Sunset Shimmer 4,948 members · 6,823 stories
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In the comic where the cmcs framed sunset for spreading gossip do you think twilight was a good friend to sunset and please give your reasons for your point of view.

Personally I never thought she was because what if the cmcs hadn't confess considering the girls despite the book still had doubts because the first 2 post weren't something anyone could access to.

Anon-A-Miss is, in all honestly, one of the worst written things to come out of 'Official' MLP content that there ever was. A carbon copy of the Gaby Gums storyline made more extreme by the fact that Sunset gets the blame for everything despite the story being set after the Sirens... or, you know, the point in which she's made an unofficial Element of Harmony and everyone knows she's tried way to damn hard to show she's good to just throw it all away over gossip. I still to this day do not understand the reason WHY people still want to write about the concept other than them being into making Sunset suffer, which some people just are considering some of the stories we've seen.

To stick with the content of the post, though, I would think that out of the entire cast, Twilight would probably be the only good that Sunset would be hearing during that story. Not only does she know that Sunset's turned around, but she'd probably be familiar enough with what the Crusaders did in her reality to point it out. Of course, probably wouldn't considering everyone in that story was holding the idiot ball....

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, I've been asked before for thoughts on what Sweetie Belle would do or motivations in Anon-A-Miss fics before, and my feeling is always that Sweetie Belle wouldn't have done the things in Anon-A-Miss, so is too out of character for me to have an idea... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Out of the trio, the only character I could see being the one who'd actually go along with things would be Scootaloo, and that would be more because she's got the idol worship for Dash and wouldn't like loosing out on that. And even then, she'd realize when things had gone too far and pull out before it got crazy. Sweetie, of the Crusaders, would be the most reluctant of the group and probably the one trying to talk them out of doing it from the get go.

That's if you're wanting to take Anon-A-Miss seriously at all, considering how nonsense it is.

Honestly, if I remember correctly all she did was give sunset advice and told her good luck. Which is kind of strange when you reread some Anon-a-Miss fics.

Yeah which is why I always wondered if she was a good friend during it. Considering nobody not even sunset would put a target on their back for everyone to see and yet the girls believe that she is responsible and I get why somewhat Considering the circumstantial evidence did point towards her but at the same time nobody would be stupid enough to paint the target on their back. The fact was even when she talked with the girls they still had doubt about whether she was guilty or not. If the cmcs hadn't confessed I doubt they would have been friends again anytime soon considering the girls couldn't imagine their sisters would do such a thing. And yet twilight advice was go find your family and remember that the hate that brought the windgos can be anywhere. Not exactly much help there. What she can't bother to be a shoulder for her friend to cry on in person.

Actually, I was thinking about the target on your back thing and the first thing that popped into my head was reverse psychology.

Yeah but I heard about few crooks and none have been stupid enough to paint a target on their back. A few because of mental issues they don't get they are on the wrong path but that doesn't describe sunset and some well they were stupid enough to leave a calling card but they weren't doing it on purpose so that doesn't fit sunset either because if she had designed the page she would have noticed the calling card that pretty much says it is sunset fault. And sunset is pretty good at details not prefect but enough to notice something like that.

Is she? Never noticed that.

Considering she noticed something was off about the sirens even before they began their attack and you can't rule the school under the adults noses if you don't pay attention to details.

I had a few theories about that but I’m not entirely sure about them.

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