Adopt a Human 1,689 members · 272 stories
Comments ( 20 )
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Somebody has to say it.
Serosly this was my favorite type of story and since it began there has been less 5 stories that have been finished more thant 96% of the stories here just have on chapter.

I know it paines me to say it it has been over 3 months since the last form post even longer if you dont count the idea threads.

if I had to guess its because most adopt a human stories are bland the human is a mary/gary stue always polite and had some dark backstory like abusive parents or something like that

I hope this isn't dead yet. While it is true that most stories are the same, abusive or dead parents, bad life, and what not. But if you were to take all those cliché's, and put in original idea's for everything, like making backstories for all the character's, and making them all have a good reason for doing the things that they do, then it can be good.


true i guess it just is hard to face he facts that my favorite genra of fanfic is dead

you could revive it if you wrote your own and try to avoid some of the more commen traps like the gary/mary sue trops maybe have the kid be fussy about being raised by ponies

Maybe I'll have a story like that, but I'm already working on one right now, even though it has abusive parents in it, it's more of a story about finding out the truth, and what's really going on, and why did those things happen. My character must find out the truth on why he was put in a foster home, why his parents gave him up, what does this pocket watch have to do with it, and what drove the foster parents to abuse him.

what does that have to do with ponies?

i have thought about it but
i suck at writng stories in general

i would write one myself but I have other projects in the works but I can still help with stuff like prereading and idea bouncing

that makes sence

you could always comission a story like that

Well, they have a role in the story too. He goes to Equestria, (like nearly every other story) But while there, he will find certain things that let's him have flashbacks to the event's in his life, and what not, but in Equestria, the pony's try to help heal his mental scars. He doesn't really like talking to any other pony's, except the mane six, due to the fact on how he was treated upon arrival. The pony's will have a role in the story as well.

why not his adoptive faimly and maybe a friend instead of the mane 6

its not dead but people are tired of the same premis of every story more or less. Gary/mary sue, abused, kind, no problems with beeing raised by said foster parrent. Everyone adores the human and so on. It gets realy boring after 7 or so stories. And they are short because if they follow my points (like 80% have) it becomes realy bland fast since it becomes what i call "lovey dovey" where its just a normal day where there are ponies instead of humans and everyone suck up to the human.

Group Admin

I don't think it's dead, just not many people are writing them these days, and yeah I do agree. SO many good stories in this group haven't been completed, or even updated in months/years. But if we're patient enough, or give ideas or inspiration in the Human in Equestia group forums, more stories may come in the future.

Group Admin

Yeah when you put it like that, a lot of them have the same stereotype human character. But every so often 1 story breaks from the norm, like if a crossover kid was adopted.

Could you give an example

Oh yeah thats somewhat the other side of the spectrum where the human is a normal kind kid and hated/feared.

I just remebered a story between them both the monster of canterlot where a 6year old boy get teleported to equestria when twilight was a foal. Gets adopted by celestia and the sparkles and grows up in the castle since he is feared by ponies.

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