Comments ( 8 )
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Obama, and the democrats will make a seemingly heartfelt speeches about what happened, while sliding a subtle political position into the speeches pinning the blame on a failed Republican and fear mongering.
The republicans will do the exact same, except sliding in some anti-Obama/pinning the blame on Democrats/fear mongering.

Then they will come together and pass another law that make our "rights" really actually privileges that much smaller and increasing government power. It will be 9/11 over again.

Yay for democracy and stupid people with fear!:yay::facehoof: Fucking idiots.

Hmm, history repeats itself if we learn nothing from it the first time. By the way, that was my first thought about this, and then the second was 'those poor people.' With a third thought being 'I bet someone will try to blame it on guns.' My final thought...

Final Verdict: Politics+Media+Panic= Controlled Citizens.

Compass Star
Group Admin

I swear, there's like, a 30% chance that they did it themselves so they could manipulate the sheeple :ajbemused:

Group Contributor

1) The U.S government must be eradicated.
2) The U.S national and federal reserve banks must cease to exist.
3) Introduce Bitcoin as a new currency.

Dream Searcher
Group Contributor

The American government had it coming...

883785 That equation is the truest thing I've ever seen.

883936 See my 50 bucks blog.

884380 Indeed.

884548 :eeyup:


I can get behind wanting Obama out of office.

Though you blame the whole government.

Saying that the whole government is to blame for such things is illogical.

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