The Dresden Fillies 214 members · 27 stories
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Somedays my brain gets utterly inundated with story ideas that I just don't have the time for inbetween Pathfinder, DFRPG, Writing, Work, and Video games. This was one of those days, and I'm too busy, nor do I really want all of these ideas.

The Lion in the Herd - A semi-alcoholic somebody cosplaying as Nicodemus Archleone runs afoul of the Merchant, now stuck with the shadow of a shadow in his brain, a group of exceedingly terrified ponies trying to purge him of something so deeply entrenched in his soul that to remove it would spell his doom, the nightmare hunting him down for their seeming similarity, and a crushing desire to get absolutely pished to escape his new situation.

White Knight in a Pale Horse - Take a regular HiE fic, now put Thomas Raith in there instead of a normal person. And remember he is deathly allergic to Changelings seeing as they are stuffed full of love.

Scattered - A half-assed, but genre-savvy, cosplayer falls afoul of the Merchant. Given the choice to partake in a "game" he is given a choice between all of Harry's gear (Staff, Rod, Coat, Pentacle with Gem, Swordcane, Revolver, or Bob), and once he has made his choice he has to find the remaining gear before his time runs out and the Merchant wins whatever game he's playing.

Okay, they all seem like very interesting ideas. Are the Equestria's anthro or regular? If anthro, I really want to see how the people of Equestria will react to Thomas' supernatural allure. The idea of Scattered is also an interesting one as you gave your Displaced character an escape clause rather than permanently leaving him stranded in Equestria and the idea of Nicodemus is interesting in the fact that the ponies intend to save the Displaced guy rather than trying to stone him as they do to other villainous Displaced. I don't mind editing any of those stories.

5442168 I like ideas #2 and #3 best. Though #2 would be best if Thomas was dumped into a anthro-pony version of Equestria or turn into a pony as soon as he landed in Equestria.

Some ideas of my own: A fic that steals it's start from Lord of Dorkness Horse Feathers only it's a young woman who turns into a clone of Molly Carpenter (with or with Winter Lady mantel) and dumped into the middle of Pony-ville.

What if Sunset Shimmer ended up in a city on Harry's Earth instead of Canterlot City and started learning magic from a paranet member. My thought is that this Sunset would end up much like Sundowner's.

Ramirez or a AU Molly who never became the Winter Lady or any Dresden Files wizard other than Harry ends up in Equestria.

What if in Anthropology Lyra ended up in Harry's Chicago able to work magic or simply Lyra manages to transport her self to Harry's earth with a pretty decent if somewhat basic and outdated idea of what she is getting her self into. This Lyra would know a "were-human" spell and have taken a good sized bag of bits or gems knowing humans think them valuable.

What if Harry was transported to Equestria a thousand or more years ago and was frozen/put in suspended animation only to wake up when the Crystal Empire reappeared or when the Plunderseeds sprouted.


One of the few things that solidified itself into my head when these ideas came was the "sell" scene from "Scattered", where the Merchant, and the Displaced have agreed to the game, but the displaced is choosing which bit of gear he'll start with, each piece representing something different (except the Gun, the gun is a gun, with an admittedly infinite ammo supply, but the displaced doesn't know that).

I'd pick Bob, because he'd be the most dangerous in the hooves/hand of anything else in Equestria. Imagine Tirek with the knowledge to pull off a Darkhallow.

Staff = Control
Blasting Rod = Power
Coat = Protection/Image
Swordcane = It's a sword for one
Pentacle = Guidance/Faith
Gun = It's a gun
Bob = Knowledge

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