Adopt a Human 1,689 members · 272 stories
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Hello my friends, I have come to you today with an idea for a new story. The story I was thinking about writing is about a human boy who has been adopted a female Diamond Dog ,named Fenris, and tries to find his way through life and his place in the pack. Tell me what you think of this idea and any suggestions you could give me about how to go about writing this fic.

maybe have him develop the diamond dog speach patterns and since hes digging all the time hes going to be a bit more jacked then your avrege puge human

That sounds like a good idea, especially with the speech pattern.


Or it could be from a "reasonable town/city/place" where girl diamond dogs maintain the "fort" until boy diamond dogs returns home.
Ps: sorry my spelling is bad, from NJH12.

we don't know alot about diamond dog culture other then they dig and like gems

Also if possible don't make fenris a "poodle-ish" d-dog it would be too cliche. But that is just me.

you do know that I'm not writing the story right? the guy just asked for ideas and I piched him some

Their culture could be based on who has the most rareidy and the tall stash pile. Sorry wrong person.

I was thinking that I would base the governing system they have on that of any old pack of hounds, with the leader being an alpha. The way the alpha would be chosen by the Diamond Dog who is the best digger, as well as largest gem hourd.

Hmmm if Fenris like the queen of the diamond dogs? I mean like the alpha of a really big pack? Do they interact with other species? Are they aggressive toward ponies or griffins? Are they in the middle of a war? all those could be options, hell you can go full tarzan and she got him a little bit after she lost her cub

I was thinking the Fenris would be the alpha, but due to her role in the pack she never got to have any pups. Which is why she is so willing to take in the human child.

Ok so a queen lets establish a time laps, is she the 'queen' that Celestia and Luna need to talk during political meetings? Is she friendly with them? Do they lived on or near Equestria and/or ponyville?

Yes she would be the one that that the Princesses would talk to. I would think that she is political friends with them. And as far as the location is concerned her territory is closer to ponyvile than Canterlot.

So she resides in Equestria, ok good. I imagine a chapter could deal with how part of her pack or a different pack pony nap Rarity and Celestia is seeking for retribution for her actions, or that she deal with the dogs responsible. She agree and that could be how Celestia meets the human for the first time

Oh I was going to say that it was the omegas that took Rarity and Celestia would do what you said. I was also thinking about how the human would meet Cadince as the story went on. The son of the Alpha Diamond Dog in a city made of Jewels.

for the title how does The Alpha's Son sound or should I think of something else up.


The Alpha sounds masculine and used already, but it has potential. What about 'Son of the Omega Queen, D Dog' if not, yeah lets go with 'Son of the Alpha'

Also, I like the idea of their city, is it underground or are you thinking more of a mountain split in half, made complete of diamonds on the inside of it? Like the rock Rarity found when she was a filly

I can't call her an Omega because in the knine world the Omega is cosidered the lowest rank in a pack. Also it would be contradicting itself if I called it that.

As for the city well you know that moutain the main six climb well I was thinking of that being the main city with little " towns" scatered around underground, like where Rarity was kidnapped.

Here is another idea for a title Son of the Mountain Queen.

I see, yeah that makes sense. Oh! I think I have one 'Son of the Diamond Queen'

I like that, I like that a lot!

And will give the idea of the race, also do Diamond Dogs have magic?

It was never said in the show so I think I could take some creative liberates and say that only a minority of them can actually use some form of magic.

Oh you could make them like tremor and have control on the element of earth itself

That sounds like it could work.

Will this story have a romance tag? Because if does, I might had some ideas that could work, and of drama if you wish to be more like 'medieval century' way of thinking

I haven't thought much on that I was thinking that maybe the boy could all in love with a pony, and have his mother not be to okay with the idea.

Hmm sounds good, and if you wish to add some drama you can make it a bit more complex, like to ensure peace between kingdoms he is to be wed to Cadence. But they don't like each other like that so they want and try to find a solution to their predicament…Witch will also explain why Armor didn't speak anything about his weeding, he needed to keep everything in secret until it was solved.

um I don't know about that but I will keep it in mind.

What I was thinking was him maybe falling for the Equestrian representative that our him falling for sweetie Bell, when she is older of course.

Ok also we are talking about a man raise by dogs, so packs exist so I must ask, just Sweetie Bell?

There's actually a suggestion I have...

If you have your human OC grow up, I reccomend not having him be physically stronger than a diamond dog. It generally takes me out of the story when a human OC is depicted as being naturally stronger than some of the races in the MLP (especially the ponies, griffons, etc...) for no good reason, especially since it's in contradiction to the fact that on the show, the races are/would-be clearly stronger and tougher than a human (seriously, even well trained humans at their peak potential wouldn't be able to do some of the things the races/characters on the show have done).

In fact, there's one story that actually goes over about how naturally stronger than humans ponies are comparatively to humans (or would be, since the show hasn't officially shown humans and ponies interacting with each other as far as I know):

Anyway, my point is simple. I think your story would benefit a lot if you showed how much smaller and fragile your human OC naturally is, compared to not only the diamond dogs, but the other races on the show (ponies included) as well. That way, it not only shows how much peril he is in certain situations, but it also gives him more incentive to rely on his wits more often.

Just thought I'd say this, since it's generally the same idea I have for my story and the spin off series that'll follow.

Actually I was thinking that was going to be a big part of his character. I also thought that he would do like we do and use his brains as a way of closing in the physical diferance.


Good to hear! :D

About time we had more stories like that..

yeah cause In all honesty Diamond Dogs can dig through stone with their bear paws. How can a human compair to that?

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