Gods,Deities,spirits and Monsters 1,319 members · 930 stories
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I thought I would just go ahead and discuss what sort of powers do you think a Wolf Deity might possess? Aside from maybe being able to communicate/control wolves (and maybe even diamond dogs), what else do you think they could do?

How about something to do with a full moon.

Gain or lose strength base on the faze of the moon(Full moon being full power and a new moon being his weakest), but then again, that would leave him at Luna's heel. Maybe something to do with the trees and plants, making sure there's always food for pray to grow big and strong, worthy of a hunt. Sounds better then the moon idea, lets keep the train going. He can move, see, and hear through trees, assist with plant growth, and tends to the 'pray' just as much as he does wolves and Ddogs... Hmm. Wolves live in caves or make dens in the earth, what about something there? A connection with the earth, Ddogs can dig wicked fast as we've seen in the show, why can't he? Maybe a form of vibration-sense? Yes we're going 'The Avatar' Yang earth bending sense, here. Why not? So. A wolf/Ddog deity with a connection to the earth and plants, Can see and move through the earth to make massive dens, till the earth, or find any gem and make any flat plain a forested home, plus he tends to and protects both pray and hunter alike. (pray being animals, maybe he can control them too?)

Was I helpful at all?

Just moonlight in general could be cool. Nights and the moon have often been linked with water and ice so that could be a thing, or just throw searing beams of moonlight at your enemies. Or if you want it to be less moon based you could always look at other wolf deities like Fenrir. He's a titan of physical might. Or Sköll and Haati, chasing the sun and moon. Sköll might have some fire powers what with chasing the sun all the damn time. X3

Just had a thought the native Americans offen connected wolves to the spiritual world so there's a thought to look into.

The summoning and creation of timber wolves is an obvious choice to me. Wolves and dogs are very good at communicating too, so they might have some sort of face reading/psychic power. I'm not sure what else other's haven't mentioned.

I wanted to add something more and your idea connects to this; wolves as apex predators help stabilize local ecosystems to the point of helping the surrounding land flourish so, what if there was some underlying plant power? And if he's some sort of wild deity, what if his/her vitality is so abundant that it spreads to things around them? Like how the Hulks blood actually revitalized the soil in the Planet Hulk animated film, you know?

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