Sunset Shimmer 4,952 members · 6,846 stories
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I'm not sure if anypony here can help me with this but does anypony know HOW Sunset knew to go and steal Twilight's crown. I'm working on a fan fiction and for the prelude, I am hoping to know this so I can give an accurate account of her history leading up to where this story takes place, which will be right around her graduation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I remember right, Sunset came through the mirror earlier and found some newspaper articles about the Elements of Harmony. Then she came up with a slip shod plan in her anger.

Well one way could be the gate was open and Sunset decided to peek in and see what the current events were, over heard about Twilight, and decided to steal the crown then and there.



Thanks for letting me know. It is greatly appreciated.

I don't think we ever learn precisely how long the portal remains open for, but presumably Sunset had time to do a scouting expedition of the castle (and learn what's going on), hop back to the human realm and concoct a plan, then sneak back in and commit the theft.

It's not like the incredibly useless palace guards were going to do anything to stop her.

It's never stated how, like a lot of things when it comes to eqg. You'll have to make one for yourself. One good idea is that she didn't came to equestria at night just in time to steal the crown. She came before, scouted ahead, and then made the plan to steal the crown.

Also, I advice you to take a look at This, if you want a better backstory for how sunset discovered the mirror portal and how she and celestia parted ways. Much better than the official IDW comic.

I like to go off the idea that Celestia told Sunset about the elements, thus given more reason as to why she felt like she deserved to be and have the Element of Magic. Cadence and Sunset knew each other after Cadence became an alicorn, thus knowing about Twilight by proxy since Cadence foalsitted her. And being such a powerful unicorn and nearly as smart as Twilight herself, she could feel how strong Twilight was and could see the possibility of Celestia replacing her with Twilight after noticing Celestia was holding her back. Since Twilight and Sunset never actually met, Twilight didn't know about Sunset and after Twilight's surge during her entrance exam, that solidified she would replace her as both Celestia's student and the future Element of magic. All of that together is what made her want to leave and the timing of the portal opening was merely a very coinvent way to hide herself from Twilight and wait out her getting the Element of Magic. And due to the portal only opening for a few days every few years, waited till the last day to go through so no one could follow her. The rest is history.


In the first Equestria Girls movie, which is when Sunset steals the crown, when Twilight is about to go through the portal we are told the portal will be open for three days, after which if Twilight hasn't already returned to Equestria, she will be trapped in the Equestria Girls human world for 'thirty moons.'

But when Sunset went through the portal to steal the crown, was that part of the three days or not? Was there some extra margin before Twilight's three days? idk

Of course, later on in the series (after that movie) Twilight finds a way to keep the portal open semi-permanently any time she likes.

I figure it's probably open for about a week (or pony equivalent), and Celestia is simply referring to the amount of time remaining. Given she's clearly invested in seeing Sunset return to Equestria, it's not a surprise she'd know down to the minute when the portal will open and close.

(SADFIC IDEA: A few days prior to the first movie, Celestia parks herself in front of the mirror just before the portal opens, waiting for hours in desperate hope Sunset will emerge to greet her.)


(SADFIC IDEA: A few days prior to the first movie, Celestia parks herself in front of the mirror just before the portal opens, waiting for hours in desperate hope Sunset will emerge to greet her.)

Good story idea imho. I am already thinking about things I could try to do with it, which doesn't mean I'll necessarily write it, or that anyone else's version would be the same as what I might do with it.

(but if someone writes it and posts it on, please reply to this comment to let me know so I can see it. :twilightsmile: )

I dunno. Ik many believes Sunburst is Sunset's brother, and that was him that informed her, but that's just a theory, a FIM theory.

Given her position I imagine Sunset was very familar with the Elements of Harmony and knew at some point they'd reveal themselves. Similarly it's possible she would exit the portal when ever if became active to learn what she could about how things were going in Equestria.

Some fic floated the idea that since Luna's return was foretold, the emergence of the elements was too, and Sunset knew about both, and thus was able to predict the timing for the most likely occurances of both.


Thanks for sharing that link....that is absolutely beautiful....the animation is amazing but I felt so bad for Sunset in this. Rather than making her look like a spoiled self-centered brat, it gives her a better reason to do what she did. The whole thing with Celestia demanding that Sunset get a friend has given me an idea, an idea which will alter the future entirely. What my plan is is for Sunset to not befriend one of the ponies she goes to school with but a random unicorn in Canterlot who feels bad for her when he sees her distraught out in public....and I have plans for Celestia's reaction to this as well, plans that will make Sunset right when it comes to Tia's hypocrisy.

I remember in one story sunset could see through the portal and have an idea of what was happening but until it opened she couldn't go through. She became a mlp author in that world.

Glad I could help. I used that fan film as sunset's backstory in my stories. Maybe you could do the same.


That is my plan. I think this makes a much better backstory for her than the IDW comics. I made a backstory for Cozy Glow that some people like and hell, maybe I should come up with one for Starlight too since her canon one is rather weak.

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