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I hope they do...

I don’t know it’s possible. However we got a Kirin episode so no reason why not.

I call the bat-ponies the Ponies that Hasbro forgot for a reason. The same with flutter ponies it would have been so easy for the Changlings to become the flutter ponies instead of the New Changlings.

Seems that there a drive for new ideas rather then reintroduce old ideas.

They probably weren't okay with fanged bat winged ponies being treated as part of the 'good guys'. Just like they felt the need to radically redesign the Changeling when they became good.

Plus they kind of backed themselves into a corner talking about the three tribes that made Equestria. Leaving the sea ponies not even allowed to be sea ponies, the crystal ponies never really defined well, and the Thestrals just vanished from Luna Eclipsed all the way up to just getting an Easter egg in the form of a plushie in Starlight Glimmer's childhood room.

Maybe? I'd like to see it happen, but you could toss a coin and be close to the answer.

Well, I think it's confirmed that G5 will be for a slightly older audience, perhaps that could be enough justification for them to return?

Sadly one of the things Hasbro wanted was a more “Girl” show it one of the issues why Lauren Faust didn’t stay after season one.

Bat Ponies would fit her ideas but not Hasbro’s more happy modern Equestria goals.

If Hasbro won't make it, someone else will. Filly Funtasia could always come out with a Gargoyle Filly line to fill in the gaps, the European animations or French-Canadian ones might pick up the idea. Totally not writing something more original with a bat pony main myself.

For various reasons, animal-based cartoons are going to be the big thing for a few years to come, you'll see. You'll get your fix on something :twilightsmile:

If they have Bat pones in G5, it would be another reason for me to watch G5 and an even bigger reason to buy their stuff (if thats not enough of an incentive for them, i dont know what is.)

Maybe? I'm really holding on to hope that they'll make some kind of appearance (even if it's only a small one) in the final season of FiM, but given that they've already appeared in Luna Eclipsed, I have my doubts. The way I see it, batponies are a fan creation based off of Luna's chariot team and since we've technically already seen them (though we didnt really get any background info about them) I feel that they probably wont be expanded on past what we've already seen. As for Gen 5? I certainly see it as a possibility.

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