The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

It would be senseless to invite you all to this tournament and not treat you all as esteemed guests. Therefor, Aurus has opened the entire city of Vemn Enox to you, where you may enjoy your time between matches. Fighting one another is not everything; greater bonds of peace will be forged through you words outside of the arena, not just by your might within.

The city is a wondrous place, rivaling Canterlot in the sheer quantity and astounding quality of venues. If you can imagine a place to spend your time, odds are you will find it here. Creatures from around the world have gathered to watch the tournament, so the city is abuzz with more than just the wings of changelings.

So drink deeply, and take in everything Vemn Enox has to offer. Meet your fellow competitors, and learn to laugh and speak with them before you discover their prowess in battle. There is no deeper respect than the one between warriors, and not all warriors are solely born to fight. You may find that many among you are nothing like you've expected.

Changeling hospitality will never be found lacking.

Here your OC's can interact, because it seems rather silly for you to all go to the trouble of creating them, and then never use them outside of the duel threads (which are coming once OC submissions close). Seems like a waste of creativity, especially if your OC doesn't make it through the first round. Not to sound like a pessimist or anything, but if that happens you only get to use your well-made OC once in this nonsensical little tournament-universe-offshoot-thing. Get your miles out of that character! :yay:

Think of this thread as a sort of RP region for your OC's. You're not obligated to use it, but I think it could be fun, and would help to pass the time while you are all waiting for the tournament to formally begin. Make wagers on who wins, create small stories between your characters; anything's possible, and likely fun will be had in the process.

If it gets interacty up in here, I will probably take part myself when I'm not busy doing contest stuff or writing a chapter for my stories. Sounds like fun to me.

NOTE: Please use double parentheses "((" or double brackets "[[" to denote "out of character" speech inside this thread. Thank you for your cooperation.

(544087I was wondering when you'd do this :yay:)

"So this is what the Changeling city looks like?" Darkswirl said quietly in awe as her mate, Cli'Kat, trotted alongside her through the gates.

"I have not been here in a long time." Cli'kat admitted to her, his Changeling accent heavy.

"Well, at least you have been here...Where should we go first? We have almost a week before the tournament starts. Do Changelings read? Is there a bookstore nearby?"

Skarn walked through the gates of the city by himself, his massive plate armor making the ground shudder with every step he took. Taking off his full face helmet, he rubbed a tribal tattoo that had been hammered into his very skin, changing the pigmentation his brown fur to black.


Skarn uttered the very word, his gravely voice rumbling along the walls like a thunderstorm. He grunted, before taking off down the road, past a zebra and her escort, shrugging his shoulders around to make his shield rest more comfortably on it's rest on his armor. Turning his head so that he could see past his forward-facing horns, he peered at the changeling escort he was given, raising his eyebrow as he continued to take long strides.

"Where would be the best place to buy ale?"

Bishop takes a look around before saying," I can't tell if there boys or girls?" he asked his zebra friend DawnStar

Dawn look to him and said," I think there both..."

Bishop looked at him and said,"Jackpot!"

I will assume that there will be gorgeous changeling ladies awaiting my arrival?:ajsmug:

544126 Eeping quietly as a thundering Minotaur moved passed her, Darkswirl began to look around, noticing the many races that had come to battle to their hearts content in the Changeling Arena.

"Hey, Cli'kat?" Darkswirl began, questioning her Changeling lover. "You want to try learning about what happened while you were gone, while I do a little research on the competition?"

Without waiting for a reply, the Unicorn-Zebra hybrid trotted after the towering Minotaur...

"Hm" Arc mumbled to himself as he entered the changeling city. "Haven't had many dealings with changelings before. I wonder if there's a quiet place around here where I can learn more about them." the midnight-blue dragon said to himself as walked down the road.


Skarn slowly walked, taking moderate-sized strides to conserve his energy, as the appointed changeling walked ahead of him, taking him to the tavern he requested. Skarn mulled over the past couple of days to himself, considering all those miles he ran in full kit to get here early. As his hooved foot reached forward to provide momentum, he noticed a pony-zebra hybrid following behind him at a distance. Reaching out to bring the changeling escort to a halt, he slowed down his pace and glanced down at the little thing.

"What do you want?"

Skarn rumbled out, not bad-naturedly, but simply as is the regular abrasiveness of his people. He even let a little good-natured smile grace his tattooed face as he looked down on the pony.

544174 "O-Oh...H-Hi..." Darkswirl began slowly, her previous confidence lost the moment the Minotaur addressed her. "M-My name is Darkswirl, and I'm a Unicorn! But you can already see that..."

Darkswirl let her eyes dart around nervously as she hit a brick wall, unable to figure out where to take the conversation next or even wondering why she had bothered the Minotaur.

Group Admin

((There always are. Please use double parentheses or brackets when speaking outside of character. Thank you. :twilightsheepish:))


Skarn stopped when the unicorn smashed headfirst straight into a wall. Letting out a brass chuckle, he went down on his knees to allow his arms to help he back onto her hooves, patting her on the head.

"You are amusing, little one. My name is Skarn."

((OOC: Wheeew, not reading everything correctly!))

544183 ((Hey, I was close! I only used one set of parenthesis. :twilightsmile:))

544184 ((No, I meant a proverbial brick wall, sorry Dx)) "H-Hello, Skarn. M-My name is Darkswirl. Do all Minotaurs have...Um...'Powerful' sounding names?"


Skarn paused for a second and scratched at his chin.

"Some. Only the warriors do."

((Screwing everything up all up in this hizzel! Let's keep on trying not to screw up in each respectful parties, eh?))

Half Wing had taken all necessary steps to not be noticed by the black monsters that inhabited the grand capital of Vemn Enox. He kept to the shadows of the already black buildings, and stayed out of the way of the glow of the Emerald that the Changeling's were known for.

He was headed for the nearest tavern, so that he could quickly meet some other races - Some that weren't Changelings. Even with his increased precautions to keep unseen, the Changeling race was strangely perceptive, and kept smiling his way whenever he was spotted.

"Damn this city." He muttered under his breath. "How am I meant to hate them when they're being.. So... Accepting?"

((Anyone wanting a RP, chuck me a reply))

544184>>544202 The door to the inn burst open as Bishop yell ," Who wants to buy this sexy piece of mut a beer?"

(( Just so you know he's Bi))

544207 "Oh. Uh...This may sound a bit weird, considering I just met you, and all...But, uh...Would you like to head to a tavern with me to talk? I'm a bit of a historian, and I don't know much about the Minotaurs." Darkswirl asked with a bright smile.

544218 ((Neither of us are in an Inn. We're both in the street right now :P))

544212 ((I recommend heading to the Inn or Tavern. Hey, let's start this adventure off the cliche way! :yay:))

Arc followed his changeling guide around the roads until he stood in front of the large library. Arc thanked his guide telling him that he could take it from here. He walked inside the building choosing to collect a small stack of books and sit down in a corner of the library and he began reading.


Skarn raised a brow at the question.

"I see no problem with that."

Then he swung his head and stared at Bishop.

"As long as we... Avoid present company."

Getting up, he let the Changeling go about his business with a nod, and he removed the metal coverings of his horns, rubbing the artful carvings in them as he gestures with his hand for the unicorn to go on ahead.

((We're going live folks, Tavern near us for the shits of it and for convenience.))

544230 "Ooh..." Darkswirl moaned in awe, fascinated by the intricate carvings upon your horn. "I bet your culture has deep roots in art! Oh, and...Uh...Hold on, let me go get my mate; he knows this place better than I do."

Galloping off suddenly to find Cli'Kat, Darkswirl leaves you standing in the middle of the street with 544218.


Half Wing opens the doors to the nearest as he hears the twang of an accent demanding drinks. Initially ignoring him, he heads straight for the bar and orders something strong.

As soon as it arrives, he turns around, drink in hoof, as some new arrivals appear in the tavern.

Smiling, Half Wing waits for them to take a place.

((Booyah, let's do this Cliché style.))

544212 Bishop walks out of the inn with two free bottles of Applejack Daniels and sees a light brown pony that looks just as out of place as he is he walks to him and asks,"Want a drink?"

((I'm a Diamond Dog))


Skarn snorts loudly at the unicorn's... unusual behavior. Continuing to rub the carvings, following every depiction with his forefinger, he reminisces about the climb to fame that he had.


Quickly downing his drink, Half Wing turns to the Diamond Dog.

"Much obliged." He politely responds, holding the bottle awkwardly in hoof,

"What's your name?" Half Wing inquires.

The Changelings are surprisingly similar to ponies. Unfortunate. Was expecting to be blown away by completely different culture. He took a deep breath. Better read up on customs. Don't want to offend incidentally.

A golden yellow, burgundy maned unicorn trotted through the streets of Vemn Nox with a purpose, exuding confidence and not all revealing his lack of knowledge of the city. The area where he'd found himself currently was filled with the black critters, although he found a few griffins and zebra mixed within them.

What drew his attention were the dark colored buildings the Changelings had decided to use; Sol had always been a fan of the darker colors, and seeing them used in such a way excited him. It wasn't at all like Canterlot, with its constant whites, bright yellows, and blues. No, this was much more speed.

Spending too much time gawking at city. Need to find library or place of information gathering. A changeling wandering by himself (herself, he could never tell), flew by lazily. "Excuse me. Do you know where nearest library or bookstore located?"

((I don't know if you actually have a description of this place, so I just made something I would like to see.))

544243 "S-Sorry about that! Come on, Cli'Kat, we're gonna learn!" Darkswirl neighs excitedly as she returns, a bored and slightly unnerved Changeling standing beside her.

"Oh joy..." the Changeling mumbled with a sigh before slowly leading the way towards the closest tavern.

Comment posted by Hybridnecros deleted Dec 17th, 2012

544247 "Bishop and you sexy?"

Comment posted by The Producer deleted Dec 17th, 2012


Skarn grins at the changeling's reaction as he follows behind him.

"Don't worry, most of my knowledge is war tactics. Shouldn't be too boring from a veteran's eyes, hmmm?"

Comment posted by Hybridnecros deleted Dec 17th, 2012


"Half Wing." He responds. "And sorry, but I don't swing that way."

He takes a swig from his drink and turns to Bishop.

"So what, you here for the tournament, or are you just here to hit on people?"

544256 "Oh...Well, it's just...I'm not really a big fan of war and fighting. I mean, I guess I could learn a bit about it from you...Are you sure you don't know much about your culture?" Darkswirl asked hopefully as Cli'Kat pushed open the door into the tavern, stepping through and letting Darkswirl and the Minotaur pass.


Bishop takes a swig out of his bottle,

"A little both, and you?"


Skarn looked about the crowded tavern, silently judging everyone in the case of a fight.

"Of course I do, it's just that I know much more from first hand experience in fighting. I'll be right back, I need some drinks..."

Skarn walked quickly to the bar, towering over a cloaked figure, ordering an entire cask of ale from the tavern. Picking up the large barrel and placing it on his shoulder, he accepts the complimentary tankard with thanks, before coming back to the table and seeing the size of the chairs that they have provided.

"Well. Those aren't going to be any good."

As he left the city gates, Kamou was immediately awed by the sheer number of races that congregated the city proper. Taking note that a good number of those around him wore tattered cloaks similar to his own, he thought to himself, “At least I won't stand out too much around here." As he continued to follow his changeling escort toward the tournament registry, Kamou's senses became slowly overwhelmed by the sheer tide of sounds, sights, and scents that flowed through the streets. "Um, excuse me?” said Kamou as he lifted his hoof and tapped the front shoulder of the changeling. To his surprise, the changeling suddenly gave a startled shriek. "Sorry!" Kamou said quickly. Seeing the changeling calming down, he continued, “Is it alright if I register a little later? I'm a little tired from the travel here."

The changeling gave a curt nod.

"Umm, I don't suppose there is somewhere quiet I can sit for a while?"

The changeling nodded again and pointed a hoof toward a nearby building

With a quick word of thanks, Kamou darted off toward the establishment, breathing a sigh of relief as he passed through the doors. Suddenly he was hit with the strong scent of alcohol, sweat, and metal.

"Welcome to the Flying Scorpion. What'll ya have?" said a cheery voice near the bar.

"Oh dear."

“Ooo. Never heard of that one.” said the waitress as she ushered Kamou toward the bar. " Will this work?

With a nod to the bartender, a dangerously fizzing drink was placed in front of Kamou. "Umm. Thanks?"

544271 "Oh...S-Sorry." Darkswirl apologized before Cli'kat gave another sigh, trotting over to talk with the bartender before a larger chair was brought out to accommodate you.

With the seating problem address, Cli'Kat sat in the booth next to Darkswirl, scooting over to her before nuzzling her cheek affectionately.

"So...I take it you're a warrior?"

544272 "Wait for it to air out or it'll have you out in 5 seconds"

544272 ((

"Welcome to the Salty Spittoon. How tough are ya? Flying Scorpion. What'll ya have?"



"Mainly fighting. I don't do much.. You know.. On the side."


After suppressing a chuckle at the sight of a huge minotaur trying to fit through the door to the tavern, Half Wing stands up and starts to make his way towards them, motioning for Bishop to follow.

"Nice to see some familiar species." he says to the unicorn mare with a nod.

*Cough Cough
"It smells like cow innards here." said an irritated, tunic-and-cloak garbed unicorn. He adjusted his clothes and saddle-pack as he disembarked off his train, noticing the hustle and bustle of the train station.

"Damn, it's busier here than a city that found it's mayor hanging off some gargoyles. Heh heh," the unicorn grimly chuckled. "Might as well get a move on. The faster I get out of here, the faster I can get to some grub," the unicorn began to trot (and shove) his way through the crowded station. "Wait, this is changeling territory; different foods..." said the glum unicorn. Using his magic, he levitated a large flask strapped to his belt. He levitated it near his mouth and pooped the cork. "Cheers, Carnegie," he drank the beverage.
"You'll need it." Carnegie returned the flask to his belt and made his way into the great, stinky changeling city of Vemn Enox.

As he walked to the gates of the city, he spotted some peculiar folk disembarking balloons, trains, and carriages. His future competitors, no doubt. Carnegie smirked. He made a mental note to spy on his fellow competitors, just until it was time for the tournament. Extra dirt on his prey could help in the ring.

'I wonder if there will be some female competitors. I will make damn sure to give them some extra attention. Ha! thought the unicorn. Already past the gates, he made his journey to the inn of where he would stay for the tournament.

((Meet my OC, Carnegie! Don't bother trying to interact with him if you don't want to start a fight with your OC. And if you're OC is female, expect more shenanigans))


Skarn laughed again, in his rough voice.

"No, I'm a traveling Tauren rug-bed salesman. Yes, I'm a warrior. One of the best produced by the lands owned by the Minotaur. I've got the tattoos, scars, and horn-carvings to prove it, if the plate armor and weapons don't."

544285 "Use to be a smuggler." taking a long swig, " I smuggled ponys to freedom and that's how I got this ." Shows him his Mechanical Arm

544285>>544288 "Armor and weapons can be bought by anypony. It takes skill to know how to use them." Darkswirl says to Skarn humorously before a rather small Earth Pony interrupts us.

Nodding her head shyly, Darkswirl acknowledges the newcomer.

"Umm. Thank you friend."

After waiting a few seconds, Kamou picked up the concotion and swirled it gently, causing a drop to spill out of the tankard and onto the bartop. Before he began to take a sip Kamou smelled the scent of burning wood and noticed that the spot had worn a small hole.

"I'm not that thirsty anymore."


Skarn cracks his neck at the remark, letting out a small laugh before filling his tankard with the cask.

"I hope you don't mind if I take off my armor, I've ran all the way here in it and I need a bit of a rest."

Then he notices the pony that approached the table, acnowledging it with a tip of a tankard as he took off his massive shield and claymore, placing them on the ground.

"Ah! Another pony! I wonder, how many of you will show up? It has been quite a while since I've fought one in single combat, I must say."

544288>>544293>>544285 Walks over with Wing, puts an arm around the Minotaur and says,"I hope that sword isn't compensating for something."

Runt looked around the tavern from his seat on the second floor balcony. Having arrived here two days ago and, thankfully, not gotten into any fights (not counting a minor brawl with four changelings of course), he had tried to stay in the background, unnoticed.

His arm twitched from a sudden strike of electricity. He let out a growl and began taking deep breaths.

"OK, calm. Keep calm and it'll go away. No need to be angry." He kept on saying in his head, while continuing his breathing. Eventually he calmed down. "OK and now; no more thinking about annoying shit."

All of a sudden, another diamond dog burst through the door, screaming at the top of his lungs, "Who wants to buy this sexy piece of mut a beer?"

Runt hoped that the staff wouldn't notice the cracks in his table... for their own sake.


Skarn's good natured smile drops the minuet the diamond dog places his arm around his shoulders. His voice was low and commanding as he felt his rage swell up at the audacity of the creature beside him.

"I would reccomend. Taking your arm off of my shoulders. Before I rip it off for you with my teeth."

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