Sunset Shimmer 4,952 members · 6,846 stories
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I hear about rewrite of Equestria girls episode which is the last one but I never saw it and I don't know the name of the episode which ends the series. I even tried to look it up but found nothing. Can anyone help me out? If you know anything about this episode please let me know.

If I recall correctly, the very last thing they made was “Holidays Unwrapped”, which was a series of holiday-themed shorts. Is that what you’re looking for?

If you're alluding to the Digital Series, then the final Equestria Girls production was Costume Conundrum (uploaded on August 26th, 2020). As many have pointed out, EqG was cancelled before it could receive a proper ending.

The one I heard about has sunset meeting her counterpart. If it really exists and isn't something fans created.

It was planned, and an official synopsis was released, but Equestria Girls was cancelled before it could be made. There are several stories on here which are speculative looks at what the special might have been like.

Ok that why I never saw the episode even though I even tried to look up the name to find it.

By that point Hasbro had shifted into preparations for getting Gen 5 going, and didn't see the point in continuing the spinoff to a show which had ended the previous year.

Still a proper ending would have been nice. G5 doesn't have the same magic.

Fair enough. Then again, G5 is still trying to establish itself, so there's hope yet.

Yeah I think the idiots in charge of TV shows don't know the number 1 rule is if it isn't broken don't fix it, so many people think because they have a good thing that they should fix which of course breaks it instead of making it better. G4 was doing fine but they insisted that they needed to get rid of it.

I suggest we continue this conversation in PMs, as we're drifting off the original topic.

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