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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I, Sweetie Belle, claim this group as part of the Sweetie Belle Empire! :unsuresweetie:

Well... alright. Cryosite and Jondor aren't as active on the site as they used to be. Cryo asked if I'd take over the group, and I'm always willing to help out with these things, so I'm adding this to the list of various groups I'm running. You can see I'm now the founder, and you can probably guess that I'm not the original founder of 2/3's of the groups out there I run.

I'll probably be revising things a bit. As far as I'm concerned, posting in all the various threads in the group instead of making a new thread is recommended, but not required. There's not terribly much volume in this group, anyways, and I'd rather not discourage it.

I'm leaving Cryo and Jondor as admins for the moment, as long as they are still around and interested in helping out.

Anyways, group change. A lot of you probably know me or are in groups I run anyways, so probably not too big of a shift...

--Sweetie Belle

Another group under your command, your slow takeover of Fimfic is going smoothly.

Also, that's a very cute image

Your expansion has been faster than mongols so far...

Everything is going according to plan. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I, for one, welcome our new adorable filly overlord.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It is, isn't it? Went looking over pictures with Sunset Shimmer and Sweetie Belle, which isn't really as many as I'd like, and, of course, some are Anon-A-Miss related. It can actually be found right here:

Oh, slower than that. I don't really go actively looking for groups to take over these days, to be honest, but I'm always willing to help out.

I had a plan?


--Sweetie Belle

Passing the torch to a (formerly) squeaky filly.


I just assumed you were already the manager of every forum.


Sweets to the sweet. 🐝

Hey, I was gonna say that! :rainbowlaugh:

As long as the Sunset flows, so Maltopia pledges to our new overlords

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I feel like that sometimes, too, which gets rather confusing when it turns out I'm not the admin of someplace.

Just was playing a game preview called "Little Witch In the Woods" on Game Pass. Very distracting, as I just spent several hours doing witchy things.


--Sweetie Belle

I want to spend several hours doing witchy things...

Is the owl house on a hiatus right now? I watched a few episodes of the new season but then there didn't seem to be any more episodes.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It is, but also Disney+ doesn't have all of the rest of season 2 up. Most recent episode was "King's Tide", from yesterday, then we have to wait for three double-length episodes (october, maybe?), and then that's basically it for Owl House, because of Disney sucking.

The game starts you as a witch apprentice on the way to school by train. You see a shiny tree on a mountain you want to check out that the trains passing, then the train makes an emergency stop and is going to halt there the night. You explore where the tree you found was, then follow a glowing cat to an old abandoned witches cottage, and spend the night, but the train takes off before you wake up, so you have to repair the cottage, and solve some problems by making potions and talking to foxes and things. Seems fun so far.

--Sweetie Belle

Little Witch Academia
Little Witch Nobeta
Little Witch in the Woods

At least Nobeta will be out in just a few more months... though Splatoon 3 comes out at around the same time. And on the subject of witches, Hogwarts Legacy comes out around then too and I may or may not want that one.

This one looks pretty interesting, too. Though I'd say that about anything with a cute witch in it. I guess you don't need magic school if you can just train in the woods.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, the main character seems to be all about doing witch stuff in the woods, but her talking pointy hat seems to think she should really get back to the school. I'll admit when the train stopped and I was looking at the map when looking for where I was staying the night, I pretty much figured we were staying in that area.

Hogwarts Legacy, I'm skipping. I'm iffy about getting anything with JK involved at this point, and a big plotline about fighting against goblins in the goblin rebellions in her universe seems questionable. The goblins are oppressed by wizards in her universe, and I don't want to be one of the ones doing the oppressing.

Besides, there are plenty of other games out there to play. Still need to finish Elden Ring, though I'm a lot closer than I used to be. Shame my witch mentor in Elden Ring turned into a big ball o' faces (Okay, one of my witch mentors...), but bad things seem to happen to most of the npcs in that game.

--Sweetie Belle

I never listen to the navi-esque characters in any game... not unless the plot forces me to. So hopefully you just stay in the woods, save money on tuition and show up to school on the last day knowing 10 times as much as any of the students.

Yeah, I'm definitely pro-goblin. It mostly depends on that plot point.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

From some of the conversations on the train, I think I already did. Think I'm actually the second best student in the school?

And the hat may be pushing for going to the school, but thus far, that's not something I can actually do, as the actual game is keeping me there. What I actually should probably do in the game at the moment is make some potions and start selling 'em for money. There's enough similarity to the Atelier games that I have an idea how to proceed. (Some of the Atelier games do have a witch npc, too...)

And yeah, if I'm feeling iffy about one game, there really isn't a shortage of other games for me to play. Return to Monkey Island comes out later this year, and that's a must get for me, too.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

While I'm not against no longer being an admin, a heads-up would have been nice.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I was kinda wondering about that myself, as you weren't on the admin list when I got admin rights. Thought something might've happened behind the scenes I wasn't aware of...

--Sweetie Belle

Sunset Shimmer with freckles? Adorable!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The freckles do make all the difference. Good floof, too.

--Sweetie Belle

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