Harry Potter Crossovers 547 members · 89 stories
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So, I'm planning my first MLP/Harry Potter crossover, and I'd like a little help. First off, what houses should the Mane Seven and Spike be in? And while they're all best friends, I don't want them all in the same house, because IMO, them being in different houses and still being best friends speaks to me. Second, Spike will be anthro, but the other characters will be human, and the reason behind this is because he's half-dragon. And no, his mother didn't get fucked by a dragon. She was a dragonologist, and she got pregnant through magically assisted artificial insemination. So yeah, Spike is half-dragon, taking on the appearance of an anthro dragon, but here's what I need help with, what kind of dragon should Spike's 'father' be? I'm personally thinking Hungarian Horntail, but that's only because it's the only specific dragon breed I remember, since it was the dragon Harry had to face in the Triwizard Tournament, and while I know Hagrid illegally kept and hatched a dragon egg in Philosopher's Stone, I don't remember the breed, just that Hagrid named him Norbert, and after being caught, he was sent to Romania, and Hagrid was worried that he wouldn't like Romania and that he might be bullied by the other dragons. Anyway, if you have a breed of dragon that you think would be best as Spike's 'father' let me know, and possibly provide me with details about the breed.

Ravenclaw for Twilight, Gryffindor for Rainbow Dash, Slytherin for Rarity, Hufflepuff for Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. As for Spike? He's the Dragon you don't tickle.

Wouldn't Rainbow Dash fit into Hufflepuff because of the Element of Loyalty? And I get the reference to the Hogwarts motto, but Spike is still a student, he still needs to be in a house

Hello Darth,

First, to answer your question about Norbert, he was a Norwegian Ridgeback.

Secondly, here is my suggestions for the main team's houses

  • Twilight Sparkle: Ravenclaw - due to her need for answers and research as well as love of reading
  • Applejack: Hufflepuff - due to the fact that she is a no-nonsense attitude and values hard work.
  • Rainbow Dash: Gryffindor - Rainbow is almost evenly split between Gryffindor & Hufflepuff. While Rainbow Dash does possess great loyalty, I think that is secondary to her bravery in terms of her personality. Also, remember that characters can have traits from more than 1 house, but it is their primary trait that would suggest their house. (Example: Sirius & Remus were forever loyal to James Potter). Given this example, I think Gryffindor fits her personality more than Hufflepuff.
  • Rarity: Slytherin / Gryffindor / Ravenclaw - Rarity is an oddity as she seems to have traits (or reasons) to be in 3 houses. Let me explain my reasons for Slytherin. Slytherin is for those whom have ambition (which Rarity has in spades) and cunning. Rarity has demonstrated both in the main series (her desire to be a leading fashion designer as well as handling the diamond dogs respectively), so there is little reason to not expect the same from her EQG counterpart. Now, for Gryffindor, Rarity has the courage to chase her dreams, no matter what happens, thus she could be in the house of the brave. Finally, Ravenclaw. For Ravenclaw, this is simply because most of Rarity's dresses are in shades of blue and we all know how much Rarity is concerned with color matching. (However, Gryffindor could also work because her other major color is pink, which is a shade of red).
  • Fluttershy: Gryffindor - While most would likely shove Fluttershy into Hufflepuff due to her quiet nature, I would point out that Fluttershy seems to have a hidden core of steel behind her demeanor. Fluttershy has come to the conclusion that creating conflicts will generally not solve problems, rather create new ones. Thus she is meek and withdrawn. She also has a great deal of empathy. However, it is that empathy that also gives her strength, as she knows that she must speak up for those whom cannot speak. Thus, when she sees injustices (usually on animals), she becomes very forceful and assertive. It is for this reason that my personal opinion that Gryffindor would be more suited for her. My example of a meek person hiding inner strength would be Neville Longbottom.
  • Pinkie Pie: Slytherin - Pinkie's own chaos makes hard to nail down exactly what would be her best house. Thus, I am forced to assign her house solely around how the house responds to parties. We know several times in the books that Gryffindor does throw exuberant parties, which would be right up her alley, but this may force a Pinkie Pie / Cheese Sandwich conflict. We do not know much about Hufflepuff, but given their perpensity to stay as a group, I think they would have some good parties for special occassions like birthdays. However, my reasoning for Slytherin is more rooted in her goals. Pinkie Pie wants to bring happiness to the world which is certainly ambitious. In addition, Pinkie would likely see it as a challenge to change the atmosphere in Slytherin house, since it was portrayed as very depressing. Of course, the best way Pinke knows to do this is through parties.
  • Sunset Shimmer: Gryffindor - Sunset has learned to step up and take charge over the course of her adventures. Thus she has shown the assertiveness to lead. She was also brave enough to stay at Canterlot High after she lost to Twilight Sparkle, even though she suffered for her past actions. She also was brave enough to return to Celestia when she needed help.
  • As for Spike: He is a bit of a conundrum as he did not get much of a personality (from what I saw) through the EQG series. I would think it better to not make him an anthro and rather have him be a familiar. However, if you are determined to have him be his own character, I think Hufflepuff would be best (given he is as loyal as a dog) and we have seen a great deal of loyalty from Spike the Dragon.

I hope this helps.

Thank you for the information and suggestions. As for Spike being an anthro, he appears to be one, he's not really an anthro, he's what most franchises would call a dragonborn, a humanoid dragon. And honestly, IDK what a familiar is, but yeah, he has the appearance of a humanoid dragon because he is half-human, half-dragon. I'm also not sure what species of dragon his 'father' should be. As I said, Hungarian Horntail was the only species I could remember until you mentioned that Norbert was a Norwegian Ridgeback, so I didn't really have any other dragon species to suggest.

I don't know if we are using the same definition of anthro. When I hear anthro, that generally means an creature that is a blend of human and animal attributes. The best example is that in the HP universe would be werewolf Remus. That werewolf is an anthro because it has both human and wolf attributes.

Usually human attributes in an anthro include:

  • bipedalism (walking on 2 hind legs)
  • hands with opposable thumbs
  • human intelligence (usually)

The animal attributes usually seen in an anthro include:

  • a tail
  • digigrade feet
  • fur or scales instead of smooth skin (depending on the animal being crossed)
  • A head that closely resembles the animal the anthro is derived from (think a werewolf or even the gods of ancient Egypt)
  • May not be able to speak human languages due to the different mouth & tongue (like parselspeech)

Of course, you could have a very different definition of anthro, so we could simply be talking apples and oranges.

Anyways, regarding your question of familiars. Familiars are animals (either magical or non-magical) that are magically bonded to a magic user and this bond benefits both. For example, the magic user can generally understand the familiar when conveying information. At the same time, the familiar gains increased intelligence, increased lifespan, and (sometimes) improved magic resistances. Some examples of possible familiars in the HP universe (since JKR did not make familiars canon) would be Hedwig, Fawkes, and Nagini. In the MLP universe, an example of a familiar would be Angel Bunny, as he has a lot more intelligence than a normal rabbit.

As for the different canon species of dragons in the HP universe, here is a link.
Dragon of HP Wiki Entry

Yeah, we definitely have a different definition of anthro, perhaps gijinka is a better term? But yeah, Spike has all three of the human attributes you mentioned, he has a dragon tail, scales, and feet more similar to a dragon's than a human's, but IDK how to describe his head, but he does have the ability to speak both the human language and in a draconic language, the latter of which allows him to communicate with actual dragons.

Also, with the subject of werewolves, not all works of fiction portray them as your definition of an anthro. In the books, Remus becomes an abnormally large wolf, and the reason the other Marauders become Animagi is because transformed werewolves are only a threat to humans. In the movies, his werewolf form is closer to your definition of an anthro. Twilight is another example, the pack doesn't turn into anthros, they turn into abnormally large wolves

Being Twilight's assistant, Spike may well request to be sorted wherever she goes.
I read a story here somewhere, some years ago, where the main six and the CMC were sent to different houses. Spike insisted on being sorted right along with Twilight due to her tendency to overdo things. Like research. He figured he was the only one capable of reigning her in.

You might think that, but then think out of the 6 who is more courageous than Rainbow Dash? As for Spike? Why not just invent a new House?

Creating a new house would be tricky, since for starters, the houses are named after the four founders of Hogwarts, and second, I'd have to think of traits for the houses and other characters who would go in the house along with Spike

Worked for Two Warriors. Besides, does he not embody all 4 Houses?

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