Circle of Friends 177 members · 1,157 stories
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In this thread, we talk about a different submitted story every day, as a way of making sure the love is spread to as many stories here as possible. Click 1028691 for previously featured stories.

Today's story is "Left for Friendship" by F4D3 the dark.

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1017410 A very good idea for a thread Bluejay. I'll sticky it so it'll remain at the top of the thread list. I've read What's Really the Most Important? It's one of my favorite stories and I look forward to the next chapter update of it. :pinkiehappy:

I can't believe I didn't come p with this idea :facehoof:. But anyway I recently read a story called father. It's really good and reveals some things that twilight never saw.

I love this Scootadoption fic. It's actually one of my top 5. Actually I guess you could say it's one of my top 3.

It ties in well with Sisterly Guidance. Which is actually a good read before this. Since it is casually mentioned in the story. While I did think that Soarin as mentioned in the story was kind of a tard, saying things without thinking and doing accidental insults of Twilightian proportions.

I feel sad that Scoots is crippled, but I so hope that:
A) Scottaloo learns to fly. She's trying to make progress and has from what's been said gotten able to lift heavier weights with her wings.

B) Her mother gets her cummupance.


C) What ever sent Scoots and Dashie TO THE MOON! Is prepared for an epic level proportions.


That being said. I can't wait for the next update, and this author hasn't made a story that I don't like, and I can't wait to see what happens next :pinkiehappy:.

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We're only doing one story per day, and it has to be in the group to count.


That one gets a pass because it's the prequel.

On sorry:twilightblush:, guess I really didn't get the rules at first.

Aww shucks, you guys!

When's the next story up for discussion going to be up?

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I almost forgot, thanks.

The main post has been updated.

You're welcome.

As for the story ... :heart::heart::heart::heart: Awwwww!!!! I thought it was going to be a FIM version "The Frog Prince" and Sweetie would kiss a frog. But then she gave birth to Scoots ... Oh My Celestia! Sweetie Belle is Scootaloo's Mommy! Epic!


What's the new story?

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Updated the first post again.

Um ... this may be me. But I couldn't really follow the story. I don't get that particular AU, and had a problem following it. No offense to the author. It was well written, but unlike FIM whose back stories we all know.

This AU had no world building shown in it. It put us in the middle of a story with no cannon (in that AU's cannon) back ground to go upon.

Who is the Duke?

Why is Twilight Sparkle an Alicorn in this story and not the Royal Highnesses? Although Royal Highnesses were mentioned? Who are they if not Luna and Celestia?

How did Luna and Celestia get their cutie marks?

are their other Elements of Harmony?

Why did she dream of being Nightmare Moon and fighting Alicorn Celestia?

What is the back ground info on that AU?

So many questions and I just kind of took me out of being immersed in the story. But that is my opinion.

Ok no one really comments on this thread and that's kind of sad. Although my questions from yesterday's story still stands.

Do you have another story ready for the OP?

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Hmmm... I hadn't noticed it being featured here, but no one but me has written that particular plotline that I know of. Thanks! Glad you liked 'Making Friends'! And I'd personally take Scootaloo over a prince anyday. :twilightsmile:

One thing that was really difficult on that story was avoiding writing 'Scootaloo' anywhere. I managed it, though. And the chapter title of "Imaginary Ponies Are The Best Ponies" is still one I love.

I actually feel like I didn't do enough in that universe. I started writing a sequel at one point, about Ditzy and Scootaloo, and the repercussions of being created from accidental magic. And cute Ditzy / Scootaloo fluff, of course. I got about five chapters in (out of 15 or so, I think?), then got stalled out and distracted by writing other stories, so it never got published.

If I manage to finish one of my current stories and free up my writing schedule, I'll probably go back to it at some point. I'm too busy with my two ongoing fanfics at the moment, unfortunately. (I suppose I should really add them to the group, too...)

Maybe the original post could list the previously discussed fanfics as well?


*Squee* I love myself a good Scootaloo fic. And you're right I'd take Scootaloo over a prince any day as well. Although I'd love to see the sequel to that story. I believe it'd be pure adorable win.

And I agree. Having a list of previously featured stories might be interesting.

After finishing Chapter 1:
1) Tense keeps changing from past to present. (Most stories are written in past-tense)
2) A lot of telling; not enough showing.
While "telling" is sometimes made out to be the ultimate evil, it can be used effectively; however, you should never write an entire story that way. It prevents the reader from understanding the characters' motivations.

Story-wise: It feels complete. The stated goal is accomplished, so I am not sure what conflict remains. Conflict should be setup within the opening of the story: the first, if not the beginning of the second chapter (there are exceptions, but from what I can tell this is probably not one of them).

Sweetie going from not being able to talk to Featherweight, to being perfectly fine within a day seems odd. I am almost positive sending a "Secret Admirer" note does not give a burst of confidence. Maybe, if she had kept up the charade for a while? Have their budding romance develop through being pen-pals(?). That would give Sweetie Belle the time to gain enough confidence.

Do not let this sound like I am not going to read the rest, because I am.

Looked at the story. I can say that I gave it a go. Shipping CMC with some other pony that isn't them or Spike. I'm a little odd on. It's a cute fic. I think it's funny that Featherweight's sister was the previous editor and didn't get a mention in the family, and Roid Rage is his brother.

Over all a decent fic. Good plot line, some gramatical errors and forgotten quotation marks, But other than that nothing that is actually bad with it. Just not my favorite ship. Although straight shipping is harder to do well than Mare and Mare shipping in the mlp universe.

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Oh, there was plenty of adorableness in the chapters I did write. And a few sequences I thought I wrote well. (One of which I happen to have posted in a blog once). That's one reason why I'll probably go back to it one of these days.

And it took not just any fanfic, but another Scootaloo fanfic to distract me, Just Winging It. I love writing that one. Though I'm pretty interested in writing Cubic Zirconia, my Diamond Tiara fanfic, as well.



And, you know, I did read the first chapter of FeatherBelle once. I think it was from before it was revised, and the mistakes were rather offputting for me. I felt at the time like SweetAI Belle and RavensDagger had pretty much expressed my feelings about it in the comments, though.

Maybe I should reread it now that it's been revised...


I can't believe that I didn't recognize you. I love Just Winging It. I'm actually eagerly anticipating it getting updated, and I must say that you do good Scootaloo fics. :pinkiehappy:

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Thanks! You can see why Just Winging It distracted me from the Making Friends sequel. It was intended to be a quick bit of writing to get things flowing again since I was stuck, and it just turned out so well that it turned into my main project.

I'm done with the first draft of the next chapter, and am working on the second, btw. I'm a little less than halfway on that, and most of that draft was done last night. I know it's been a bit, so I'm trying to get that chapter out soon...

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Sorry about that. Updates should start to be earlier in a few days when I'm out of school and not in full-schoolwork-crunch-time-mode, even on weekends.

The first post has been updated.

That's all good. I can understand a hectic school schedule. Thanks for updating :pinkiehappy:.

I think this was a rather good take on "The Invisible Man". I like how Twilight went crazy because she lost sight of herself. Master was a pretty interesting character as well.

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The first post has been updated.

Ummmm .... the story said that Rainbow Dash was going to be taking care of her step sister. But none of them ever talked about it. It was never really mentioned. She never remembered her dads name, thus that Scoots and her were related. So that kind of lost me completely.

Other than that. It was an average ScootAdoption fic. Although the story felt rushed, and the pacing felt too quick.

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The first post has been updated.

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I could comment on how much I love "The Dreadful Poets' Society", how it feels like it could actually be a episode, and how much the crusaders trying to write poetry amused me, especially with fedoras and drums involved. But I really shouldn't, since I'm the one who added it to the Contributors Picks folder. Nonetheless, go read it...

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated.

OMC! This story hit me right in the feels, and I can see how this story has received 0 downvotes and exemplifies everything I love about MLP:FIM. It has a wonderful moral, is emotionally touching, and plays the characters quite well.

Group Contributor


Heh, this is another one of my contributor picks. Though it's funny to note who the last person that commented on it before you was. But yeah, I really enjoyed both the fanfic and the message...

"Inspiring Generosity"
I have no words.
That seems to work. I loved it. As someone who tries to give back (albeit in a different way) I can say that the Crusaders goal of giving back without getting anything in return is admirable. Giving back, or trying to raise funds for a goal through a mask is more rewarding than doing it just for the attention, fame, or tax exemption.

While you might get those things, you never think about them while you are actually working towards your goal. And, while a small part of you will think about and enjoy those rewards, the reward of seeing a child's smiling face quickly overshadows everything else.

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated.

I've been trying to cherry-pick the best stories submitted so far, but soon I might throw every story not featured here yet into a list and run it through a random number generator, to see how that goes.

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated. As mentioned above, all daily stories from this point on will be completely randomized.

Well, this is a nice surprise to wake up to.

Yay! Randomization.

Well ... I think it would be better with more chapters since the story is just starting. That being said, I can't see much wrong with it. Although I think I'll wait to see what happens next.

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated.

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated.

OMC! I melted when I read that story. Dashie's such a good mother and Scoots was adorable as ever. I had to favorite it, although I'm pretty peeved at Spitfire. I can't wait to see what happens next and the author really did a good job on this.

Mother of Three is one of the most adorable little things I've stumbled upon recently. I honestly can't wait for Rainbow Austin to update it. Rainbow/Soarin is my preferred ship and I can't wait to see how he handles the pair of them having a family beyond Scoots.

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated.

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated. I finally added everything to the "Featured Daily Stories" folder, too.

Also, it's worth noting that there are only 34 stories left currently, as the site counts a single fic multiple times with each different folder it's added to.

Fresh Start
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The first post has been updated.

Fresh Start
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Sorry for not updating this for a while, I've been really tired recently. I'll start it back up again in a day or two, if anyone's still reading it.

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