The Mailbox (and related stories) 208 members · 2 stories
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June 24th, 2013

Dear Fluttershy,

How's it going in Whinnipeg? You’ve probably made friends with all the animals by now. Are you planning on bringing any of them back with you? I asked Twilight before she left and she said they have a lot of moose (Moose? Mooses? Moosii?) up there. See if you can convince one of the chocolate ones to come, like one on the train ride we took with the MMMM. Or at least a chocolate wolverine.

So, don't panic or anything, but, um, is anypony checking in on Discord while you’re out? Right now, your cottage is floating over Ponyville. I think that’s kinda neat, but the Mayor doesn’t seem to like it very much. The good news is that it hasn’t hit anything yet. Actually, it looks pretty serene up there, just gently blowing with the breeze. They sent up Derpy and Cloudchaser to check it out.

So, in non-house news, Applejack said she wrote you about alligator problems, but don't you worry your pretty little head about it! I didn’t want her to have to bother you on your vacation. I said she should either play some really good polka to get them in a really good mood, or, if that doesn't work, make a pony out of taffy to keep their jaws occupied. Who doesn’t love taffy? So, you just sit back. Pinkie Pie’s got it covered.

As for me, I’ve been running around Equestria on a mission. A tasty mission. That’s all I can really say. It’s a secret project where the secret to success is keeping it secret. I think ‘extrafunriffictastic’ and ‘so great that you’ll need to seriously hug a pink pony’ are probably the first to things you'll think of when you see it.

Tomorrow, I’m headed out to Canterberry for a guided tour of their streamer factory. They’ve scientifically engineered their streamers to stream better! In the Party Sciences, we call this the Festivity Parabola Equation. You see, for optimum joy, streamers must bend into just the right arcs. No one likes a straight streamer that’s just hanging there. That’s boring! A streamer needs to twist and curl and flow like a river of fun! Canterberry Streamers has really been on the cutting edge of the research. They are innovators in the field.

I tried to talk to Twilight about all of this a few months ago, but she seemed to think correspondence courses from Professor Fetlock’s University of the Celebratory Arts and Sciences didn’t really count. I showed her a brochure and everything, but she wasn't impressed. I figured she would flip over it, but she didn’t like the courses. I thought Advanced Mime Techniques and Puns and Society through History all sounded great! Some ponies, huh? What’re you gonna do?

I gotta run, but please write me back at Sugarcube Corner! I’m jumping up and down because I’m so eager to hear from you! Jumping and writing is hard! Sorry if the words are a little wiggly.

With laughter (and an eye on a floating cottage),

Pinkie Pie

Group Admin


July 1, 2013

Dear Pinkie Pie,

Thanks for asking about my vacation here in Whinniepeg. While it is very true that I have made friends with quite a few of the animals here, I think that it is a stretch to say that I am friends with all of them. That would be very hard to do, as I would have to, well, meet all of them...

There’s a lot of them here, if you didn’t know that.

While I haven’t met all of the animals here in Whinniepeg, I most definitely have met a wonderful moose friend. He’s great company; we play board games and sip tea and do all kinds of neat things. Unfortunately, he’s rather clumsy, so I do have to help him with most of the activities we do, but I don’t really mind even still. He’s very good at Twister, which was rather surprising.

I will keep an eye out for any chocolate animals. I’m not so sure, but it has been very hot recently, and I run across a lot of what look like mud puddles from time to time. I do hope that the chocolate animals have found a nice freezer somewhere rather than they be walking around in the terrible heat.

Oh and don’t you worry about Discord! He’s a friend now, I can see it inside of him that he’s changed. I am positive that he and the Princesses are getting along quite well. And if he were acting out, you know very well that little old Fluttershy would be there to give him a stern talk, and you know what happens to a pony after one of those talks...

I am going to trust that your advice for Applejack was sound, and was not something that would get her ruthlessly killed. I hope that you don’t mind, but I also sent Applejack some of my own advice, so I guess now she has double the ideas! Oh dear, I hope that doesn’t confuse her too much.

Your trip sounds like it has been very nice so far! I’m very excited to hear about this mission of yours, how long does it have to stay a secret? I’m very good with keeping secrets, you know, just ask Twilight.

On second thought, don’t ask Twilight.

You don’t have to tell me about your secret mission if you don’t want to, but do tell me all about the Streamer Factory when you get the chance. It sounds very colorful, and I bet the tour was something to dream about. I don’t know much about the science of streamers (actually, I didn’t know there was a science at all), but maybe that’s something I should read up on. I’m very sorry that Twilight didn’t like it, but I suppose that it just isn’t everypony’s cup of tea.

The last few lines were difficult to read, and I’m very sorry to say that I couldn’t read them. Not that there’s anything wrong with your hoofwriting, it had been lovely up to that point. Nothing bad happened as you were writing it, right? Oh, I certainly hope not. Was that last part important? I mean, of course it was important, everything you say is important, I just-

You know what, just write back as soon as you can so that I can know if you are okay.

- With love,


Group Admin


July 8th, 2013

Dear Fluttershy,

I wish you were here! I’m in the middle of all these wildflowers and it’s like a color cannon went ‘kablam’ and cast chromatic chaos completely across this meadow! There’s chirping birds and big, fat bumblebees everywhere. I just know you’d love it! Plus, this grass is nice and soft. I was rolling back and forth in it just now, but I got too dizzy, so I decided to write for a little while.

Sorry that this letter is late. Mrs. Cake had a whole pile of them up in her room that she forgot to give me when I got back to Ponyville. I was just hanging around in the kitchen, sighing and poking at the pie dough with my hoof, when she just ran off all of a sudden and came back with this HUGE stack of letters! Then,she said that letters from friends read better in the sunlight and pushed me out the back door.

Well, she was right! I sat right down in the road (some ponies get so huffy when you read letters in the road!) and opened those letters up! I actually read Rainbow’s letter so hard that I pulled an eye muscle! Nurse Redheart gave me an eye patch, so I sailed to the girl’s clubhouse and demanded that they surrender the donuts they bought earlier at Sugarcube Corner to me, or else walk the plank! Well, a donut shot out from the clubhouse and splatted right on my forehead! Thus began the Great Ponyville Donut War! By the end, we didn’t have any donuts, but we were laughing so hard that we couldn’t breathe. I still have some frosting in my tail, but I’m saving that for when I get hungry.

Ooh, but I’ve got to tell you about what just happened! So, I was walking by this super-sparkly lake when I ran into a family of otters.They were sliding down this muddy hill, and then running back up and sliding again! Well, you know how much I love sliding! I threw off my saddlebags and dove right in there! Those otters were pretty surprised, but after a minute or two, they got really excited and started chattering away at each other. Pretty soon, we were all sliding around together, and crashing into the water at the bottom with these huge splashes! I got so muddy that instead of a Pinkie Pie, I was a Brownie Pie! Oh, now I’m hungry…

Anyway, we were all having a blast when this stallion trots up and tells me that we all have to leave by the order of Princess Celestia. I thought that was pretty weird, but he had this stamped document saying that the lake and the surrounding land needed to be cleared out for development. He said that all the otters and the other animals had to go and that it was his job to make sure it happened.

Well, that sounded pretty mean to me, but the princess has to make some tough decisions sometimes, so I tried to remember some of the otter you taught me that one time. In the end, they all got the gist and we shuffled off. The poor otters looked so sad with their little tails just dragging on the ground. It was so depressing that I couldn’t even think up a good song to cheer them up.

But then I remembered that I’d left my saddlebags, and I had to go back! When I got to the Sliding Hill, that stallion was still there, but he was laughing all villainishly with a couple of other ponies. He sounded pretty iffy, so I jumped in a bush and waited. You know what he said? He said that the letter from Celestia was a fake, but that it didn’t matter! I guess if the land around the lake is vacant, then it can be developed by anyone! They were laughing about all the ponies and animals that they had scared off the land and that they were going to make a ton of bits from it!

That made me remember when Flim and Flam tried to kick the Apples off of their farm, and how well all pitched in to help them. I ran right back to the otters and told them what was going on! Well, either that, or that I was a giant duck. Like I said, my otter’s a little rusty, so tried to act out a lot of it. Anyway, they ran off to tell the other forest animals, and suddenly there was this whole wilderness army assembling! There was even another pony that showed up! His name was Forest Glen, and he said they had kicked him out of his house, too. He looked pretty mad when I told him their plan. He took off so fast that he did that thing that Rainbow does sometimes! You know, where she runs in place for a few seconds and then takes off like a shot! I love it when she does that! He yelled back something about getting some guards.

So, the animals and I all rolled in the mud for a while and had a good time sticking leaves to each other, and then we all snuck back to the Sliding Hill. You should have seen the looks on those ponies faces when a huge herd of otters, beavers, ducks, deer, and one Pinkie Pie, all covered in mud and leaves, came bursting out of the bushes. The ducks divebombed them, and then the otters knocked them down the Sliding Hill, when they got to the bottom, the beavers would whack them with their tails and knock them back up the hills again! The deer… well, deer are pretty gentle. They just cheered on the sidelines.

Meanwhile, I got ahold of that letter, and you know what? I’m pretty sure it was a fake! I mean, when has Celestia put her seal down in crayon? I made sure to tuck it into my saddlebag, just in case.

The ponies were getting bruised up pretty bad, and I was trying to tell the animals to cut it out, when the guards galloped up. And Princess Celestia was with them! I guess she was visiting the nearby town and heard about the commotion. Those mean ponies ran right up and gave themselves to the guards. They were real eager to get away from the animals!

You should have seen the princess! She was really mad! She declared that the whole lake area was now a nature preserve and told Forest Glen his was free to live in is house there as long as he wanted to, but that she’s love it if he would be the ranger.

Fluttershy, he was beaming! He said it was his dream to care for the forest and the animals! I was so happy for him that I jumped up and gave him this big hug, which might have been a little too big because we fell over. Then I gave Celestia a big hug, but I forgot I was all muddy. I think she looked kinda good with all those leaves stuck to her, though. Like, she was Celestia, Queen of the Jungle!

During all of that hugging, those ponies tried to sneak away, but the animals surrounded them. Celestia got that serious look she gets sometimes, and she sentenced them to work under Forest Glen for a year and learn how to appreciate the lake and the forest. They looked like they were gonna argue, but the beavers got their tails ready, and, well, I guess it didn’t seem so bad to them anymore.

Well, that called for a celebration, so we all went back to the Sliding Hill and spending the rest of the afternoon getting wet and muddy and tired! I even got Princess Celestia to go a few times, and even she was cracking up! I gotta say, otters really know how to live!

So that’s what I’ve been up to. Oh, you wanted to know about the streamer factory! Fluttershy, it was fun, fun, fun! I’ll fill you in on all the details when you get back, but they have streamers for every occasion! Edible streamers in case you run out of snacks! Waterproof streamers that you can put in real streams! They even had a popper that fired out a little paper Rainbow Dash that did a tiny Sonic Rainboom! It was amazing! They have a guided tour, so we should all go when we everypony gets back. But, I’ll warn you, they have a strict ‘No Singing or Dancing’ policy there. Not sure what that’s all about…

Oh, and Applejack wrote me and said that her alligator problem is fixed now, so I guess we did it! That’s why we make a great team! I make ‘em laugh and you’re yellow! We can’t go wrong!

Anyway, this letter is getting kinda long and hoof is getting a little crampy. I’m on my way to Confection Perfections in Salt Lick City, so I’ll fill you in on all the amazing candy they have there when I get a chance, and you know I’m dying to know what you are up to in Whinniepeg! The fun meter is in for some abuse when Fluttershy is on the loose with a moose in the spruce!

With laughter (and mud in my hooves),

Pinkie Pie

Group Admin


July 15, 2013

Dear Pinkie Pie,

Oh my, all that commotion going on sounds just awful. I can’t believe that those dreadful stallions were trying to take all those animals away from their homes! Why, if I would have been there, I would have given them a piece of my mind so big they’d have had nothing more to do but pack up and leave themselves!

This makes me so angry! Not angry at you at all, Pinkie, I’d never be mad at you, I promise. Sorry if that was confusing. I’m just very upset that I was not there to protect the animal’s homes like I was supposed to. I just knew I shouldn’t have left them with no one to watch over them!

The nerve of some ponies. I’m glad Celestia and Forest Glen were there to see to it or else hundreds of homes might have been destroyed. Could you imagine? Oh, I don’t even want to think about that. How could anypony want to do that to those poor little otters? I feel sick, and I’d rather not think about it, if you don’t mind...

Thanks so much for playing with the otters and being there to help them out. I’m sure that they might have been very lost without you, and it’s great that they had a friend there to keep them safe and sound.

I actually know Forest, and I’m sure he’s looking after the lake and the brand new nature park very well. This is very exciting news, I can’t wait to get back and see how the area around the lake improves. It was already so nice to begin with, but I’m sure Forest could make it look even better still.

Anyway, it’s great that you’re having fun, Pinkie. I’ve had my share of fun up here as well, what with Albert staying here and everything. I’m sorry to say that we haven’t found his family yet, but we haven’t given up, and I think he likes my company. I can see us staying in touch once we reunite them.

I’m sorry to cut the letter so short, I’ve got a few things to get back to. But please write back soon. I’d love to hear all about Confection Perfections, you know I would.

- With love,


Group Admin


August 20th

Dear Fluttershy,

Didja ever go to Fort Troterdale? I heard some stallion say it was a real party city, so I had to check it out! I mean, a whole city that’s nothing but one ginormous party? That’s Pinkie Central!

That’s what I thought, anyway, but these ponies have some kooky ideas about partying.

When I first got off the train, I ran around all over the place looking at stuff. Everything’s in these bright colors, and there were ponies going “Woooooooooooooooo!” all over the place with funny hats on. Fluttershy, I’ve been slacking! I usually just go with those pointy party hats with the rubber band on them, but these ponies had these funriffic hats with cup holders and straws that went in your mouth! They even had sirens on them! You could have two cups of punch and a piece of cake in each hoof! That’s taking partying to the next level! And I could wear it next time Rarity has one of those garden parties where she says I have to wear a real hat! What's more real than having your own siren?

So I ran into this woobly stallion who was on the beach laughing at the seagulls. I think seagulls are funny too, so I figured he knew how to have a good time. I asked him where I should go to get into the party and he was all “You wanna party, babe? Stick with me!” except is sounded more like “Yoooo wanna (hiccup) par’y, babe? Schtick wi’ meeeeeeeeeeee!” He was kind of falling over a lot, but I guess parties here are pretty tiring. Like I said, I gotta up my game!

We went to this bar called “In Heat” and I totally get why they’d call it that. It’s like over ninety million degrees here all the time and it was even hotter inside! I was really worried that their ice cream would be all melty, but they didn’t even have any. I guess that makes sense 'cause it's so hot, but what kind of party doesn’t have ice cream?!

I kept looking for the cake, but I kinda missed exactly where the party was in there. It looked more riot-y to me. We’d barely gotten in when somepony started yelling about a wet T-shirt contest and Frat Rush (that wobbly stallion I went with) pushed me up on stage with a bunch of other mares. I tried to ask this older mare where the punch was, but she just popped a shirt over my head and told me to put my legs through it.

Well, I’m always down for a good party game, so I just went with it, but all of a sudden they were spraying us with water! I thought that was sorta mean, but it was really hot in there, so I didn’t complain. All the stallions in there went nuts though! I couldn’t even tell which one of us was winning! Actually, I still didn’t even know what the game was!

Then this music came on and they wanted us to dance. So I tried a little tap routine, but they started yelling something about ‘shakin’ my booty’. You girls know I can really shake some tail, so I turned around and got all wiggly-waggly, and the place erupted! I guess they really like dancing here!

So Frat Rush pulled me back off stage and said it was time for shots. You know how much I hate going to the doctor, so I tried to make a run for it, but there were so many ponies in there! I kept getting turned around and eventually I ended up back where I started and Frat pushed this tiny little glass into my hand!

Fluttershy, you’d have loved it! I was the teenyweenyest glass ever and it was filled with ginger ale! At least I thought it was ginger ale, but when I asked, Frat Rush just started cracking up and told me it was something called Tackilla.

Frat said it was hard alcohol and I can see why! It’s really hard to drink! Remember when I tasted that rainbow puddle in Cloudsdale? Yeah, it was like that. Really spicy! It made my nose burn and my breath got real wheezy and coughy. Frat Rush called me a lightweight, which I thought was really nice. And Rarity always says I eat too much candy! Pfft.

It was getting pretty late at that point and Frat Rush must have been tired because he really wanted me to go back to his hotel with him. I know Rarity's really picky about them, but a hotel's a hotel to me, so I was just gonna get a room there, but I guess he was sleepier than he realized because he fell over into some bushes and started snoring. I tried to wake him up again, but he was really… bushed! Get it?! I didn’t know what to do, so I just covered him up with some newspapers in case it got colder.

I wish we had gotten to the party, though! I kept waiting for us to leave that bar and find one, but maybe he was just too worn out. There’s always tomorrow, I guess.

Oh, and those otters say hi. Or I guess they do. I got a piece of paper from Forest Glen that just had a bunch of muddly paw prints on it, so I guess they are doing okay.

With laughter (and a damp T-shirt),

Pinkie Pie

P.S. You’re letter says July 15th, but I just got it! Something weird is going on with the mail. I asked Derpy about it before I left, and she said a lot of the mail ponies are really tired from going back a forth with letters from Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack, so they’ve kinda let things pile up. I guess they’ve been writing a lot of letters.

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