Princess Cadance 920 members · 983 stories
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I was watching the EQG Coinkydink world video and had the thought of what if Pinkie was Cadances' long lost daughter. It would explain why Pinkie looks nothing like her family. Are there any stories already written about that or, if there aren't could someone write one?


I don't think there's any that use Pinkie specifically.

However, it would probably be good to mention that you don't need to look like your family to be related to them. Pinkie might have just picked up many recessive genes, and aside from her bright coat she is still consistent with what we know about her family, aside from their personalities (though, that's obviously not related to blood relationships).

While that is true, in Equestria there is usually one trait that matches from parent to offspring and between her and her parents she doesn't have any matching traits.

Pinkie is actually Skyla stuck in an earth pony form!



She could just be the exception to that. We've never seen Pinkie's extended family, so we really won't know.

Again, true. But it would still be an interesting take on Pinkie.

It certainly would, though I wonder how that would reflect on her pony counterpart.

Eqg Pinkie isn't the daughter. Pony Pinkie would be the daughter who had wound up on the rock farm raised by the pie family. Seeing the EQG music video is just what gave me the idea.

Ah! Well, wouldn't that have made Cady a very young mother, depending on how old you see Pinkie and Cady as?

Well, I have read stories where Cadance is way older then she looks so an alternate universe story would work.

when pinkie get down and depress flat mane she look like her folks

i thought twilight was cadance and shiny armor love child from a very happy accident when they were teenages, but had to be raise by shiny's parents cause of some kind of noble bull shit and to keep twilight safe.

That may be true however you said it yourself, "when she gets depressed" that's more of a state of mind rather than a family trait.

Also would make for an interesting story and considering she became the princesses student it would have made her a bigger target for said "Noble bullshit."

possable but i think noble would care more if twilight was Candace child, cause then the love goddess toke a "commoner" or less noble as a mate, which i think would piss them off more cause it would be weaking the bloodlines.
only seen one story with this and it was one shot, i personnel think it be great idea, would make the whole wedding thing more drama fill, if twilgiht did not knew the fact who her real parents are.

True, but if they find out about Twilight being their child shortly after she became the princesses student then the entire nobility would become outraged and see the princess playing favorites. She would be thrown into political issues as a child and could not only be the target for nobles who use the old forgotten laws to try to become a member of the royal family but also cause her to become bitter and spiteful resulting in a darker "princess of friendship."

possable unless fact of twilgiht real parent was kept well under wrap ie, cadence went else where on a trip when she was about to start show was gone for that time, and night light and twilight velevt toke a trip and come back with little twilight say she give birth else where. or just adopt her while traveling

Interesting idea, and it might explain why Pinkie is the exact opposite of her supposedly identical twin, Marble (at least, as I understand it they are identical twins). Hmm, but it's going to take a heck of a backstory to explain how Cadance became a mother who had to give up her daughter, and how the Pies came to adopt Pinkie and why they made out that she is Marble's twin. But it's an idea, I'll give it some thought (but no promises, okay?).

That could be where the "lost" part comes into play. She could have been kidnapped, or "knowing how she seems to vanish completely the half second your back is turned" she could have wandered off.

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