Comments ( 10 )
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1114315 Fuck them for telling me what I can and cannot use to get high.

1114320 Fuck them for giving states rights and then taking them away with federal law.

Dream Searcher
Group Contributor

1114315 Fuck them for being such homophobic bastards.

Group Contributor

1114341 Fuck them for their aggressive foreign policy.

1114580 Fuck them for putting the drinking age at 21.

1114315 Fuck them for controlling the media.

I can get behind this.

Sounds like someone has their jimmies rustled over such things :D, and implying that you can't use oxicoten like a normal broke ass drug mule. :D


Coming from the guy who complained about a operation that happened 34 years ago, I should be able to say this.

What about Pearl Harbor, 9/11, all the other terrorist attacks, all of which were instigated not by americans?:trollestia:


I can get behind that. But there's also the fact that the media was already pretty biased, even if they didn't have control over it.

Mmhm. Lets not forget all the strides in the Homosexuals(Logical way of saying it, you know, the actual catagory) in obtaining rights. Right now we got states that allow same sex marrage. At least accept the fact that america is making strides.

Yes, because I'd like a dumbass teenager drunk and behind the wheel. Don't see how it effects you, it's a fucking liquid.

I'm already enjoying this fun debating already :D

Comment posted by Serpenti deleted Jan 26th, 2014
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