Silver Spoon 691 members · 489 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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We know Silver Spoon's name is a play on the term "born with a silver spoon in her mouth" and her cutie mark of a spoon reflects that.

But what does that make her special talent then? Like, what would her job and profession be when she grows up? What do you think and why?

I always figured tea making.

Group Admin

I used to lean toward silversmithing as her speciality, but these days, I go with the more likely "she's good at cooking", which has a small amount of canon support in the Season 6 Episode "On Your Marks", where she actually uses a spoon during a cookery class.

Or tea. Tea works too. Ponyville apparently has a booming tea business if "Discordant Harmony" is anything to go by. Her cutie mark seems to have the right proportions for a teaspoon.

Tea parties.

That or she's a gourmand/foodie/food critic.

Maybe she's good at making things out of silver?

I’d say either cooking or being a taste tester, after all, her VA is a foodie, so either one or both wouldn’t be a far stretch.

Tea is my guess.

I always thought she was good with metal crafting. Ya know, making things with metal.

going off topic...... I kind of like Silver Spoon because she has one thing similar to me: we both wear Glasses!

I like to go slightly off the beaten track and say her special talent is antiquing and valuation, like the experts on Antiques Roadshow. Her mother Silver Platter is an old-money philanthropist, her father Shoe Polish collects antiques, and her uncle is a museum curator in Canterlot. Take congenital wealth (her name), mix it with an interest in history (her appreciation for Granny Smith's story), and what do you have? A passion for preserving old and valuable things. That's the short version of my headcanon, anyway. :twistnerd:

The long version, which involves a mansion full of antiques and an obsession with coffee, is here.

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