Apple Bloom is Best Pony 932 members · 1,695 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Personally my favorites would be:
1. How adorable she looks, I mean, who wouldn't love that?
2. Her accent, just makes her sound even more adorable (Thanks Michelle Creber)
3. Pretty much everything else :P
What do you like about her? Say it in the thread :)

Personally my favorite things about this little Apple cutie are:

1. She's adorable!
2. She has the cutest sad face!
3a. Her big pink ribbon!
3b. Her accent! (That goes for all the Apples)

She's cute, she's southern, and she can be very sweet and compassionate to others.

She has a bit of a part in my story, "A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner", where she becomes a sweet little friend to the character.

Your one & two and her bow! And especially how it moves depending on her emotion!! :rainbowkiss: :yay: :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

She's gonna be a character in Chapter 1 of my story, I'll send a link to it here when Chapter 1 is posted :)

Oh, are we using this thread as a flimsy excuse to shill our stories?

Sure. Why not. Read it, it's good 'cause I wrote it.

Since when did I shill it, I didn't mean it like that.

I wasn't shilling anything. All I did was mention how Apple Bloom plays a part in one of my stories. That's hardly anything but a harmless mention.

Same here with mine, hell I probably won't even link it based on my terrible memory

1. I like her special talent of understanding and empathizing with others, such as seeing and appreciating the friendly intentions of Maud, and how she was first to understand how to help Troubleshoes and Zecora.

2. Her appearance. The colors all work together to have a very warm and nice feel, especially with her amber eyes, and her mane and tail style is adorable and unique as well.

3. Her mix of thoughtfulness and desire for self-understanding and spreading of it (and the wonderful pride she has in it), and the strong will and bravery that leads her to try new things, from directions that others wouldn't think to. I find it very attractive, that mix of activeness and thoughtful intent.

Top three things?

1. Her noggin. She's a smart little girl, able to take a step back and look at a problem rationally. Usually :twilightsheepish:

2. Her heart. Good sense of morals, the traditional Apple family sense of honour. With all the hilarious trappings thereof :rainbowlaugh:

3. Her looks. Not in the vain sense, but simply the fact that she's willing to change her appearance and accessorise. It'd be all too easy for her to go full tomboy farm girl or go the opposite direction and constantly rebel against her family à la Hillary Banks. Apple Bloom makes for a nice middle ground: down to Earth, country girl, still knows what is pretty (that alone can be tricky) and appreciates it as such.

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