Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
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Now the title may seem weird but it was the best one I could think of. What I'm writing here is basically the child of boredom and tiredness thanks to working a graveyard shift. Keep in mind that this is just a story idea and that anyone may take it up. Just PM me if you want more information.

You see humans exist in this world but are highly intelligent very dangerous apex predators who have been hunting the other races of Equestria. They can use magic but its more like they force magic to work FOR them as opposed to other races working WITH magic and it would focused more enhancing on the body. Kinda like Haki or Chakra but not to level of the characters that use them. Like a human here can punch through stone like wood but punching metal will result in bloody knuckles or broken bones. Of course said metal would be very dented and whoever was using it wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.

Their society would something of a mix of a hunter/gatherer/nomadic society with mining and metal shaping capabilities, staying in one spot and working together to protect the group or moving if needed.

The kind of weapons would humans would use differ depending where you go. For example, if humans live in places where there is an surplus of iron, they would steel age weapons but if they live where such metals are lacking, they would stone or wooden weapons. Armor would be the same. No gun powder or guns though.

Mindset again think early humans who were more focused on surviving via wiping out anything that threaten them. In this case, the Equestria races.

Intelligence is again like early humans who have wiped countless species by not caring about them. Not stupid but simply uncaring toward the things they hunt. They are capable of making complex traps, using ambush tactics, and working together to take down larger than life predators.

Physical capabilities are like ours but further enhanced thanks to forcing magic to work for them. Ex. Humans can outlast any animal on Earth and tire them with persistence hunting. Here there is a good chance we will catch up to our prey while they're running. Our bites are also a slow painful death sentence due to magical bacteria and virus that live in our mouths.

The drawback with their magic is that humans are not very creative when it comes to using it. They can use it like ponies can but no one have taught them. So they use it passively to augment their physical abilities which only increase the stronger they get.

Please keep in mind that I'm so damn tired while typing this so it will seem pretty crude. Once I get more sleep after this fucking graveyard shift then I will come back and clean it up.

Edit: Thanks to fellow helpful human, here is my attempt to make it less TCB because I hate those with a passion.

The protagonist is about the son/daughter to the leader of a large and powerful human community. He/She have always looked at the prey they hunt with a different light. Not just food, not just live stock, but something different.

He/She could tell perhaps that they're something more. And it all starts when one of them asked. "please don't eat me."

3513506 Someone has to write that

Updated. Still crude if you ask me. I'm really hating the fact that I got assigned graveyard shift. I can't, I'm working on something else but anyone else can.

3513515 Again pissed fucking tired. I WILL come back and add more details but after I get some sleep. Also And what?

Comment posted by Anonymous the Shifting deleted Aug 6th, 2014

3513516 Why the hell would you post with out full details.:trixieshiftleft:

If you tried working a graveyard shift then you'll see what I'm dealing with. Nothing to do but work in an empty Mcdonalds. It sounds easy but try working from midnight to 8 am. My brain keep missing details whenever I do something.

Not exactly. Like early humans, they are slowly learning how to domesticate but considering that said food source can think and fight back, they need to be harsh. Like some communities of humans would keep cows in cages as opposed to pens and keep a strict eye on them.

Again pissed fucking tried. Although that sounds like a MUCH better idea. Perhaps I should rewrite the first post to make it less TCB.

Alright made an edit at the bottom. Does that sound better?

Amazing what boredom could do to someone eh? I will improve and expand more on this, maybe even write it but I have another project in mind.

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