Apple Bloom is Best Pony 932 members · 1,695 stories
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Can anyone help me here. I'm writing an Apple Bloom story, and it sort of begins with this fight between her and Applejack, which leads to her running away, and this whole series of events. I want this fight to seem possible, and in character for the 2. Trouble is, I don't know how to do that.

I need help figuring what the 2 sisters could fighter over, and how to build it up, leading to the "something you'll regret" line that prompts AB to runaway, leading to the story.

Any Ideas? :unsuresweetie:

6339386 hmm, how's about as Apple Bloom gets accused of an incident that was beyond her control i.e. a creature (somewhat like a timberwolf but different.) springs out of nowhere and starts wrecking parts of the orchard leading to Apple Bloom to retreat, when the creature is gone and Apple Bloom returns to the scene Applejack finds her and immediately assumes she caused all this.

There's a couple different ways you could go about it, some are more sensitive than others.
1) Money, the apple family has massive amounts of land, but seems broke. So if Apple Bloom wanted money for some reason a fight could break out.
2) pre-cutie mark; one of their attempts to get a cutie mark gets innocent bystander hurt, AJ refuses to let her go crusading anymore
3) (sensitive subject alert. The nature of this idea does not reflect upon the views of the writer) Bloom comes out as gay and AJ thinks that's unnatural sparking HUGE controversy

Applejack is stubborn and old fashioned, and Apple Bloom is stubborn and experimental. This is always a good clashing point for them. You can place the blame either way, either AJ is being unreasonable about something Apple Bloom wants to try (an improvement to something around the farm, some new-fangled thing in town, or a behavior like wanting to go to Canterlot with the other CMC or getting Rarity to redecorate her bedroom) or Apple Bloom might have tried those things without asking (thinking AJ would say no) and messed things up. Or if you want them both to be to blame, make sure it's something that could potentially be dangerous, giving AJ a good reason to worry, but could be beneficial or important to Apple Bloom, giving her a good reason to fight for it.

Hope that helps!

The issue with what you're asking is, it would take a lot for Apple Bloom to run away. We've seen the Apple family established as being very tight, so there's not much that would drive her away. Even if something did, what are the odds she can manage to get far enough without the family noticing?

So your question is really re-framed as: what would be terrible enough to make Apple Bloom and AJ get into a fight severe enough to make Apple Bloom run away, and keep the rest of the family offscreen?

-Someone in their family getting hurt, and Applejack blaming Apple Bloom for it initially. This can be Granny Smith or Grand Pear getting a seizure and Apple Bloom not knowing how to handle it, or her trying to cook something for the umpteenth time and nearly burning the house down (there's actual damage, too, otherwise it doesn't work.) The rest of the family can be in the hospital with the patient.

-Family history being brought up, say... the same report Scootaloo had to do on Rainbow Dash. Apple Bloom wants to do it on someone in her family, but no one wants to tell her the details. Appejack snaps at her little sister, Apple Bloom feels shut out from the rest of her family (that's important; she doesn't feel like she belongs in this idea, so it's okay to run away) so she leaves.

-The 'somepony else's shadow' plot. Apple Bloom takes more and more interest in tinkering with machines or potions. Applejack is stopping the girl, and again, something goes wrong with actual consequences. If you want to add some weight to it, you can always make the focal point that pair or trees their parents planted. Apple Bloom tries to spruce it up, or get some twigs for a graft, maybe it's for a report again, but she ends up damaging the tree. If you want to really go the extra mile, you can have the accident turn out to not be her fault, and the two trees being sick already. That'll let you focus on the actual story after the running away and not get your plot bogged down with that until after she returns.

Don't think I can do 2, since its a human, EG story. But 1 and 3 sound interesting.

Its a little vague. But it gave me an idea. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

A family member getting hurt sounds the most possible. Might go with that. Thanks.

Had no way of knowing that, but you are welcome to use the ideas if you wish.

Thanks. And no worries. Probably should've also mentioned that in the description. :twilightsheepish:

Go with Bookplayer's advice.

Yes, it is a little vague only in that it isn't some direct answer. But it is the exact sort of answer you really need.

You're writing a story. Anyone else's suggestions would be one Lego in the creaiton, maybe, but it's one Lego created by someone else and not you. Bookplayer's advice is a foundational bit of knowledge that you need to understand to know the characters better, so that not only can you solve this direct problem yourself, it also puts you in a better position to work with these characters in the future and solve similar character-related problems.

Take her advice, and ignore the more concrete answers. Watch the show. I think if you need a little further nudging, rewatch Bad Seed and Carts Before Horses. I think in both you'll see a bit of conflict between the two sisters, and you can see how their dynamic works and what kinds of things they disagree on. Watch them with Bookplayer's advice in mind, and you'll see what she is talking about.

When you better understand the characters you're working with, you can answer these sorts of questions yourself and do a better job of depicting them. Not just in picking an appropriate "fight" but in every little interaction you detail, you'll do a better job and write a better story.

Just wanted to add that I made it kind of vague intentionally; this is a great opportunity for you to take something that's going to be important to your story later and show it early on. If Apple Bloom ends up in over her head, go with something where she got herself in over her head and messed it up. If she's going to be worried that an ally is untrustworthy, show that she didn't trust AJ, or was acting untrustworthy herself at the start. If she's going to prove she's grown up later, have her acting childish in whatever the fight at the start was about. If she's going to fight a monster, have somepony have to save her from one and AJ mad that she got herself into that situation. Seeing her do something awesome later will be much cooler if the story started with her failing at it first.

I don't know what the rest of your story is (and as 6339925 pointed out, it shouldn't matter if I know it since it's your story) but whatever you come up with is way more likely to fit in with the story you're telling and have pieces that will fit with the rest of it. What I was saying is just a good source for a conflict that you can take in a direction that will make your story really come together.

Oh, she's definitely going to be in over her head and fighting something. Just don't know how to build it up yet.
But so far, I've been getting many ideas, thanks to you and a few other suggestions. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

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