Sunset Shimmer 4,952 members · 6,846 stories
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Group Admin

So, I feel there is a demand for stories about Sunset Shimmer piloting giant-as-fuck mecha.

Now, some of you might be scratching your head at this. Because MLP is much more akin to Magical Girl in style. It is also closer to Sentei in style. If you don't know what those are, look them up.

Thing is, giant motherfuckin' robots are cool. You get armor, you get lazers (yes, with a fuckin' Z). You get enough missiles to make a hailstorm jealous. And when push comes to shove, giant robots can punch, kick, sumo the fuck out of other robots, and use swords and axes and lazer whips and shit.

So what does that all have to do with Sunset Shimmer?

Fuck if I know. But it seems like the fans really want to put her into some violent shonen crap. Seems like plenty of threads get made on that topic.

To be fair, good mecha anime are not defined by their robots. As long as they meet a certain threshold of badassery, with cool designs, colors, and shapes, explosions and robot on robot melee, and delicious amounts of collateral damage, they can at least be mediocre. What raises a mecha anime above mediocre is the humans/aliens piloting them.

They have to be interesting characters that have edgy, ansgsty, and depressing pasts. Parents need to be dead. Preferably murdered by the bad guys. Bonus points if it was done in front of your main character. We don't know shit about Sunset's family. Good to go here. Edge the fuck up.

Need to have some love interest. Normally this involves some hot chick with a big rack, also a pilot, who is herself fairly badass, except when she needs to be in danger for the protag to come save her. Since Sunset is a badass chick herself, this means we either need some vaguely competant and pretty dude for the role, or make Sunset bi/lesbian. Since this is shonen turned up to motherfuckin eleven, lets go with the former. Flash Sentry even has a pretty awesome name for a mecha pilot. He could have an axe. Which he can shred on. Giant fookin robot shreddin on his axe. Go clean up all your jizz.

Probably need some asshole best friend to backstab the protag. Twilight Sparkle is purple. That's a dark color compared to Sunset's orange/red theme. No one would see it coming, because she's so friendly and nice. But she could totally be a secret agent from the other side. Trixie has the personality for it too, but you'd have to do some actual work selling the best friends part.

Mentor? Celestia. Check. Fuckin writes itself.

So there you go folks. The fans want it. Write that shit and rack up a million followers.

Eh, if you ask me. I think you'd have better luck with Power Rangers instead. That way, you can keep the Five-Woman-Band EQG already established.

And since Sunset would apparently be the leader, that makes her perfect for Red.

And we can have Human Twilight as the Sixth Ranger. Great idea. See, I knew you were getting better at this. Now all we need are the Zords.


We need a bigger drill. At least 528b LY large.


Shouldn't there also be another mecha pilot to be competing with? Younger, determined, pushing Sunset to the limit to what she can do? With a Brooklyn accent?

Okay, maybe I just want to see Sunset and Babs palling around in giant mecha... :twilightblush:


All I can think about right now is sunset in gurren lagan (anime not robot), or you know just give her magus XLR

Group Admin


Screaming is important.

Lots of fuckin' missiles.

Never forget.

I'm down for this idea.

Group Admin

Zords are lame.


4557222 why did you get two thumps down?

4557316 I have no idea. Maybe you should ask the thread's owner.

4557332 It's a good place to start since I can't fathom why.

4557204 As awesome as that would be, I'm of the mind that one should keep their magical girl and mecha shows separate.

Then again, I wrote the odd Transformers and Sailor Moon crossover once upon a time, so what do I know?

Actually, the thread's owner mentions Power Rangers. :pinkiehappy:

It is also closer to Sentei in style.

For those who don't know, Sentai is Power Rangers. No, not really I suppose as Sentai normally has better storylines that the US bastardizes into crappy storylines changing the series completely. My fiancé is still nerd raging over what they did to Gokaiger (Super Mega Force in the US). Ooooooo IDEAAAAAA~ :raritystarry: Anywho, yeah, Sentai is normally better than Power Rangers though sometimes they do a pretty good job despite completely changing things around. For example SPD, Mystical Force and Dino Thunder. Yeah, yeah, I'm a nerd to, so what? The rat bastard got me hooked on the crap damn him! :heart:

So yeah. saying that, I think Sunset and the Rainbooms cold be an awesome Sentai team. Though when comparing to established teams, I'd have to say Gokaiger would fit pretty well. I could see the following be the EG version of them, though don't ask me where they got there powers!

Joe/Blue=Either Rainbow Dash or AJ
Luka/Yellow=Again it would be a tossup between Dash & AJ
Don/Doc/Green=Pinkie Pie
Gai/Silver=I want to say Twilight, but this again Gai is usually pretty goofy so that may not be the best match.

I guess Aka Red or even Marvelous could crash on Earth either before the first EG movie or even during one of the times Sunset doesn't want to be around the others feeling alone like during Anon~A~Miss and take Sunset on as an apprentice and they disapear for several months. Sunset is given the powers of the gokaigers after either Red or marvelous dies of old age leaving her in charge of protecting the universe from a new faction of Zangyack rising to take revenge on the planet it blames for their leader's defeat decades earlier.

Sunset could come back into town and bump into the others and act aloof towards them at first until she is eating either at Sugarcubr, or another place with the other girls following trying to make sure she's okay. During her meal the Zangyack launches it's first attack and destroys the wall of the restraunt and blows up her sandwich which really pisses Sunset off. Stepping over the rubble of what was the front wall to confront a group of snickering soldiers, she changes and hands their asses to them shocking the girls who want to help and after a few battles Sunset finally forgives them on a trial basis and gives them the other morphers which is called mobirates or something, can't recall. :facehoof:

Just tossing that idea out, but I have to say, DAMN YOU! Damn you for getting that stick in my head! :raritycry: Now I might have to write it at some point! WWHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYY??? :raritydespair:

4557265 Hmmm, a voltron Sunset Shimmer. Let's see what we could do with that! :pinkiecrazy:

First, is this still EG universe? If so maybe have Voltron from an ancient civilization and upon Aeris's destruction. the planet was evacuated and the ships crashed on Earth with the castle being buried underground from how bad the impact was. It could be what killed off the dinosaurs and the few survivors from the ships wanted to forget the technology as it led to the destruction of their homeworld and just started over on earth. Though the first settlers knew much about technology, they could have let the secrets to have died with them.

Now millions of years later, or however much time, who really cares? Sunset somehow stumbles across a cave opening and somehow falls deep into the caves when the floor collapses under her and drops her right onto of the mostly destroyed castle. She finds the lions in hibernation, if I was writing this I'd make them somewhat sentient and have them chose their pilots, and of course black lion chooses Sunset. Somehow the others get involved when a scouting ship in the system picks up the lions energy signature upon awakening and the descendants of Lothor come in search of the last traces of Aeris to completely destroy them. The lions have to give the girls a crash course on piloting them, giving them tips as they do to drive back the invasion.

Meh, not sure how good either this or the Gokaiger idea would be. :rainbowlaugh: I have them stuck in my head now! :raritydespair:

Group Admin


So, I feel there is a demand for stories about Sunset Shimmer piloting giant-as-fuck mecha.

I fixed that for you.

You are welcome.

Now, some of you might be scratching your head at this. Because MLP is much more akin to Magical Girl in style.

The solution, obviously, is magical girls with giant magical mecha.

Because, yes, that is an actual thing.


An awesome anime even if the truth behind it was sad and really screwed up. :fluttercry:

You can't just leave it at that. What is this TRUTH?!

4557204 The biggest problem with this, I think, is that prose is a poor medium for mecha. So much of the appeal of the genre comes from the cool designs, and watching the awesome robots beat the crap out of each other and all the giant explosions. It's very visually oriented.

Reading about giant robot fights is just a tad boring in comparison.

Group Admin

4558071, way to be a massive buzzkill. It's almost like that is exactly the problem with all shonen stuff in prose. I couldn't possibly have made this thread entirely because of that.

4558073 That and its hard to get a decent wordcount from characters constantly screaming each others names or explaining how their attacks work.

4557940 All of the trouble caused was caused by the person the Knights were summoned to rescue. It's a sad and really messed up love story but at the same time is an awesome anime.

Not all shonen stuff suffers this in prose. Just like at the massive popularity and longevity of the wushia novel genre.

Group Admin

Psst. If you send someone a PM and expect a reply, it tends to help if you don't have the person blocked. It's also amusing to try to offer a ceasefire when you have the person blocked, forcing them to speak in public to get your attention.

That said, feel free to leave me blocked. Here would have been my reply regardless:
You don't need my permission to behave better. When you write things I have no objection to, I either ignore them, or respond neutrally/etc. The power is entirely in your court on how we interact. Continue to behave objectionably, and I will continue to point it out. You can either remain defensive and react poorly, or you can learn from it and try to become a better person. This all started because you let your ego get in the way of accepting honest and constructive criticism of your story. You're not special; I review a lot of stories. When other people act like jackasses I point it out.


When other people act like jackasses I point it out.

... Well, I guess to dish out, you don't have to be able to take it. I do find it quite amusing that you constantly bitch about other people being dicks, when you are not one bit better yourself. Different, maybe, but not better.

the US bastardizes into crappy storylines changing the series completely.

Yes saban is bastarding super Sentai by having legal rights to the stock footage and making a completly different series. Because engine Sentai go-onger had a great story with its talking cars and its slap stick over the post apocalyptic future and and actual story telling of power ranger rpm

No a bastardized story of super Sentai would be that God awful dub of the Sentai Dynaman

THAT MECHA ROBOT SPIRAL THING. (skip to 1:30, watch to end, the end robot)

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