Silver Spoon 691 members · 489 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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If you come up with one to three word chapter headings I'll write a story for each one like with the Celestia/Twilight collab. :)

Any limitations as to what you'll do?

Apologies for not making my offs clear first.

My offs...
-Stories that will get me in trouble with the admin/mods
-vore and/or scat. Not into that.
-graphic physical torture

5838230 Ah, okay.

So would: Flushed Away, be acceptable or no?

(Flushed Away as in flushed down the toilet)

I'd need to come up with something for it but I think it would be ok. At the moment I have a cold and am feeling ill so my writing skills are not at their best.

5839185 Alright, no rush. Can we do more than one entry?

Yes. :) You can make many entries as long as you remember that like everyone else I have real life.

5839360 Okay then.

So for a second prompt, how about: Gabby

Not rushing you or anything, but any update on progress on the stories?

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