Tyrant Sparkle 1,406 members · 355 stories
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Anyways after days of procrastination I have finally said screw it I need to announce the winner of the long category:ajsmug:

Months in the making me and the other judges have finally finalized the scores for our long category.
Coming out on top with 13 out of a possible 20 points we have

The Ultimate Rebellion: This story is set in the somewhat distant future after defeating Tirek and shows the subjects of Twilight struggling to survive. I can't say much without spoiling the story though, so go give it a read! (Also I have to give the author props for using one of the most controversial ships and still managing to appeal to those who hate that ship. Man I loved seeing him get...)

Nearly taking first place we have
The Rise of Nightmare: With 12 out of 20 stars this story nearly forced us to deal with a tie breaker (however that would have worked). Anyways here we have the good old fashioned Night Mare Twilight, but instead of full blow possession we have corruption. Give her a read.

Twilights Rage Comes in last place with 8 out of 20 stars, but it is still a good read. The main flaws of the story is the lack of characterization, and other plot problems that comes with this type of story. However if you are like me and like evil Twilight no matter what I would recommend reading it.
And with that I would like to conclude the Twyrants Kingdom competition officially over.

Group Admin

A more in depth review for each story was done by the other better judge can be found here

I wish I could have actually completed the fic before the time ended, but unfortunately, life events hit me in the jaw, and I got distracted by other things as well.

Still, I am looking to figure out the BIG issue, which is the plot hole I dug myself into...

Either way, it was enjoyable, and I shall have to take a look at the other fics. They should be quite enjoyable

Thank you for posting the results. I'm thrilled to have come out on top with this, considering I'm only about 15-20% of my anticipated story length through.
This is the first writing content I've won :yay:

Big ups to Biker_Dash and IMN for their participation. I'll be keeping an eye on where your stories go, if you continue them.

Thanks to xTSGx and Pleaseworkforonce for judging, and to ymom2 for putting this on in the first place.


Congrats for Cerulean Voice for her victory.

A 12/20 points with a near tie breaker? Couldn't be happier with the results of my first ever writing competition.

A special thanks to the judges, and a particular thanks for ymom2 for allowing us this lovely opportunity :twilightsmile:

Good show there. I looked at the score and went "Dayum, son."
Also, that's the first time I've been called "her" so that amused me as well. :rainbowlaugh:
Write moar. I will be.

Group Admin

I want to apologize for not finishing what I started and thank Pleaseworkforonce for finishing. I think a combination of increased schoolwork that comes with the senior year of majoring in computer engineering, bloody addicting video games, binge watching new TV shows, exercise, and a lingering sense of shame in ignoring my responsibilities in Fimfiction have kept me from this place. I hope you can forgive me. I will be coming back in the future and hopefully once more become an active member of Fimfiction.

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