RariTwi, Rarilight, Twilight x Rarity 1,116 members · 478 stories
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I think it would be white with a darkish purple mane with strips of purpleish pink. I think the foal would be a girly nerd.:derpytongue2:

Having Twilights mane and Rarity's coat sounds about right. Not to mention that it might look better. Though, I can see it taking upon Rarity's lady like behavior and being quite the little bookworm.

I haven't done much looking but is there a Rarilight pregnancy fic out there?

Sam Cole
Group Admin

1061539 There will be, I've actually been working on one for a short while now. And I picture the foal differently, though this is not how the foal will appear in my story. I see their foal being a sort of light purple, like an orchid. I love the stripe in the hair, and with Rarity's volume of mane it would be very nice, especially as a border on the leading edge of the spiral we all know Rarity would throw into the mix. Eyes would be difficult, because I cant guess which one has the recessive color of eyes. So the color of blue as a stormy sea, just to say one. And as for personality? OCD, and Rarity 2.0 all the way, with Twilight's need to know everything. :eeyup:

All of your suggestions are valid, but then you have all assumed that these traits are passed on through genetics and we don't know that they are. See Pinkie and her parents for an absolute 'dafuq' moment. Even with Twilight and her parents, where did her purple eyes come from considering her father has amber eyes and her mother has teal? And what of the pink stripe? Sweetie Belle is another good example. Both of Sweetie Belle's parents have blue eyes, as does Rarity. So how is it that Sweetie has green eyes?

I'm not really buying in to the pony genetics thing. I mean, look at Pound and Pumpkin cake. Pound is a pegasus and Pumpkin is a unicorn when Cup and Carrot are both earths. That doesn't make any sense. Either that's a statistical anomaly (much like Pinkie being pink) or there aren't any genetic traits passed on from generation to generation. Or that you can end up with anything, but you're more likely to be the same as your parents.

Another point worth making is that surely two pegasi will always have a pegasus - since otherwise their child would not be able to walk on clouds making it difficult to raise said foal without killing it or moving to the ground. In fact in the world of pony genetics, being a pegasus would have to be a dominant trait based upon everything we know and can conjecture. So the question this raises is why are earths the most common variety of pony? Surely if being a pegasus is a dominant trait and earths can produce pegasus offspring then there should be more pegasi than any of the other types. Earths should, by rights, slowly be dying out since there is no way they can guarantee the survival of their traits.

Of course that would make absolute sense since there are no evolutionary benefits attached to being an earth. Success as an earth pony relies solely upon your ability to adapt and work hard. Evolution should have taken all of the earths out of the picture long ago. I mean, even if they were in-breeding to maintain their genetic line - which they obviously would have been before the times of Equestria when the three tribes were separate - surely the anomalies like Pound and Pumpkin would have screwed them at least a little. I just don't get it. The only way I could explain this away would be infidelity on the part of the cakes, but the writers even got rid of that possibility by making pumpkin almost an exact replica of her dad. This whole topic is soul destroying.

My conclusion is that since the above rules and consequences aren't met, the only reasonable outcome is that colour schemes and so on are not assigned genetically. Therefore if you are creating a foal that was conceived between Rarity and Twilight, do whatever you please in terms of looks.

Personality-wise, it's a little easier. Since I believe that the vast majority of character traits are picked up through life experiences (whether that's for ponies or humans), you just need to make the foal a mixture of the two based upon who takes the most time to look after her as well as who the foal perceives to be most fun. I think that Twilight would be the one who would spend the most time on a foal, taking on the role of the 'mother'. Therefore Rarity would take on the role of the 'father'.

In the scenario I have created in my head, Rarity is the more fun of the two, but Twilight is the disciplinarian. In my mind, this foal would be more inclined to want to imitate Rarity's personality and interests but would be more influenced by Twilight.

So here's my opinion of her personality in terms of this long drawn out process in my head. She would definitely be overly dramatic because both Twilight and Rarity have a tendency towards over-reacting. She would be very neat an tidy. She would be studious and intelligent though not to the same extent as Twilight. In relation to that, I don't think she would show her intelligence in the same way that Twilight does. I think she would be more likely to display it through giving good advice and a general show of understanding about the world. Through Rarity's influence, she would be bestowed with great poise and grace, being very well mannered. She would be excitable but restrained in showing it. I get the feeling that she would have Rarity's attention to detail, but Twilight's compulsiveness which might end up with her trying to micro-manage everypony else's lives. She would not be quite as naive as Twilight is because of Rarity's worldliness. I think she would become frustrated to easily with other ponies not understanding things and she would tend to think she was always right and would become stroppy if anypony disagreed with her. She would be highly unapologetic and stubborn because of this. Of course, once she started going to school, her personality would also be influenced by any friends she made and things along those lines.

I think that's all I can think of right now. I would have to actually be writing this and putting her in different situation to see how she would react to them to properly understand her. This is more an exercise in character building than a straightforward 'what do you think' topic. It would require a lot of getting inside her head and dealing with things as she would deal with them. That's how I generally do these things. If you think about how you yourself react to different things and really go in to depth, you can probably attribute much of your personality to things that have happened - good and bad - throughout your life as well as your general upbringing. If you apply that rule to your characters, they will end up being more well rounded and life-like.

Sam Cole
Group Admin

1062718 Very nice break down, but I can explain Sweetie Belle's eye color. It's called recessive traits. One or both of Sweets folks had the gene for green eyes. This was not expressed in Rarity, but it was in Sweetie. And this happens all the time in real life. My sister had hazel eyes like both of my parents, but I have blue eyes, and am only the third person in my family history to have blue eyes. So it's just genetics. But, this also means the fact remains that Rarity has the gene for green eyes. Twilight might as well, so their foal could have green eyes. Or gray. We really need to see more of both families to be able to figure out what genes they might express. Also Sweets hair color looks recessive, so Rarity has that gene as well. And Twilight defiantly has a gene for white coat, because of Shining coloring. So for all we know, a Twirity baby could come out looking just like DJ Pon-3 for all we know. The red eyes are the only stretch there (though not much of one at that), but hair color and coat color are both expressed in both parents already.

And I know personality is learned by surroundings, but I think their foal would actually be rebellious to them. Twilight's in your face attitude might be too much for the young foal growing up, who would already hate school cause she's the foal with two moms. So she would distance herself from Twilight because of how involved Twilight tries to make herself. She would be more prone to this by being more like Rarity, and a bit over dramatic. But this would soon clash with Rarity as well as she would find the same reason to be angry at Twilight with Rarity as well. So the foal would more than likely be tomboyish to offset her fear of ridicule about being the foal of two mares. Or a total recluse that never speaks to anypony her own age. If it's the latter, she would get along great with grownups, especially Fluttershy.

The flip side here is that we have all made the same error: We assume the foal would be a filly. What if they had a colt? That kid would without a doubt end up as the Doctor's companion just like Rory did, because he's already such a kick ass character just by growing up around those two, with Twilight's sense for adventure and Rarity's determination, the kid would do great. That's all headcanon mind you, but it's good headcanon.

Comment posted by Insane deleted Dec 3rd, 2015

1060438 I think she'd have a soft pink coat (mix the white with the light purple and that's pretty much what you get) with blue eyes and a navy blue / indigo curly mane. For some reason, I see her as a pegasus 'cause it just sort of fits with the image I have in my mind. (Besides, alicorn background makes it possible.)

As for personality, I see her being very artistic - involved with all of the arts, from theater, writing, music, painting, fashion, etc. but she definitely has a tendency to spazz out over tiny details and the sort. (Oddly enough, she has dyslexia, which makes it hard for her to read and do other more academic tasks.)

Also, I find the name Lace Star perfect. o(≧∇≦o) They could call her Lacey for short.

(whaaat? >_> i find it cute)

1061978 When that story is up, you better link it in this thread. :rainbowkiss:

2600587 what do think my foal.

That only one of possible if they more childen they will look different

I know this thread is super old but I wanted to put my ideas here. So, my oc pony is based on what a RariLight foal would look like. She's a super smart artistic little filly!

Not an uncommon thing.

Every child is an exact blending of the personality traits of their parents, right?

I'm nothing like anyone in my family. Neither is my sibling.
We don't look similar. Our worldviews and attitudes are entirely unlike any other family members. We have no real similar interests, either with them or each other. We don't have any of the same hobbies. We don't have any of the same careers.

At best we're closest to a pair of our cousins. But we aren't actually related to them by blood. My aunt was adopted.

My mother really isn't anything like her parents, either. And my father, while sharing the family business, isn't like his parents in temperament or appearance.

Yet every child of Twi and Rarity is an artist and an OCD nerd. Or one of those two. Every child of Applejack and Dash is brash and athletic. Pinkie Pie's kids are playful. All of Fluttershy's kids are shy. And they always look like some blending of their parents.

Not sure why people think that it all works so differently with ponies. And that they only bear slightly mutated clones. :raritydespair:

3650126 Orignally my oc was going to be the exact opposite of the two. She was going to be a huge tomboy and didn't like to go to school. But somehow, I don't think RariLight would let that happen. RariLight kids would be very artistic (my opinion). :twilightblush::heart::raritywink::duck::twilightsmile:

Many people don't know this, but Twilight Velvet isn't just Twilight's mom, she's also her and Rarity's daughter caught in a time paradox.

-"No way! I'm freaking out!"

Sam Cole
Group Admin

3650994 Holy crap that even explains her name...

Okokok, I am horrible at writing fanfictions so can someone already write a fanfiction with RariLight's foal!?!?!? :twilightangry2: Sorry, but that's the only fanfiction I need right now! And I seriously beileve Twilight is the father and Rarity is the mother figure. I have like so many ideas running around in my mind for a fanfiction like this!


Which she have sex twilight father is when he is grandfather but yet AHHHH

Timetravel incest is mind-blown crazy confusing


Sam Better getting Writing this now.

Hmm... A pastel lavender unicorn filly with a dark purple-blue mane/tail with purple and pink stripes flowing through it, along with sapphire blue eyes. The mane/tail itself is straighten out with only minor curls on the ends. As for her personality... I can only imagine her being very active with an adventure spirit for finding and learning about new gemstones.

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