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So this is an idea that I really need to get out of my head. No, I'm not an author. Yes, this is crazy ridiculous.

24 year old John Dude (can't think of an appropriate human name) is the manliest dude at his college. He plays several sports, has a wicked motorcycle, an awesome beard, plays lead for two bands, and the ladies... John Dude’s got a little problem there. It started as helping a few of his friends get dates, and going for a psychology major. These days he’s the go-to person for dating advice (even though somehow he’s never had a date himself) and his advisors are trying to get him to become a marriage counselor. Dude’s mostly cool with girls being more interested in his help than in him. It’s the future of manliness, just as good at stoically kicking ass as being emotionally real and promoting peace and friendship. Yes, he somehow got wrangled into being the head of the Brony club. When a few friends around town start turning into ponies, Dude is happy to help. Then they start calling him ‘Princess’. John Dude has one last week of manliness before the worst birthday ever. And as events go on and Ponies all over need help both mundane and supernatural, everyone turns to John Dude, the Princess of Love. Even worse, a 7 ft. tall surfer girl who’s on vacation from the marines (and could probably wrestle 3 sharks) turned up to assist. She thinks he’s cute.

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That made me laugh. That made me laugh until I cried. You sir, are brilliant. You should give writing a shot :raritystarry:

Throw in a bit more conflict and you've got a solid idea. Don't wait for others to write it for you, get writing!

Just to get this out of the way, I can't write this. I only really like stories that are believable, and there's no way I could possibly pull this off as plausible. It's a fun idea and would be awesome if someone could write it, but I don't know how to make it feel real instead of random.

More conflict?

one last week of manliness
need help both mundane and supernatural,
could probably wrestle 3 sharks

Stop tl; dr-ing stuff.

Group Contributor


What's the fun in possibility? 600 years ago, people thought sailing around the world was impossible. Look at humanity now, that 'impossible, unbelievable thing' is a daily occurence.

952730 this sounds like this could be hilarious


Welp, I think someone has a solid idea. BUT why not write it? I bet you could, if you just give it a shot. :twilightsmile:

Oh for the last time, that giant paragraph above is the absolute limit of my writing ability. I couldn't write this if I wanted to.

Group Contributor


Aye, I was thinking the same thing. I can write you out a mind blowing environment, a bloody battle, etc. that's up there with Tolkien level of description and detail, but when it comes to things like relationships? I'm as useful as an ice cube when fighting a fire giant.


Oh thats odd... or maybe I am odd? I do relationships and interaction well. Or at least I think I do, but I fall pretty hard when it gets to an action squence. I do a more mental battleground of wills than a physical battleground of violence... :twilightsheepish:

Group Contributor


Don't you have some mind blowing TaviScratch to be writing?


I need some breaks too :fluttershysad: Its looking to be a 5k first chapter.

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PFFFFTT. My first chapter was originally 14k words. All I did was cut it down the middle/ish and made the rest into the second chapter.


Well I haven't had a lot of time to go completely overboard. Night shifts are rough bro. :twilightoops:

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You know what's rough? Sand paper. You know what's really rough? When your girlfriend considers sand paper to be kinky. I don't want to talk to anypony... ANYPONY about poor sleep habits

Edit: 10 minutes later, and I still can't believe I just typed that. For the record, that was on the spot lies. I'm single.


I'm going to walk away from this. If I get into a pissing contest with you about "who has less time." I would only end up revealing a lot of personal information about myself and I'll be honest I don't quite want that. So, you win, you have less sleep, less time, and are still writing more.

Regardless though, I have been reading your stuff and I do quite like your discriptive style.

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Why thank you, I would have more time. But I spend too much time reading writing/rewriting.

Every scene you see typed into published form form me, I've written at least 20 different ways. :facehoof:

Group Contributor

I am actually working on a Cadance/Luna story at this very moment, the prologue is done, but I don't want to submit anything until chapter one is.

Because you know, you can never have too many people writing Luna inserts for this universe. Clearly this is all a product of the CONTINUUM SHIFT.

Edit: On a related note, Derpmind your idea is awesome and I can't believe I didn't consider that myself. It's hard for me to imagine it going any other way at this point.

why does it seem like all the guys are turning into mares? or s it just me?

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If I had it my way, all the guys would turn into mares and all the girls would turn into stallions. Discord is a HUGE JERK.

Sorry for overreacting a bit everyone. I got anxious seeing everyone saying I should write it. I really think this idea is hilarious and I'm glad so many of you really liked it. And if anyone can write something like this well, that would be awesome.

I got the idea after reading this awesome blog on Princess Cadence, and not at all from that awesome picture below that just happens to be really great.

It needs to happen. :coolphoto:

Group Contributor


I prefer it a lot more to the three laws of gender-bending, which is pretty much what everyone is going to follow by default.

Alright, I should have gone more in-depth with my comment.
The main character's conflict (losing his manliness) is not in the way of his goal (getting help). Usually you build a story with a conflict that's in between the protagonist and his goal, and I don't really see that here; of course this might just be a result on your description being very brief.
I don't see what the girl capable of wrestling sharks has to do with conflict though.

Anyways, that should clear up what I meant with my earlier comment - at least a bit.

952730 Sounds like a nice new twist on a common trope.
I would be interested. :twilightsmile:

His goal is to help some of the people turning into ponies. His conflict is that he associates his ability to be a super helpful rad dude with his manliness. With all the ponies reflexively calling him Princess and occasionally Cadence, John Dude would start bleeding his confidence in his leadership and ass-kicking abilities really fast. The surfer girl is Shining Armor. The whole thing is just a funny idea hashed out in two character concepts, and I don't really know how female Shining Armor should be characterized for maximum drama and comedy. (Well, I can't write any characters who aren't actually me wearing funny hats, but I'm just complain to myself here.) So I just put her in there because she should be there and have some crazy contrasts to John Dude.

OMG LOL if you can come up with something that nutty, you should totally take up writing! You could really become one of the greats!

I wonder how Twilight Sparkle would react to seeing her brother and her sister-in-law in your story? Of course there's the obligatory "Twily!" That Shining Armor would use as a nickname for his sister, and the sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake greeting that Cadence taught Twilight as her foalsitter.

Has anyone picked up this mantle, or has OP been convinced to attempt it?

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