Dragons 684 members · 659 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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I’ve just learned about my new favorite holiday of all time. Happy Dragon Appreciation day, Everybody!

To you too!
*Happy dragon noises*

I say read only Dragon Theme stories for the day. I have one that's dragon theme, Dragon Reincarnated

I’ve seen your story around the site. It looks good except time not a fan of the idea of old people becoming babies. I also prefer young protagonist in general. But you know I’ve read the first three books of that manga it’s a crossover with.

I understand but I had a reason for that. Skills in The Spider (Uncensored Version) is a young Protagonist that knows he's in a fantasy world and wants the freedom without restrictions. Hence the many females he had sex with as Abel/Izanagi is a mature protagonist that is living life again despite a huge responsibility and a immature father.

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