The Dresden Fillies 214 members · 27 stories
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I appreciate that I am about 20 years behind the curve when it comes to most forms of entertainment, but none more so than film.

As such I just got through watching the first Candyman film which takes place in Chicago, specifically Cabrini Green (one of the nastier neighbourhoods).

A place that is most definately part of Harry Dresden's city.

Who wants to see Harry Dresden vs Candyman?

For those of you who are not in the know, Candyman is a Spirit of Vengeance/Major Phobophage which can be summoned by standing in front of a mirror and repeating his name 5 times, at which point he'll enter into the physical world to spread mayhem and death before finally killing his summoner.

5361917 The problem with match ups like this is that the horror depends in large part on the fact that all the potential victims are normal powerless humans. If Harry knows what he is up against It'll be Candyman who'll be running for his "life".


Well yeah, if Candyman was after Harry.

It's set in Cabrini Green, which is one of Marcone's neighbourhood's that he's attempting to "clean up" (I believe that was mentioned in passing in White Night), so set the story in-between WN and Turn Coat, with some utterly idiotic wannabe dark mage summoning Candyman to wreak havoc and kill his enemies, which interferes with Marcone's operations.

This isn't a straight-up throw-down, this is a race between Harry, Candyman, Dim-Lord Black Mage, and Marcone.

Harry won't work with Marcone, despite having the same immediate goals (stop Candyman and deal with the Dim Lord)

Dim Lord sets Harry up for the fall by hiring him to stop Candyman, both saving Dim Lord's ass ffrom the fire he started and setting him further into Marcone's path.

Candyman just wants to kill, and kill, and kill, putting him at odds with Harry (Sanctity of life and all that), Marcone (Those are my people and their kids), and Dim Lord (It'll come for me next).

So the match-up becomes a game of cat and mouse where everyone is trying to trip each other up while the real murderer (Candyman/Dim Lord) use the chaos to achieve their end goals.

5362222 Eh, Harry isn't quite that unwilling to work with Marcone. But still having to find/pin down Candyman would be difficult especially if Canayman wasn't actually a Vengful Spirit but instead a Phobophange impersonating the urban legend.

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