Bronies with anxiety disorders 23 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Alright everypony, now that this group has grown a little it's time to give the forum its first thread, and in my opinion the best way to start the forum of a group like this is allowing the members to tell their stories, to explain why they joined the group etc., so allow me to tell you my story first.
I've been struggling with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Social Anxiety since I was a little boy and I need to take pills every day, and on top of that I had a panic attack not so long ago. The lyrics of Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups used not to make any sense to me but now I understand them perfectly, it's a perfect representation of a panic attack both musically and lyrically, no wonder its lyrics sound so random and nonsensical, I was just reading a book in peace when suddenly my mind was invaded by a vortex of different forms of fear and anxiety, I kept twitching like a malfunctioning robot and as far fatched as that sound in the meantime I was feeling sleepy as well! Then I called my dad and he gave me a tranquilizer so I felt better, I hope it doesn't happen again and according to my doctors it shouldn't happen anymore, either way now I know how to cure it soon when it happens and I'm feeling fine now. Anyway my doctors said that this was caused by two factors added to my OCD and social anxiety: the fact I used to drink when I was frustrated (yeah, I used to be borderline alcoholic too. but I've stopped now) and the pressure given by the graduation thesis I'm trying to work on lately (CLOCK! IS! TICKING!!!:pinkiecrazy:).
I'd rather not to tell too much about my OCD rituals, but I'll just say that I tend to be "afraid" of even numbers, I'm rather superstitious and I tend to see bad luck and good luck everywhere, not in the conventional way though, for example I don't believe in things like broken mirrors, black cats or stuff like that, but for example if something bad happens after I listened to a certain song even if I know it's stupid a part of my brain is convinced that I should avoid that song.
So how about you? Write anything you need to get off your chest :pinkiesmile:

I've always had difficulty interacting with new people and lived a bit of a lonely life. When I was 18 I started trying to learn to drive. I realized almost immediately that it was literally impossible: I would make the smallest mistake and have a massive panic attack (I think my driving instructor must have thought I was insane or something). After that I saw a shrink and got diagnosed with Social Anxiety and depression. I still cant drive to this day but I do feel like things are getting better for me.

MLP is so great! Most TV shows these days are all gritty and dark but MLP is always light hearted and fun. It really cheered me up when I was at some of my lowest points and better yet we have this whole great community to interact with. Its tough to meet people face to face but chatting over the net with other bronies is great!

Love, love, love you guys! :heart:

Group Admin

2076228 I feel your pain! I'll probably never get a driving license, just the thought of having to focus every single second not to get killed gives me nightmares, in fact I had a lot of nightmares in my life where I'm forced to drive a car :raritydespair:
And yeah, I agree the show can help a lot, and the brony fandom is simply the best and I'm really proud of being part of it :twilightsmile:


I'm afraid of people, and extremely paranoid. often sitting in the corner so I can see everybody in the room.
I have maybe three good friends, and it took me three years each to fully trust them.

Group Admin

2077913 Aww, that sounds terrible :fluttercry:
I hope you are having some professional help, if you are and you think it's not helping give it some time, it may take a while before it actually works, I know that because of personal experience.

2078831 I'm trying to get help. but I don't have very much money or good insurance. Hugs and internet are really the only thing I can afford.

Group Admin

2078852 Oh well, at least I gave you what I could :fluttershysad:
I wish you the best of luck, may you get the professional help you need some day :twilightsmile:

Hi everypony! :twilightsmile:

I was diagnosed a few years ago with generalised anxiety disorder and recurrent depression. The anxiety can best be described as a constant fear that something terrible is going to happen. I have to be constantly prepared and on my guard to deal with any unforeseen situation that might show up. This takes a lot of time and energy and makes it hard to deal with stress and make quick decisions. I prefer when things are ordered and predictable. One of the more difficult things to handle is social interaction since, well… people are unpredictable. Plus, as an introverted person I’m simply unaware of many of the finer nuances.

I’ve lived a good life: growing up in a good family in a safe country surrounded by a lot of friends. The way I see it is that a lot of issues, both big and small, started piling up since I didn’t know how to deal with them and eventually became unmanageable. Anxiety easily leads to depression and things can then quickly spiral out of control. Apart from making you feel miserable, depression also locks negative thinking patterns in place. In my case I had to reach rock bottom (as I saw it) before I could start to break out of my mental chains.

I must have tried at least ten different types of medication by now. Unfortunately I’m very susceptible to side effects and I’ve probably lost a year or two of my life trying out medication that in the end just made things worse. In the end I had to tell my psychiatrist that I wasn’t prepared to continue ”experimenting” and that I’d have to settle for of a low dose of the pills that gave me the least side effects. The many side effects might have been a contributing factor to the sleeping disorders I’ve developed. So to be able to handle my part-time job I need to take two different types of sleeping pills on top of my other medicine – one to fall asleep and one to stay asleep. But even when I get a full night’s sleep I still feel chronically tired, which in turn affects my memory and concentration. At least I’m able to work enough to make a living and that’s one huge burden of my back.

I discovered MLP in early 2011, halfway through season one. It’s hard to feel excited about something when suffering from depression, yet here was the MLP fandom, so weird and wonderful that I couldn’t help but feel excited. Then, half a year later, I started reading fanfiction and discovered that the ponies could call forth the whole spectra of emotions – the thrill and excitement of an adventure story, the dread and repulsion of grimdark, the warm and cozy feeling of a shipfic… It took 1 1/2 years and 5 M words before I was able to stem my pony addiction. :twilightblush:

Group Admin

2087532 You have my sympathy, anxiety can truly make me feel miserable and sometimes I have trouble with medications too :fluttershysad:
But I hold on since I'd be feeling much worse if I wasn't... GRABBIN PILLZ!!! :pinkiecrazy:

I know anxiety is serious, but sometimes laughing at your own pain can help, Pinkie would agree about that :pinkiesmile:
Perhaps I have these issues also because my parents were a bit distant due to their jobs when I was little so I often found myself alone and scared... but I guess it's more complicated than that, and either way we need to look at the future.


Thank you for your kind words.:twilightsmile:

But I hold on since I'd be feeling much worse if I wasn't... GRABBIN PILLZ!!! :pinkiecrazy:

What is this I don't even

I've had these troubles all of my life. I have no trouble with friends however or small meets (about 10 people maybe). But anything more than that makes me really nervous. I was at a meet with like 30 people 2 days ago and I just ran away crying in the end. I couldn't stand it. I traveled to Stockholm, never again... Too many people, too much stress. :raritydespair:

Also, hi Myrica, nice to see you here as well. It seems that I'm kind of late to the party however.

I've had serious self esteem issues for 4 years now. I've self-diagnosed myself with OCD, ADHD, depression, social anxiety, borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. Have been having suicidal thoughts for the pettiest of reasons for 4 years, but no attempts. I used to hurt myself, but not anymore. I would honestly like to get professional help, but I'm too afraid of how my parents will react.

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