F**K RARITY! 98 members · 43 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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I declare war on my sides behalf, I have no right nor authority to do so but I'm doing it anyway. because fuck you.

I hope it gets as immature as it possibly can.

667956 Fuck you you fucking bitch nigga. Rarity is a bitch nigga ho and no one would tap dat flank if she was da last nigga bitch on earth, nigga.

While I disagree with your party's opinion, I can at least respect it. I love how in this day and age we are allowed to freely express ourselves, and the Internet is a beautiful vessel for doing so.

I applaud your ability to freely state your opinion.

Best wishes.


Fuck the both of you with your differing opinions to mine, especially you chuckward with your fucking faggy, polite passive aggressiveness!

667977 Maybe Rarity wouldn't be such a bitch if she got laid from time to time. And you wouldn't be such a faggot if you got laid with a female.

Another wonderful display of free speech. While I may disagree, I support your amazing self-comfort to the nth degree.

Good show sir.


>passive aggressiveness.

You're so good at expressing yourself.

667990 Still looks better than rarity.

Group Admin

THIS IS EVERYONE'S ONE AND ONLY WARNING! I will NOT tolerate racism posted here in this Group. I have deleted one comment already, and if I find any more gets posted after this time, you will be both removed from this group, and then reported!

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