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Fiction or non-fiction.


But seriously, the fighter plane. I don't know why, but I like a good P-51D better than an f-22. Is there something wrong with me? And fiction, I'd have to say something I made up, which was a Bugatti that had a minigun stick out of the front air vent, a 30. cal. Browning stick out of the back window, and those weird top cones heightened slightly with two heat seaking missiles flying out of them. Booya

The P-51D and the F-22 are both fighter planes. One can just do more.

3842506 What particular vehicle is that? (the real one)



My favourite machine of war? Hm...


Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge Soviet Apocalypse Tank.


Boeing B-52H Stratofortress.

Real: The Bob Semple Tank

"What's your favourite human operated machine of war?"

Not exactly a "mechanical" machine. But a machine (and a good one) none the less.

One does not simply choose...




3842525 good point, good point.


BC-304 Daedalus class battlecruiser (Stargate)

in real well, it is only in project stage but it looks cool:

PL-01 Concept light tank

Fiction: Venator-Class Star Destroyer (Star Wars)

Real: AC-130 Hercules (No modern military machine could be more worthy of the title 'Hercules')

Can't think of a fictional favorite, but for non-fiction I'm going with the A-10A Thunderbolt II.

Because nothing screams badassery more than a gun that comes with it's own attack bomber.

I'm on my phone so I can't get a pic, there are a shit ton of them I can choose from so at random I'm going to say the "UNSC Infinity." And for real well I can't choose a specific ship so I'm going to choose the ship class in general "The Nimitz Class aircraft carriers."

3842531 I second the Apocalypse tank:

But the AS-LAV is pretty cool too.

Emperor(imperator) class Titan

TRIDENT ICBM/submarine


fiction: M2 Bradley.

non-fiction: M2 Bradley.

because Bradley.

Robotech Fighter
TB-3, Preferably Zveno-5 from the Zveno Project that did the worlds first mid-air docking.

3842503 the mother of invention (red vs blue)

3842554 touché.


Fictional: Armored Command Unit.

It can fabricate entire bases and armies by itself using lasers.

Real: M18 Hellcat.

Loop around Tigers all day erry day

real : (land keruzer)

Real Life: The T-34

Fictional: I third the glorious Apocalypse tank

Notice a theme with my prefernces? They both smash Fascisti!



3843040 And heavier than a hotel during a Fat Guy convention!

3843032 :rainbowlaugh:

Epyon for the win B!tch

The Walker is a beast.

And I don't know about you, but I'm still scared of Maulers.



Because these guns have done so much.

3843531 They are comrade, ain't they?

Also excellent taste in firearm!


I'm thinking he's talking about a machine a little more complicated than a firearm.

Humanity is so unique and our governments are so secretive that I wouldn't be able to tell you my favorite because I do not know what we are getting next and it may be better than anything we had ever made.

come on how could I not pick this!

3843371 You Canadians can make a good IFV

Unfortunately Thales Australia have a habit of stealing anything they see and sticking AUS behind it.

But throwing a brain would be an excellent psychological deterrent (just make sure you throw someone else's).

I know the lead designer for Thales. I'm looking forward to buying their new firearm.
But in all honesty, I think the new AUG is going to be fun to play with.

3844230 This time the gun's actually theirs. And damn is it sexy.

3844296 Just like the Diemaco C8. and d-day.

I convinced myself that I didn't need another 223 but when my dad's friend brought the prototype over. (in 22LR). I had one of those "sudden realisations".
On another note they make very nice handcuffs.

3844318 I'm kinda disappointed we didn't go with the AICW.

Three grenades fired by EM. Impractical, but awesome

I'm not familiar with that prototype. Have to look into it.
Honestly I'd like to see our sidearm changed. The our NZ bros had the right idea and went for a Sig Sauer p226. Or do what the mother country did and get a Glock.


Giant Death Robot from Civ V


The De Havilland Mosquito. The nazis hated it.

In one example of the daylight precision raids carried out by the Mosquito, on 20 January 1943, the 10th anniversary of the Nazis' seizure of power, a Mosquito attack knocked out the main Berlin broadcasting station while Commander in Chief Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring was speaking, putting his speech off air. Göring himself had strong views about the Mosquito, lecturing a group of German aircraft manufacturers in 1943 that:

In 1940 I could at least fly as far as Glasgow in most of my aircraft, but not now! It makes me furious when I see the Mosquito. I turn green and yellow with envy. The British, who can afford aluminium better than we can, knock together a beautiful wooden aircraft that every piano factory over there is building, and they give it a speed which they have now increased yet again. What do you make of that? There is nothing the British do not have. They have the geniuses and we have the nincompoops. After the war is over I'm going to buy a British radio set - then at least I'll own something that has always worked.

Real: tanks/the human brain.

Fiction: Iron man armor

hmmm... for fiction the MAC [mass accelerated cannon] from halo and for real the new railguns for the navy.

This thing. I just need one, to my backyard.


Now we just need to figure out how to make that tank hover.

3842797 My uncle Spike took me up in his Thunderbolt. It was a ride, lemme tell ya that much.

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