Editors Dreamland 67 members · 77 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Admin

After reviewing "Fluttershy To The Rescue" and received a message from Flan Chan,
I must say that I really like how you critique stories! I've seen reviews by other people and they aren't usually... nice about it
Good on you, SilverTongue123!

This is what we are striving for. Positive comments that are helpful, but not negative. The results we get are amazing as well. Better stories with good feelings all around. Have fun everyone! Go edit/reviews or whatever you guys want to do!


Dusk Quill
Group Admin

From Ponyville in a "Jam"'s author, Polygrammar:

Hay thanks, your comment help me realize I screwed up! I'm not being sarcastic, you see I didn't really understand the whole "publishing" thing on this site and forgot to check the story before I published it. Usually I'm very good at transitions, I just use a line, but I had to copy/paste it from my fanfiction.net account and I didn't realize my transitions got deleted. Thanks bro, that'll help me for the next chapter, I'll have to remember to check that next time. It's fixed now, keep the reviews coming!

A lot of the time, people are afraid to call out mistakes in a work, because they think the author will get angry, upset, or defensive. It all depends on the approach. Do unto others as you would wish done to yourself. We'll go a lot further with honey than vinegar. :twilightsmile:

I'd really recommend reading this if you're a Doctor Who fan. It's very well done.

-- Dusk Quill

Group Contributor

For TheAlmightSage's Apples and Wheat:

A real review? Seriously? A real review for the dribble I wrote? :pinkiegasp:

In all seriousness thanks. I really do appreciate the detailed feedback. As for the pacing yes I know I suck at it due to my weird laziness of not wanting to pound out a wall of massive text (anything over 5k just seems like too much) and my other fault is yes I get one scene in mind and I rush to it.

I'd be glad to join a writers help group that ya know actually helps, since most just seem to do a whole lot of nothing.

From his own comments apparently he writes on his cell phone.

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