Circle of Friends 177 members · 1,157 stories
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Tell us about yourself and where you are from. You can be as specific as a city or as vague as a continent or planet. How did you become a brony? Interested in Fimfiction? If applicable, do you prefer to be considered a Pegasister or a Brony?

I am 24, and currently back in school going for an Accounting degree, with the goal of passing the CPA. I already have a B.S. in Political Science. I am interested in aviation, with flight time in gliders and single-engine. School took up all my time and money, but I hope to fly one day. Oh, I also ski competitively sometimes, when I'm not running around in Imperial armor

How I joined the fandom:
Short version: I got up a little to early to watch a G1 GI Joe and Transformers marathon. Thought the show was interesting, then found out about the fandom.
Long version

1054300 I come from Gotham City. Thats all.

I am a 300 year old robot that came from mars that looks like an ordinary human, I was built by the now extinct martians this way because of my mission, what is my mission? That's classified.

How I joined the fandom - I became a Brony about two years ago when my "sister" started watching the show, although after realizing that most Bronies where hypocritical dicks, that preached about love and tolerance but would jump at the chance to bully some unsuspecting guy, I got the fuck outta there and renounced my "Bronyhood".

I still watch the show and write shitty fanfiction, I'm just not a big fan of how a lot of Bronies work.

Charleston, SC. I became a brony thanks to Fluttershy's "yay" in sonic rainboom, and thanks to Micheal and Ray from achievement Hunter. Just finished 9th grade

I'm 28. A US Vet. Right now my job is watching over my recently adopted baby brother that my family took in last April, as well as supporting my mother and other brother with such things as money towards the house, food, and helping where it's needed.

I got into the fandom interestingly enough through a mixture of Elgoonishshive whose author is a brony, and made numerous friendship report like comments back in 2011. I thought it was interesting and I liked the message of friendship and acceptance the story already had. But was hesitant to really give it a go. Then I read a Cracked article The 4 Most Unexpected Fan Bases in Pulp Culture and I decided. What the hay! I might as well give it a shot.

I'm glad that I did. It wasn't anything that I thought it would be, the morals, plotline, "plot" in the story was amazing and I became hooked on it. As for fimfiction I came here from the TvTropes page while looking at the tropes about MLP for the lolz. My very first fan fic I ever read ever was Cupcakes, and that was followed by my first introduction to shipping in Milesprower06's Cupcake Chronicles.

I've been in love with mlp fan fics ever since. Then I tried my hands at writing fan fics, and I don't think I've done to bad of a job with my two fics out so far. Although it'd be nice if people who down voted a story actually gave a reason why so that authors could fix what went wrong either in that story or in later ones. But that's my only complaint about the fan fic community. Other than that I've met a lot of good ponies here and alot of interesting stories.


Well, I'm a unicorn filly, originally from Ponyville.

An accident with a magical artifact[1] left me stuck inside a computer with internet access. I quickly discovered youtube videos of all three seasons of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which was really odd to watch.

Then I found fimfiction, and found that I enjoyed reading stories other ponies made up about me. I even started writing one, though I didn't really get much past the first chapter. I also found myself joining some fun groups, and ended up as admin on a few of them. Most recently, I took over as head admin on the Sweetie Belle group.

I'm not a brony or a pegasus, I'm a unicorn.
--Sweetie Belle

[1] When looking at a magical artifact with your magic active, tripping and falling horn first into it is never a good idea.

I'm from Fort Worth Texas, I must warn you though, the story if how I became is a long one. Here we go.

So there was this kid from my school who had always talked about mlp and I had always thought he was a little fag and I never gave the show a chance. But one night when I was lying in bed, board as hell, the show crept into my thoughts. I couldn't shake the feeling that it might not be to bad. I finally broke down and went on YouTube and watched the first episode. I was hooked. And that's how I became a brony.

I am 8472103^31 years old, and am studying biology. I will soon be learning Russian.

Oh, and I'm 1/2 Asian and wear glasses.

I joined the fandom when I was depressededed with finals and thought "what the heck?"

My name is Jason Anderson, and I am twenty-six years old from South Carolina. Currently I work as a caretaker for my grandma, because she has dementia. I have been her caretaker since late 2006, and I will never regret my choice.

I became a brony just at the beginning of the year, I forgot which episode that got me into it, but I am proud to call myself a brony. My favorite pony is Fluttershy, and my favorite all time episode is Hurricane Fluttershy. :yay:

And if I may say, I love this site and I have read so many wonderful fanfics/stories on here and have met some wonderful friends on here. I hope this sit stays up for a long long time. :pinkiehappy:

Well, let's see ...
I was foaled in Kentucky 1916. In 1919 I became the first winner of the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes, what is now called the American Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Horse Racing.
I retired in 1921 and after some time as a stud, and a stint with he US Army Cavalry Breeding (Remount) program finally retired to a Wyoming ranch where I died of colic in October 1937.

Why I became a Brony ... well having been dead for 73 years before 'the show' started, ... I needed a new hobby? :facehoof:


Actually the human mind behind this has something in common with the last American Triple Crown winner, Affirmed.

As to being a Brony ... ah heck might as well jump in. The reasons are the oldest and youngest members of the voice cast, John de Lancie and Michelle Creber. John was responsible for leading the way after I found a reference to his voice work on Memory Alpha: the Star Trek wiki, referring to a character that he was voicing in MLP:FiM that was based on his character of Q from ST:TNG. As to Miss Creber, well that was my encounter with Staremaster and 'Hush Now'. I personally think she's got to be the best young voice talent since Celine Dion was that young :unsuresweetie:(yipe dating myself - almost). I also have to credit the developmental work of Lauren Faust, for showing that archetypal themes of myth and magic used to craft intelligent stories to illustrate moral values can and do work. Aesop and Homer wold be proud; if they weren't gender biased old Greek guys form 2500+ years ago.

My starting to write for FiMFiction was the result of six weeks of research into the 'Brony' phenomenon while looking for a responsive environment to try some 'in genera' test writing, and as can be surmised, I chose to go with the Bronies. Actually the writing is a form of active therapy for long term CPTSD (Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) and is encouraged by my therapist studying post traumatic recovery and growth.:eeyup:

"It is not that the Phoenix has to rise from the ashes. It is simply the will of the Phoenix that its spark will never die." - (Sir Barton - June 2, 2013)

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