion; the roster has a disclaimer regarding the reasons for blankness.

I believe that I shall find this extremely entertaining.:pinkiehappy:
~Black Light

I eagerly await the start of this exciting tournament!

542874 So...You're the Diamond Dog, eh?

Group Admin

All of the contestants are secretly me. I have no friends.

542956 And I'm just a figment of your imagination!

Group Admin

I love you too, Turnip Bucket. :pinkiecrazy:

542970 I say! And what of your other friends, hm? Are we not 'good' enough, so much so that you would rather spend time with that bumbling bout of vegetables?

Group Admin

At least in a situation involving imminent starvation, Turnip Bucket would be willing to lay down his life for me so that I could survive a few more days. I cannot eat you and gain adequate nutrition, Dust Ball. Your uses as a friend are limited.

And Rock stack, we are not speaking. You know what you did.

542995 Oi! Und vhat about mua? Surely ju vould not be villing to depart vizout mua?

Group Admin

I don't... Wait, are you Rock Stack's date? Let me tell you something, Potato Bag: that guy is a menace. If I were you, I would find other options. Try Dust Ball. It seems like you're into the inedible types, and he at least talks like a gentle...dust.

543002>>542995 Wat. I refuse to be you. I am me. If I am me, and you are me, then you are me, not the other way around.

Hear that everyone? Razor is secretly me! wait... I feel like I got turned around somewhere in that conversation of mine...

543011 *Le gasp* Potato sack?! How dare ju! I am Madam Le Fleur!

Group Admin

No, you're not.

(Yes I know, not "Le Fleur"... but I'm clearly crazy and retarded. I mean, obviously, because I'm 543020.)

If this level of :rainbowdetermined2:ness is anything like the actual competition, this is going to be amazing. I can't wait. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

The Rainbow Dash-ness is consistent throughout, I assure you.

543034 Wow. Ouch. I... That hurts mate... at least get to know me a little before calling me crazy... I mean... wow... :fluttercry:

Nah, I'm just fucking with yah. :trollestia: Although, you may want to watch how you phrase things, cause someone less than me could have been offended. :moustache:

Group Admin

Nah, you've been around for a while. I feel like I've got a pretty solid grasp on your level of emotional tenacity. Yes, you're right, a lesser man would have been offended, but I know that you are not a lesser man.

Plus, more importantly, you know that I am always kidding. :trollestia:

These posts amuse me.
~Black Light

I've never done any role playing. To what extent will we be able to narrate our environment and our opponent's actions? I understand each post will need to be approved of before posted, but it seems to me like there will be a large number of very short posts.

...I'd reply to this, but it'd break the chain of hilarity that's already ensued. And what kind of person would I be if I did that?!

Group Admin

Actually, you are free to be descriptive in your actions. Often a single paragraph is sufficient for a back-and-forth, but in this case the players are allowed one action, and one reaction. This means that you may react to an opponent's move (usually defensive) and then retaliate, hopefully giving you plenty to do.

However, implying or directly stating any movements made by your opponent isn't considered fair. It is unreasonable to be able to determine your enemy's moves during your posts. Common sense, I am sure, but it is worth mentioning all the same. As stated in the rules, all offensive actions are to remain open-ended, giving your opponent the chance to evade or retaliate.

This will be covered in a more thorough "Combat Actions" overview once the tournament is ready to begin. I don't want to throw more rules at anyone right now; there's enough on the board, right? :twilightblush:

543123 As you replied to this.

Group Admin

You're a person? :rainbowderp:

543095 Actually, I know next to nothing about you.

543133 So... how exactly are you going to judge things? I mean, most people are probably going to say 'oh my bro is leet doger, so I cantst be hitted'. I mean... really... Is it up to you/others if things actually connect (powers wise)?

No, I'm just you replying to yourself on a separate account. You made me much more handsome in my biography, but gave me an insane addiction to Super Nintendo games.

Group Admin

Firstly, I have a joking personality, though clearly my sense of humor is questionable.

Secondly, yes indeed, and that's what the stat system is for. Stats don't determine the outcome of a duel; your creativity does that. However, having something to graphically compare the two contestants makes it easier on the judges to decide what attacks, dodges, and the like are feasible.

Also, each post is moderated before it is allowed to be placed in the dueling thread, meaning it has already been weeded out of god-modding by the time your opponent sees and has to deal with it. Does this take more time? Yes, and basically it means that the contest only runs when I am online. Shitty, and not necessarily efficient, but effective nonetheless.

Group Admin

Ah, you're ID#2719. Fancy meeting you here. There are so many of me, I forget sometimes which ones are which.

No, sir, I'm ID#2728. ID#2719 is currently in Montezuma playing the mandolin to a crowd of dozens. Good reviews so far.

I keep contemplating posting something witty here, but it appears all the wit is already being used. Welp, back to being insulted by random Frenchmen in the middle of Britain.

I see you've met ID#4523. That quirky little bastard.

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