Alcohol and Drugs are Magic 189 members · 195 stories
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I just want to know what it feels like. I doubt it will become an addiction if I just do it once with some over-the-counter drugs or something else of that sort. Last night, I tried the generic brand of Tylenol and took four of them, but all it did was make me hungry and caused me to over-sleep the next day. I don't think I have Robitussin (too lazy to check), but I know we have the generic type of Pepto, some Ibuprofen and a bag of cough drops. I heard you can also get high off of Expo and Sharpie markers, but I tried that and all it did was make me dizzy.

So any recommendations?

well you could try,

paint thinner: this was unpleasent and it knocked me the fuck out but aparently its how the rednecks do it so there

that canned air stuff you use to clean keyboards(this can aparently kill you idk how but yea)

sharpies, do it enough and that dizzy feeling kind of permeates your body thats the high, same as glue if youve ever done that.

Cough syrup: idk if the active ingrediant in it is the same anymore but this used to get us fucked up back in the day

if you take enough of any drug somthing is bound to happen and you could always try hyper ventilating or chockeing yourself. Get light headed lack, of oxygen to the brain all that good stuff.

Pro tip dont do drugs
proer tip just smoke weed untill you can legally drink and then get drunk like a normal adult



Cough drops won't do anything. Pepto won't do anything. Pain killers could kill you.

If you can't get ahold of weed do this instead: go to the store and find the cough syrup section. Look at the "active ingredients" list. Find one where the only thing listed is "dextromethorphan hcl" or "dextromethorphan hbr". Drink eight ounces of it within one hour.

Let me know if you have any questions.

2793663 Take two or four NyQuil and don't go to sleep. It won't hurt you and by god will you feel dizzy and trip a bit and feel like you are having a small out of body experience.

Infinite loves.

Banana peels.



Nyquil has acetaminophen in it, which is extremely toxic to the liver and if you take too much you will die an excruciating death.

Buy some morning glory seeds, heavenly blue variety. They contain LSA which is an unrefined version of LSD and also a psychedelic compound.

it's completely non-addictive, yet causes Vaso-constriction. So I'd take some aspirin with it.

The coating they use also makes you mildly nauseous, so rince the seeds in water for no more than 10 seconds then dry quickly, using a siv would be ideal but you can just dry them out with a towel.

You will need:
150 seeds (for a decent high), I recommend 300 for a stronger trip, 50 is baseline but I don't recommend it because it is shit. They usually sell packets at your local supermarket in 50 seed packets for 50 pence or $1.

A baseball bat or hammer.

A balloon.

A council pop dispensary unit and glass/bottle.

How to prepare:
First wash the seeds to remove the coating, for no more than 10 seconds. The drug extracts from the seed into water so try not to leave them wet for too long.

(if you are too lazy, just eat them after step one. they will taste awful though)

Pour the seeds into a balloon, use two balloons if you're using more than 250 seeds. or just one if your lazy. this is purely personal preference to stop the balloon from splitting.

Hammer the balloon to pulverize the seeds into dust.

Pour this into some kind of container or glass, then add cold water. The LSA will extract into the water at a slow pace. Just leave it in a cool, dark place for 4 to 12 hours.

Seriously, dark cool place, sunlight denatures the LSA molecules so you'll end up with a bunch of useless foul tasting sludge that makes you nauseous if you leave it out. wrap some tinfoil around dat bitch.

Next get a siv, filter or even a sock, then pour it through that to remove the now useless paste.

You should be left with a bland brown liquid that you can drink fairly quickly. Just down it.

You will get cramps, this is normal. Don't panic. The trip is pretty sweet, you come up with some bizarre thoughts, everything is vivid, wavy and interesting. But you probably won't hallucinate.

Here is a link to a tutorial using a much more potent variety of plant species, still completely legal.

If you can't buy them at a gardening store or B&M bargains, just order some off the internet.

P.S stay the fuck away from solvents and anti-depressants you pleb. This is why the government needs to legalize pot.

2795112 Not two of them. As in, the normal dose you would take if you had the flu and needed to sleep.

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