Dragons 684 members · 659 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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I like stories about people taming and riding dragons, in fact my favorite dragon movies are "How to Train Your Dragon" 1&2. Though why do people like this concept better than the traditional 'slay the evil dragon' story? I like to hear your thoughts.


:raritystarry::Well, Darling, ever since his growth spurts in the 1520's he's been bigger than me, so if he rode me it would be awkward, to say the least ... :raritywink: Oh. You meant, more a matter of flying. Never mind. :duck:

5217185 :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Though seriously, what is you guess on why this concept is popular?


The idea of mastering or partnering with something as powerful as a Dragon is attractive. Come to think of it, that could also be relevant to Sparity as well as the more general case!

5217214 You think a story is possible? In a AU or in the current show canon?


A Dragon Rider story? Or one in which Rarity marries Spike? Both seem possible both in vanilla and AU canon.

Comment posted by Twilight is the BEST deleted May 6th, 2016


I think dragon riding could happen in the Ponyverse, but the Dragon would have to really like the rider a lot.

Note that we've seen the reverse more than once, Spike sometimes rides Twilight, and probably did a lot when he was smaller.

5217231 Maybe that Dragon Code thing would also be involve in a rider and the dragon?


A big Spike would almost certainly let his siblings (Shining or Twilight) and Rarity ride him into battle. The other question is who gets her wings first: Spike or Rarity? If either do, that is ...

5217108 Because why should we take pleasure in killing and stereotyping an entire race? I think people began to realize that Dragons are majestic and beautiful creatures, and don't need to be evil.
That's kinda what How To Train Your Dragon was about wasn't it? The Vikings just saw them as animals that existed only to cause conflict, and Hiccup was the first one to try something other than what his entire society taught him.

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