World Of Tanks 58 members · 4 stories
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World of tanks is big. Eff'n big. it's also very costly, either in time or in money. In general getting a high tier tank is a significant investment, and sometimes (shocker), it isn't worth it.
Having come off of a similar situation, I wanted to make this thread. this is a place where if you have any questions you can ask them. age old questions like "E8 or Jumbo? Is the Tiger worth it? Any tanks I should avoid?"
With all the members hopefully any questions can be answered. If you do have any questions (Mainly about American or British tanks) that I can answer I will, but it might be a long answer, so heads up.

I'll start out with my question. Is the Tortoise worth it?

I've played up to the AT 2, and quit there because I hate the lack of mobility combined with crappy gun.
I've played the Churchill Gun Carrier, and quit that because of the general badness of the tank.
So if anyone has the tortoise, is it worth the grind? if it is, should I resume playing the gun carrier or the AT 2?

3074580 I mostly play German tanks.

I have a Tiger I, which when played as a sniper, works fairly well. In close quarters, I get torn to shreds.

I haven't played the tiger myself, I almost got there, but at the end I gave up. I heard that the tiger was a big case of "Don't meet your heroes"

3074851 Its an alright tank, as long as you play it for what it is. Its not a 'in your face, blow you up' tank, its a sniper with great accuracy, in my opinion anyway.

3074851 I played through the Tiger before the major armour rework a while back, and I found it to be a horrific grind. I hated it back then, but now I have the Tiger II, it was all worth it. If you want any pointers on the Tiger II, the please ask.

I am told that the Tiger is a bit better now, but still fragile at it's tier. Personally, I'm vastly preferring the T29 American heavy tank at tier 7.

Do you have the Cent 7? I just want to see other people's opinion on it. (I have it and I think it's a beast.)

Ooh, here's a good question: Which Russian T10 med is the best in your opinion?

Also, yes the Tortoise is pretty good. I hear the AT15 is even better, for its tier. And, of course, the massive-uber-death cannon 215b that comes after it. Killed in one shot in my Cent 1. Was too shocked to be mad.

oh yes, and yes. it is a beast. after the pain of the centurion 1-3 I was afraid of the Centurion 7-9, fearful that it would be another medium sniper that couldn't really flank and had no hull armor. but all those fears were alleviated the moment that I got into the 7.
One of the beautiful things about the centurion Mk7 is that it isn't a step backward when its stock. take for example the M40/43 american artillery. when you first get it, the M12 is better. heck, when you have the better engine, suspension and radio the M12 is still better. you have to elite it for the tier 8 to outpreform the tier 7.
not so with the centurion Mk7. the second you get into that you get a giant DPM boost over the previous, and slightly better armor. And it only got better from there. both the guns are excellent, the turret is great, the hull can back it up, and maybe most importantly is it looks sweet
my only beef with it is that the British jammed it so full of rounds that it takes ammo rack damage like no-ones business, and made me have to put on a wet ammo rack when I really wanted to put on vents
Is it my favorite tank? no. Is it my second Favorite tank? no. but it is my third favorite, and highest XP earner.

I'm not the one to ask about russian tier ten mediums, because i don't have one. I have fought them pretty regularly, so I'll give you my two cents.
they're all T-62A's. they may look a little different, and may drive a little different, but the differences are too small to matter.
in my opinion, I would take the T-62a. not because its better, but a), because it's the cheapest, and b) because it means you have to get the T-54, which is by all accounts a great tank.

Well the half-annoying half-godsend thing with the Brits is their low damage but high penetration guns.

What equipment did you put on it? I temporarily slapped enhanced suspension on it (like I do for every tank that can) just so I don't have to deal with the track grind. But my setup is Vents, Rammer, and Optics.

Painful grinds... most painful was the M46 Patton. Ohhhh geeez... Let me describe the process I went through:
>"Oh geez, I need to upgrade the suspension to get the Pershing's 180mm pen gun on this."
>Checks equipment for buyable enhanced torsion bar.
>No buyable torsion bar.
>Oh shit.
>Grind starts with 160mm of pen.
>Finally get suspension.
>Earn 65k XP with 180 pen and 240 average damage.
>Oh finally the gun.
>Find out I can't even get through the lower glacis of an E 75.
>Pathetic 218 pen.
>Continue rest of grind.
>Then I got the Cent 7.
>Then I got the M48A1. I think it's alright.

The tortoise is absolutely worth it. it has good armor coupled with the rapid fire 120. It is a fickle machine though, so be careful not to get left alone.

I personally play mostly TDs and Autoloaders. My favorite tank at the moment is the SU-122-54. I would like to know if any of you have an opinion on the Panther 2. The panther is a bitch, and the E-50 is a war machne like no other, but the Panther 2 is a grey area for me. What do you guys think?

3075194 I prefer the T-62A, due to it having an amazing turn rate. It is tied for best with the T71.

3075547 And the award for worst stock grind goes to...

Do you know how the SU-100 is? I tried grinding to it for the 122mm lols (by its stats, it seems like an ISU-152 for tier 6), but got sidetracked. SU-100Y is such a loltastic TD.

Panther II is basically what you said. It's a middle ground. They're fun to shoot at, but they can punch back decently.

SU-100 is a hard hitter for sure. The D-2-5S is an amazing gun if you get past the terrible accuracy scores. it lacks some aspects of maneuverability (Turn rate, like it's big brother the 152). Also, watch the front, it gets ammo racked from the front like no other.

My third match, I was put into Tier 10. T110E5 came at me, and I was like "JUST AIM AT THE CUPOLA."

Too bad E5s are tough nuts to crack. Learned it the hard way. 160 pen definitely wasn't going to do shit.

Stock Pattons. Every driver of one feels horrible. I was lucky to go through that grind when the On Track for the M48 was on.

Does anyone here play on NA?
And yeah, that shit is infuriating. Although I am on the T20 right now, and it is a monster. I love it so much.

I play NA, but I'm so busy, I don't play these days.

I didn't appreciate the T20 too much. Probably because it was so damn ugly, and I felt like (and it looked like) I was driving around covered in sheet metal. But it does play very well.

Pershing was a boss. Loved it.

M46 is... doable. After the grind.

M48 is actually okay. Great maneuverability. But it was my first tank with a cupola weakspot. Wow did I find out how annoying those were...

my cent 7 has wet ammo rack, gun rammer, and vertical stabilizer

the m26 pershing and the M46 Patton grinds were a dark time in my life, at points I lost hope in america, and was tempted to join the Stronk Russian Master race. I felt no joy as I played. dark times indeed. but then I got that last gun on the M47.
and it was beautiful.
yeah, it wont go through the lower of a E 75, but you shouldn't get into that position. the patton is fast and manuverable. you should be able to flank a E 75 easy, then make him regret being a no good Nazi with the sweet fire rate and damage of the 105. I really like the M47.

the M48 is a tank I really want to like (my grandfather drove it), and it is pretty good. WOT just kicks me in the nuts every time I play it. my team consistently leaves entire flanks open, or i'm in national battles against germany. I have a 40% win rate on it.


I have a opinion on it. it isn't very smart or well informed, but I have one.
I think the panther II is nothing special. i'm never afraid of a panther II. its armor is kinda crap. its really big. the only thing it has going for it is sniping with the KWK L 71, but the tiger can do that better a tier lower. When im in my Pershing and I see one of these, I usually don't worry.

I don't know why you felt that way about the Pershing. I thought that was alright.

M46 is maneuverable, but with the seals everywhere, I always felt like I ended up getting the short end of the stick and I find myself having to face down an E 75 who has back up.

And I share the same feelings about the M48. Trying to keep a 1:1 damage ratio, kill ratio isn't working, and W/L isn't fantastic, hovering slightly below 50. My Cent 7 by comparison is a 1.65 damage ratio, 2 kill ratio, and upwards of 60% W/L. Damn that thing can carry.

And wow, I really want to try national battles. Stopped playing by the time that update came out.


The best tank obviously the AMX40. It's armour if fucking ridiculous enough to bounce an 88mm.

Oh god I hated that thing. :rainbowlaugh: Man, and I thought the Crusader was bad.

But I did get a Duck when LTPs were going around soo..... :rainbowlaugh: (favorite acronym for those things was Light Target Practice)

Anything can bounce shots if you hit it wrong. Someone brought in a T2 to a T7 game, and I had the last shot before we capped... I hit his tracks in my T29.

You ever start again, hit me up.

thing about the Pershing was that was how I felt. Now I think its great! before you make a big mistake, you don't want to play national battles, at least at tier ten. WTF E-100s kill everything in a matter of seconds, while E-100s and maus absorb damage like sponges. add in a couple E50-Ms ramming, and Germany is the most OP nation in the game at Tier ten.

I play on NA, with mild levels of competence.
the best thing that ever happened to me with the T20 came just after 8.0. I hated the T20, that ugly pile of crap, but I kept it so that I could drive it off a cliff in 8.0. I got into a match on the map with the large broken bridge and bum rushed it. I drove off the edge... and crushed a panzer IV that was camping in the supports at the bottom. it almost made me keep that tank... almost.

No DOOD! teh M3 Lee's fried chicken is teh bezt Bc it haz I cannon N it haz I turret. LOLololol

Funnily enough, I learned medium tank tactics in the M3... :rainbowlaugh: lololololol (seriously, I did).

And... wow. National battles. That does sound horrible. FatChats and rolling blocks of metal. Not even the 183s can do anything? (Well, then again, when that's all the Brits have going for them... seriously, they should take out the FV215b and put in the Cheiftain.)

3075936 whats wrong with the Cutie Mark VI Crusader? my commander Appleboom, gunner Shoot-n-Scootaloo, and driver sweetie belle love their crusader. just look at them.

and no, I have no clue who's driving right now. no-pony gets tanking cutie marks for that

Actually, I always thought that Sweetie Belle would be more of the gunner and Scoots would be the driver. It's not kicking up dust so we'll assume their just stopped for a pic. :derpytongue2:

But that is totally the picture of the Crusader(s) I've always been looking for.

But I'm sorry, the reason they have that tank is because I left it for better stuff. :rainbowlaugh: Free XP'd the last 2k for the Cromwell. Did not regret it.

After I got my Cent 7 maxed out and I had some gold to burn for garage slots at 150 each, I rebought the Crusader. Even then, I still hated the damn thing, and I discovered why. My driving skills might be so much better by this point, but:

I. Can not. For the life of me. Play without gun mantlets. When the Comet came around with the magic British mantlet that somehow bounced shots (look at the thing- how DOES it bounce shots?), I was relieved.

get a gun rammer and behold the madness of the less than 2 second reload time!!!remove their tracks and circlestrafe them, laughing as you go! 57 mm ammo is cheap, so don't be stingy. I love my CMC, if only because of the backstory I've given it.

oh, the comet, I quite like the comet. by the way, you hit the nail on the head. the comet bounces shots because it is a magical tank. think chitty chitty bang bang, but as a tank.

Sorry, but if I'm playing tier 5, imma stick with trolling with the ELC (higher the tier, higher the trolling). Equipped with enhanced suspension for more track HP, spall liner (hey, it helped me ram kill an FV304, and it was hilarious), and camo net (with 100% camo on both crew) for loltastic TD time. Oh, and forget the fire extinguisher- if you get hit in an ELC and your engine goes, you're doing something wrong, so instead, I bought high octane gas in bulk when it was on sale.

Holy crap is that fun. Drive up to heavies, put cruise control on lowest, and laugh at their gun elevation. Except US and British tanks. They hurt.

Run in, assassinate/light up all the arty, laugh as they rage.

What is your username? It would be good to play with you sometime.

CommandantCarl518K. yet again, I'm only mildly competent.

Meh, doesn't matter to me. I am getting better, but I enjoy the company when I play

3076488 holy crap you're way better than me!

I honestly don't think so... that is if I am looking at the right person.

3076542 do you use premium? i think you do, just want to make sure. if so then we are about even, if not then you are better based on XP earned

I do as of about the 7000 battle mark. That was when I actually started getting better.

3076559 3076597
BTW, I'm Dust_ if you want to check out my stats.

Your stats are shockingly similar to mine. Except your win rate, which is better.

Playing as jostie on the EU server and as IFapTooPonies(yup, that's right) on NA(not much on NA)

For high tier the equips should always be: Rammer, V.Stabs, optics/binocs

Anything other then that is possible if one of the above is not available, but make sure you can have atleast a camo/viewrange advantage over your opponent if you are not extremely well armored(super heavies could go with a spall liner)

Have any of you guys got the Maus?

If so, is it worth it? I'm hoping to get one eventually, and was wondering what you guys had to say about it.

Well, I haven't driven a Maus, but I have driven a churchill VII, and they seem pretty similar in terms of gameplay. its gonna be F'n slow, so once you start going in a direction you're pretty much committed. The armor is great (obviously, its a Maus) but your maneuverability is horrid, so you should never go alone or you will most likely get killed by a medium tank. the rear mounted turret is going to play terror with your gun depression, but at the same time makes for easy and very effective side-scraping. finally the gun is kinda on the crappier end of the spectrum I think. It's a tank that's more there for nostalgia than for being great. my two cents.

someone may own it and tell me how wrong I am, but all I'm saying is that I rarely see Maus when I play tier ten and there's probably a reason.

BTW, what is your name in WOT?

3213751 The Church VII... ugh. I hated it, but yet the Black Prince and the Church I were pretty fun most of the time. I have no idea why... :pinkiecrazy:

Yeah, you don't see very many around and I do kind of want it for nostalgia to some degree, but that armor is ridiculous. A friend and myself ended up facing one whilst driving tier 8s. He killed us both I think, or at least caused my death indirectly. We couldn't pen him to save our lives, even with gold ammo our cursors were orange when we aimed at his weak spots. To quote my friend, "Oh no, he's angled! We're doomed!"

My WoT name is NocturnalLoner, and I play on the NA server. I think I'm somewhat competent, but it has taken forever for my stats to begin their recovery from my horrible start at the game.

Tiger P or Tiger 1?

oh-ho-ho! This thread (potentially) arises from the dead!
what I am going to say is that you should probably go for the Tiger P. Same gun (worse aimtime and fire rate), better armor, but most importantly, If you don't like it, you can easily research the Tiger H and get it, and you cant do so from the Tiger H to the Tiger P.

I just want to know if the Vk 36.01 is worth it. I think it'll really just be the same tank with same gun but more armor in higher tier matches making kills harder. I don't want to spend 900k on something I'm going to cry myself to sleep every night for playing. I really really enjoy the Vk30 and I don't want to waste money on the Vk36 and have it take up garage space :applecry:

May calculations have been pulverized!
alright, for starts, you're going to like the 36.01. imagine if your heavy tank could actually bounce shots!! the guns are still pretty good for its tier, and its a good trainer for the Tiger tank. you won't "cry yourself t sleep at night" for playing anything but the AMX 40.

however, my previous answer on what to get is all screwed up now!
so can you throw down your username here so I can see what all you have, because it may be that getting the tiger P is a stupid idea after all.

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