The Mailbox (and related stories) 208 members · 2 stories
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Group Admin

This is the place for the audience to give feedback or discuss the letters in any thread. Please keep the other threads just for the letters, don't make new threads, and enjoy the show!

Comment posted by Bill Clinton deleted Jun 23rd, 2013
Group Admin

xjuggernaughtx, those letters are both amazing. I can't wait for AJ to get back to Pinkie now, but I have to finish these letters to Twilight and Fluttershy first.

I can't imagine a better kick off to this project. :ajsmug:

Group Admin

1160478 Thanks much! I had a great time writing them. I love Pinkie! Nothing is off the table for her to be doing! :pinkiehappy:

Was this inspired at all by the aj/dash interaction in Wet feathers? That's the type of vibe I'm getting from the description of all this. Which is good! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Partially... actually more the letters from the prompt thread, where I realized that it doesn't take too long to write a cute, interesting letter.

Mostly it was because I love forum based rpgs, but I always get frustrated that they take up all my time if they're busy or I sit around waiting for people to post if they're slow. This lets us post at our own pace, but can fill my rp craving.

Then, thinking about Yours Truly as an example, I thought some other folks might like to see what the mane six are getting up to in this. Since we've got some great writers on board, I think it'll be fun.

Fun fun!

>_> <_< any planned shipping shenanigans? :rainbowwild:

Speaking of Dash... the whole PEGASUS SUPREMACY thing reminds me slightly of Rainbow Factory. :rainbowderp: Though this is taken in a more benevolent sense, mind you...

Group Admin

Our plan is to let shipping happen as it happens, if at all. None of us have interacted with each others versions of the characters before, so it should be interesting to see where there's chemistry.


I'm watchin' you. Don't let me down!

Group Admin

It should be, especially given that the AJ, Dash, Twilight, and Rarity authors have different primary ships, usually. Things could get exciting among those ships.

That sounds like potential drama. Oh dear. >.>

As dirty as this feels writing this, you have my vote!

And my sword!

And my bow!

Group Admin

:pinkiegasp: All these ponies are staring with simmering lust at each other, and I'm just over here having silly adventures! :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

1160772 It's cool with me. I just want people to have a good time and write what they love to write. If you wanna ship, it's gravy in my book. I'll probably be useless in that department, though.

Says the guy with Twilight and Pinkie in his avatar...

1160772 Very much enjoyed the first RD/AJ letter, though was I the only one who immediately got this playing in my head?

Group Admin

Well. This is fun as hell already.

Group Admin

1160801 Hey, that is a wholly platonic nose boop.

I'm really enjoying all of these, but after Day 1, I've gotta say, I really want to see where 1160608 and 1160772 are going with their stories.

Group Admin

Aww, I'm glad you like it! It's going to be interesting building the story over letters, with very little description or dialogue, so bear with me.

Group Admin


Well, if we do end up having some solid chemistry, I will most certainly not be complaining. :rainbowkiss:

Thanks for sharing this on your blog, Acreu. Many of the collaborators' other works look very appealing; my "Read Later" list just got a lot larger.

One... this is going to be a strange project. You're writing Fluttershy, but story wise, you and I are writing Applejack and Fluttershy together and you and Jake are writing Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash together. Those could be very different stories; Applejack and Fluttershy could be a serious story about being homesick, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash could be having a comedic back and forth trying to remember the name of their flight school instructor.

Ha! What a thought! These RPs shall be interesting, indeed!

Cadence's name is spelled the way any sane man would spell it, I see.

How a summer could be so busy and so boring at the same time is anypony's guess, but Twilight is going to try and be optimistic about it. [Twilight's blurb]

If you want to be really correct, you might want to change "try and" to "try to".

With a whole orange grove and a team of farmhooves to manage by herself, AJ is just hoping she can lay low, stay out of trouble, and harvest an orange crop for her aunt and uncle. [Applejack's blurb]

If you want to be really correct, you might want to change "lay" to "lie".

What she didn't realize was that the production was for a theatre all the way in Baltimare, and for some small, unheard-of theatre company, on to of it all. [Rarity's blurb]

On top of.

Of course, since it was Fancy Pants who suggested it (and he is such a dear), I fear I am left even without a specific party on which I can place the blame—and I am left swimming in directionless woe; I am doomed to this fate, of which I had no say—is the situation I now find myself. [R to AJ, 6/23]

Myself in?

All the class and sophistication—ponies who really know the art of pampering onesself, am I wrong?


Seems like it’d be right nice about now, it’s hotter than frying pan down here. [AJ to FS, 6/23]

Than a frying pan. By the way, Applejack sometimes uses semicolons and sometimes doesn't; is that deliberate?

So, Plup, that’s the farmhoof showing me around, he pointed at that pond and said to me, “You be careful of that. Don’t go messing with old Toothy.”


Acreu, I love you. It's impossibly entertaining imagining Rarity scribbling away, writing em dash after em dash after parenthetical after semicolon. (How is she italicizing her words? . . . Magic?)
Jake, juggernaut, you're forgetting to place two spaces instead of one at the beginning of each sentence.
As you might view this as RPing and less formal or not as serious as storywriting, would anyone like me to lay off them?

Group Admin


I can't speak for any of the other writers, but I certainly don't mind having errors pointed out. Where I would normally have an editor (or three) go over fiction of mine before it was put online, these are a bit more fast and loose. I'm not going to get annoyed by having mistakes pointed out.

Regarding 'try and,' it's an informal Americanism that isn't technically wrong, but that would be an argument I'd make in writing dialogue, not a blurb, so I edited it to the more formal 'try to.'

Group Admin

Thanks, I appreciate the corrections! Though I will say it's up to each author if they want to edit or not, since I kind of kidnapped everyone from other projects. If they don't have time and/or desire, that's totally up to them.

As for AJ's semicolons, I really shouldn't be using them (at least, correctly). I mean, I'm pretty sure that AJ don't need none of that fancy grammar. But sometimes the spot just jumped out at me, begging me for a semicolon. It's to early in the morning for me to make a decision on what I'll do there. Let me give it some thought.

And "Pulp" is going to play merry hell with my dyslexia. You have no idea how many of that typo I caught before posting. But I'll get that fixed later today.


Where I would normally have an editor (or three) go over fiction of mine before it was put online, these are a bit more fast and loose.

Regarding 'try and,' it's an informal Americanism that isn't technically wrong, but that would be an argument I'd make in writing dialogue, not a blurb, so I edited it to the more formal 'try to.'

If they don't have time and/or desire, that's totally up to them.

Natch! (bats, using the word "technically" in that manner is questionable; in my opinion, "try and" is colloquial and thus, in certain contexts, permissible.)
Thanks for the responses!

Oohh, so you normally use double spaces, but you're trying to remember not to do so when participating in this RP so as to give the letters more stylistic consistency? An admirable effort. I salute you.

Thank you; glad to help!
:rainbowlaugh: Cursive Writing yessss

Work in an orange pone in that chemistry, and it'll be perfect! :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

1162698 It's not that I'm not forgetting to put in two spaces before the next sentence. I'm purposefully doing it be FIMFiction's left alignment can't handle two space. If you put two in, then the left alignment gets screwed up after any line that ends with a period all the way on the right side. I'd love to put in two spaces, but it makes the text look ugly, so I threw in the towel a while back and just did it FIMFiction's way.

But thanks a ton for the edits! I'm always down to improve my stuff.

Group Admin

1163899 Fluttershy is the best at fun. She is the funnest, though it's best to avoid sticky situations with her.

In fact, I think she once talked about these placed. [RD to FS, 6/24]

These places.

Ah, 'kay. Then you're trying to kick the habit of using pairs of spaces, too. What I'm saying is, you and Jake aren't succeeding at kicking the habit: Both of you use double spaces at some points in your letters, and both of you use single spaces at some points in your letters.

Comment to the writer's thread: Twi being a princess and all could have access to magic for her letters? As in, letters FROM Twi to others would be near instant - receiving them would still take a while, and it's only for her.

Group Admin

1164235 I still like the idea of the Magic Mail Express Delivery system.

There have to be some unicorns working at your local post office. Twi can't be the only one that can send letters magically, and I feel like some ponies must be born to do the job!

"Magic Mail: Available at Your Local Post Office"


In AJ/R, you missed

could very well have the potential to be congrued in a manner that I did not intend for

which should definitely be construed. :twilightsmile: (Unless she is worried about her letter being eaten by a grue?)

Oh, and depending on how pedantic Rarity is, construed in a manner for which I did not intend (or, perhaps better, just strike the for).

The only magical source we've observed is spike. We've never actually SEEN Celestia send off her letters, only receive them. So we don't know how that works. We just know Celestia seems the only one able to send letters to Spike in that way. Hence, alicorn powers, imo. Which is why I'm figuring that it works for Twi that way.

Group Admin

1164353 Okay. Then we Harry Potter it and send our mail by way of owl.

I call Hedwig.

Group Admin

1164155 Oh, got it. Okay, I'll go in and see if I can eliminate them. I ran it through a word processor and had it find/replace the double spaces with single spaces, but maybe I didn't put in ever iteration of how that could occur. Thanks for checking it out!

1163899 Oh my gosh, yes. That Fluttershy letter was awesome. I don't necessarily read a lot of Fluttershy, but that was just about the best I've seen her voice captured, especially in the first few lines.

Also, because grammar nazi and all, and it's coming up with you, 1163396, and 1163339, I feel it's necessary to bring up the age-old one-or-two argument. I was doing two spaces between sentences for years decades, until just a little while ago. Basically, the only reason two-space ever evolved was because typewriters use fixed-width fonts, and so a single space isn't quite readable enough to indicate a full-stop (since an 'i' basically gives as much white-space as a single space). Properly, sentences only get one space separating them when using variable-width fonts. Wikipedia has a nice run-down on the history of spacing conventions and their controversies here, but one-space is the established norm for modern publishing.

Sorry... I'll shut up now.

Feedback on that :pinkiehappy:->:yay: letter.
It felt... kindof off? The content was pure Pinkie, yes, but the use of vocabulary, or some wordings, made it feel like I was reading a letter by :duck:. I hadn't noticed this in the other letters you wrote, but in this one, it's pretty noticeable!

Group Admin

1164689 I'll look it over. I've had other people tell me a strangely formal style creeps into my Pinkie Pie at times. Any particular passages that stick out to you? Thanks for the feedback.

I've been writing a Discord fic, and his speech is a little formal, so I've probably just not switch gears properly yet.

Ah, it's not just me then! :twilightblush:
...I could have sworn the letter started with "dearest". Dear is better, though I'd see her writing "hi Fluttershy!", personally.
"Serene" is a word I don't see her using often either.
The scientific part seems Twilighty, which is probably intentional, though it comes across as her a bit too strongly.
The "wrap this up" paragraph also feels too formal.

I guess I'm trying to "hear" Pinkie through these letters - as if this was talking. But it doesn't sound like her talking. I know writing is a tad different, but it should still reflect her speech patterns a bit more. Pinkie probably doesn't think about proper writing techniques, and just jots down the words in her head, much like she talks.

Hope this helps. :scootangel:

Group Admin


And the only reason mine are double-spaced is because I am physically unable to break the habit.

I have occasionally gone through and replaced double spaces with single spaces on stories using a find/replace feature in Word of GDocs, since it does tend to look nicer. But it's so ingrained for me at this point (as a guy who learned to type on a typewriter) that I have to force myself to single space instead of double, which is simply not going to work when writing fiction. I'd spend more time focusing on not double spacing than I would be writing.

Also, I tried to only single space for this comment between sentences, and left in those where I forgot, rather than going back and fixing. As you can see, I failed...every time except the first. :rainbowlaugh:

1164925 I'm actually really surprised at how easy it was for me to break the habit. I expected to have more like the trouble you have, since I've been doing it for so damn long. Though even then, I learned on very early computers and not typewriters, and I have a feeling that for all the typing I've done, you've probably done a lot more than me.

I personally don't care too much about the issue, though now that I've accepted the one-space camp I have started to feel like one-space really does look preferable to two-space. But outside real copy-editing, I don't think of it as a big deal. I only mentioned it because the topic came up (though to be fair, the topic came up on the context of being consistent, which is always good either way).

Group Admin

1164917. Ugh. My work computer hates this site so much. I'm responding on my phone, so I apologize in advance if this is garbled.

I went in and toned down some of the formality. You are certsinly right about some of it. The science part is consciously stretching it because I'm imagining Fluttershy looking bewildered at the page. I thought the science should be out of left field.

This is what happens when I get a little over excited. Usually, I let things sit for a while and re-read them a bunch of times. I wanted to bang that one out so that Churchy could get started if he wanted. Luckily my response to Applejack and Twilight is still on my desktop, so I'll pick over them in a bit.

The revised version (on which i made those comments right now) are better than the first readthrough. And I get ya about the science part - that feels intentional, so it doesn't stick out as much as the other stuff did. Apart from that last paragraph and parting note, the edits do look much better.

Group Admin

Wow, Twilight must really be addled from high society... she mixed up AJ's farmhooves.

Anyway, great letter! :ajsmug:

Group Admin


I'm just addled from a bit of a cold. I shall fix.

Group Admin

Hawks win! Hawks win!

You get a t-shirt! And you get a t-shirt!


Yesterday I met him, my uncle’s nephew OJ, laying next to a swimming pool because it was “too nice to to work.” [AJ to RD, 6/24]

Too nice to work.

The amount of magic necessary to do something like all of smelting that’s done here would be astronomical, and they work all hours of the day and night here. [TS to AJ, 6/24]

All of the smelting.

(Or she's concerned that her letter will be considered equivalent to another letter? Well, that's going on congruency's mathematical definition; she might be worrying that someone will think her letter is in agreement with something she doesn't in fact agree with. Hm. . . .)

Much appreciated!

I know, right?! When someone uses double spaces, I don't want them to continue to use double spaces because it's silly, but I feel that I don't have the right to tell them to change their personal grammatical style, so if I proofread their writing, I just point out to them the times that they forget to use two spaces instead of one. (Hey, y'know Ezn's writing guide? He suggests that a person looking for a compromise use this thing called the en space ( ). Seems really neat.)

I'm the only person who implied that double spaces should be used—sorry for assuming you prefer pairs of spaces to single spaces in my first post. I redacted the opinion in my second post.

These letters are so amazing. I love all the little stories, and the interactions between everyone. All the connecting stories, even so early on, make it all that much better. Please, keep this going, it's so good.

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