AU's Are Gold: An Alternate Universe Fangroup 984 members · 2,536 stories
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For a dark Equestria yeah yeah it probably been done before. But hey might as well try.

Ok so in this universe during a fight against Tirek Luna was killed. This shattered Celestia making her kill Tirek.

She than went into hiding in her castle for years until She meets sunset Shimmer a young mare that reminds her of Luna but with differences of course.

Of course because of butterfly effect she would also be killed by This universes Shining armor who a psycho.

This broke Celestia causing her to pull a Dracula and wage war against all of (mortal) pony kind.

If you haven't telled yet I based this off of Castlevania: The Netflix series.

It not a retelling though more like taking elements from it but making my own story.

Anyway you have any ideas for this I'm making a story off of this AU so your suggestions would be awesome!

Maybe in this universe, she could do experiment on earth ponies to make them with power, and one of them escape and become like blade?

That a fun idea to play around with (probably wiuld make it Pinkie just for well you wouldn't really expect a serious Pinkie pie)


1. Make sure you spend time showing how characters feel and think in your dark world so readers have feelings for them. If you don't, readers will lose interest. If you're going to write dark, you better have some skill with writing characters or readers will bail. Also if chars act like psychos, you better have some reasons why and be able to show them.

2. Spend some time to show us the world where Luna has died. Make sure you have some skill at creating scenes and describing things. Environmental storytelling can help you here. Many readers love when the writer works hard to show them another world.

3. Make sure you have a good feel for pacing and tension.
Don't just throw bad things after bad things at readers. It might feel fast and exciting, but after a while readers get tired and they have no time to get emotional because you just gave them more action. Make sure you have a rhythm of slow and fast so readers have time to get emotional. You do want readers to feel things about your characters and stories.

4. Take some time to do some world building so your story makes sense.
For me, I do enough that there's a little bit more than what the characters experience.
Of course, that depends on the story too.

This is important.
Make sure you know what your story is about.
A lot of people get some ideas and start writing, but don't know what the story is about and it mostly doesn't end well.
I find if you can summarize what your story is about in one sentence, that's a good indicator that you know what your story is about.

I wish you well on your project.

After hell broke loose it up to 2 mares to save it.

(This idea is actually part of a project I'm doing it in a blog on my profile if you want to check it out)

Also thank you for the advice though don't expect it to be a masterpiece.

I honestly think the hardest problem to overcome would be visuals because obvious reasons.

(One of my main goals in this project is trying to make you feel like your less reading a book more like watching a T.V Show)


(One of my main goals in this project is trying to make you feel like your less reading a book more like watching a T.V Show)

Um, yeah.
Visual media is not the same as books.
Sometimes you can copy things from movies and sometimes you can't.
Be really careful.

I've seen people switch POVs in a chapter too many times like they're doing jump-cuts in a movie.
And all that does is piss off and annoy readers.
It's like grabbing someone's head and making them look at something else when they're interested in the first thing they saw.


Also thank you for the advice though don't expect it to be a masterpiece.

Just do the best you can.

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