The Mailbox (and related stories) 208 members · 2 stories
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Dear Rarity,

I certainly hope that I've sent this to the right address. Oh my, it would just be dreadful if you never got this and were waiting there in Baltimare, expecting a letter that never came. I can just imagine the look of disappointment on your face, a face let down severely by one of your best friends. I can't stomach the thought, it's absolutely awful. I might send you two letters, just in case there is a problem with the mailmare...

Also, is my penmanship legible enough for you to read? I normally write in cursive, but I can print if you prefer.

Oh dear, this letter is just terrible so far. Mind if I start over?

Dear Rarity,

Is this okay? Can you read this?

Dear Rarity,

I've decided to stick to cursive. I hope that you can read it, because I fear my printed hoof was far less than perfect.

Anyway, I hope that you're finding your stay comfortable in Baltimare. I myself have only just gotten into Whinniepeg, and I'm writing this letter from within that cute little cottage that I told you so much about. I don't have much information on the city yet, because I haven't visited. But I'll tell you all about it as soon as I can.

In any case, what I can tell you is a little bit about my trip up here.

As you know, I chose to fly up, because anything up north is just so breathtaking when you're flying overhead (oh Rarity, the scenery was just wonderful! We'll have to chat about it another time). I had to bring my passport of course, because I was flying into a different country. When I touched down near the border to cross, something very strange happened.

There were a few stallions lounging outside the station as I pulled up. Apparently they wanted to talk to me, because they whistled to me before I could even enter the station. I don't think they worked there, but they gave me some advice... or at least I think they did. As I walked in, they smiled, whistled some more, and told me to quote, "shake my money-maker".

Oh and Rarity, I was so concerned, for I just hadn't brought a money-maker. I wasn't sure what a money-maker was, really, or why you had to shake them. I thought that it was something that I needed to bring to get into the country at first. I thought I had travelled all this way just to be turned back because I didn't have the requirements to get in.

I just about had a heart attack. I walked in a very uncertain pony, and as you know, being uncertain is something that I'm just not comfortable with. I didn't know what they would do with me. I thought they might detain me, like, in some sort of terrible dungeon. Oh dear, the thought scares me even still!

Fortunately, the ponies behind the counter were very nice. They told me that I didn't need a money-maker to get in, and even laughed it off. I thought that was very kind of them. They also told me that they didn't have a dungeon, and that further settled my racing heart. After that mess, I got in no trouble, and it was a short, thankfully uneventful trip to my cottage.

I'm still a bit concerned though. I think tomorrow I'll go into town and search for a money-maker, because I might need one to get back into Ponyville, don't you think?

Oh my, I've rambled quite a bit, haven't I? I think I should end it for now. Fortunately I bought those extra long scrolls, because I just knew I'd have too much to talk about...

Please send me a letter back as soon as you can! I'm anxious to hear from you.

- With love,


P.S.- do you own a money-maker? Do you think I'll need one?

Group Admin

July 1, 2013

Dear Rarity,

Oh my.

Is it something I did? I hadn’t realized that stallions were so dangerous, they’re always so nice to me, including the ones outside the station. Was I in real danger? Oh dear, I can’t believe how naive I was, I could have been killed- or worse! What’s worse than being killed? I don’t know but the thought of there being something worse than being killed frightens me so! Oh Rarity, I’m not so sure, maybe I should stay in my cottage. It’s very safe in here. At least I’ll avoid going into the city for a few more days, it’s the least I can do to protect myself.

I will definitely be sure to write you if another matter comes up! Oh but I hope it doesn’t come to that...

Fortunately Albert just hoofed me a paper bag, I had started hyperventilating. But I’m all right now, no worries. Just a bit jittery.

Oh, right, forgive me. I haven’t told you much about anything since I’ve gotten up here, have I? You don’t even know who Albert is. My apologies. Allow me to think back.

I met Albert a few days ago. He is a Canadian moose who happened upon my cottage when he walked in from the forest. Apparently he’s been lost for quite some time, so I gave him a home to stay in for the time being. Have you ever met a moose before? He is a very large creature, so he barely fits inside the cottage. But what sort of hostess would I be if I hadn’t invited him inside for some tea?

Anyway, Albert’s the first friend I’ve met here in Whinniepeg. Since then I’ve only met a couple more: a sparrow that visits to feed every now and an otter with a balding head. All of them are good company, but Albert is the one that I spend the most time with. He’s very good at Twister. Did you even think that a moose could be good at Twister? It came as a surprise to me, not to discredit Albert or anything. That would be rude.

The wilderness is lovely. The pines are all so very nice, and the trails are beautiful. There are so many flowers in bloom that I don’t know which ones to sniff first. I’d pick one for you and send it, but I don’t want it to get all crumpled in the mail. Besides, I’m sure that you’ll get tons of flowers for being in your show. Isn’t that what they do after performances? Hand out flowers? That sounds nice.

I’m sorry to hear about your trip there. Sounds like it was dreadful. And I’m even more sorry to hear about where you’re living. I agree, you deserve to stay in a place to your liking, that’s perfectly reasonable. But that’s not to say you can’t make the most of it, right? (Right)?

I’m curious about the play, I don’t know much about it. Tell me a little bit about the production? It’s so very exciting to hear that you get to be a part of such a big work! You’ll have to tell me everything about it- the costumes you’re designing, the set they’re building, what the play is about, all of it! Also, feel free to tell me if your living conditions ever improve. I just want to know that you’re getting along okay.

Please write back whenever you get the time, no rush here, I know that you must be very busy...

- With love,


P.S.- Are you sure?

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

July 8th

Dearest Fluttershy,

The production goes well! I have to say, having at last resigned myself to my continued stay, I am coming to appreciate my environs a bit more. You were quite right to suggest that I make the most of it, and I thank you for it.

One of the first things I did to adapt to my current local is attempt to scout out what passes for a spa here. While a day spa of the the likes our dear Aloe and Lotus run is nowhere to be found, I did find some quaint little locale calling itself a massage parlor. Things got a bit... interesting in there. The masseuse is a lovely earth pony called Vera (I really must ask her if she has relatives in Ponyville, the resemblance is quite striking). She is extremely talented, but she asked the most unusual question. She wished to know if I would like a "Happy ending."

I have to admit I thought she was perhaps making a joke, so I responded "What princess would not?" I'm... well, I don't wish to detail what went on from there, suffice to say the service was outstanding, if a bit surprising. I believe I shall be requiring more of Vera's services in the near future, though I shall have to think very hard about agreeing to anything extra. Some things really should not be done by a professional. Speaking of, our dear Twilight once told me you practice massage on your animals, do you ever need a pony subject to stay in practice? Terribly sorry, rambling...

In an effort to get to know the cast better, I made some inquiries into the male leads, thinking it might be nice to go out for a night of dancing or such. I've hit a bit of a roadblock there, it seems the stallions all have coltfriends. It was terribly awkward for all involved. Stranger still, it seems the mares in the troop are all dating other mares. I wasn't quite sure what to make of this. Certainly I am used to seeing Lyra and Bon Bon around town, but these mares are so brazen in their public displays of affection! I don't know if I could ever be so brave as to kiss another mare the way they were kissing. Not without consuming large quantities of good wine at any rate.

I'm very sorry, the play itself just has not interested me enough to really sit down and watch it yet. I suppose I shall have to do so at some point. Thus far I am not impressed with the director and producer, so I doubt the quality of the production. Besides, this sort of thing is really better enjoyed with somepony special to you to watch it with. As for the costumes they are so terribly boring to make. Everything has a pattern and adding my own touches is frowned upon. They didn't need a designer here, they needed a seamstress.

I miss you all so terribly, I look forward to our reunion as every day passes.



-P.S. Upon our return, I wonder if I might trouble you to come visit the shop some evening. We could drink some wine and discuss what it might mean to be brave with a friend.

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

July 9th

Dearest Fluttershy,

I'm not entirely certain how best to put this... Fine, out with it then. In a moment of extreme inebriation and self pity I may have sent you a missive suggesting some... untoward things to you. Things I have felt... but never actually said to you because you are my dear sweet friend and I have no wish to make you uncomfortable.

I am writing to apologize. First of all, I owe you an apology for hiding that from you. I should have aired that dirty laundry with you long ago so that we could have moved past it. Now I have told you in the worst possible way and I feel absolutely horrid for it. It's just this job... The ponies are nice enough but I am so dreadfully bored here! I might feel better were I allowed to create but even that is denied me and I HATE IT. Sorry.

Regarding my offer for talk over wine... I think perhaps it would be best for us to have that talk over tea while your friend pours her heart out to you. Let me down gently, won't you? Enjoy the rest of your vacation... I think I may have some frustrations to take out on upper management. I will NOT be denied my right to design.

Love,Sincerely Sorry Yours,

Steel Resolve
Group Admin


July 15th

Dearest Fluttershy,

Well, that was an experience. After I made a fuss about the costume designs the lead actress quit, the director skipped town, and the remainder of the crew walked out on rehearsal. After the fuss Fancypants made about this production I couldn't let that stand. I scoured the city for days to locate the star, and with much begging and pleading I managed to persuade her to come back. She and I gathered the troop together with rallying cries of the show must go on. I now have a new problem; they want me to direct! I have little idea if I am doing this right, but they only seem to expect me to tell them what to do and how to emote and such. As it turns out I have some talent for this.

Well, time for rehearsal. Wish me luck, darling. Or, I suppose, tell me to "break a leg."

OOC: The bottom of the letter is smudged with tear tracks

Deepest Affections,Love,Yours Truly,


P.S. There is the smallest chance that a couple of letters made it to you before this one, the mail service tells me they have been experiencing long delays and lost mail lately. If you by chance receive a letter postmarked July 8th or 9th would you be a dear and burn that?

P.S.S. Nevermind what I said, read them.

Steel Resolve
Group Admin


Aug 9th

Dearest Fluttershy,

I'm sorry, I'm dreadfully sorry, I'm the worst pony ever, Please forgive me my lack of correspondence. I have been afraid to write you again, because I sent you some letters about a month back and have not heard from you since. By now, one of three things has happened. You have either received them and have been paralyzed in indecision as to how to respond, you got them and are very confused, or you never got them.

If you did not get them, this is going to be even more confusing, I am so sorry to have placed such a burden on you. One of the many things I find so incredibly attractive endearing about you is that innocence and purity of heart. That's why it so upset me to hear about those awful stallions whistling at you, or at least that was part of it.

The other part was... I was jealous of them. I've... always considered myself as normal, I wanted the normal dreams of a little filly, find the prince, fall in love, get married. I never doubted that would happen. I have seen fillyfoolers of course, but it never really occurred to me that I could even be attracted to another mare. I had always just assumed that closeness I felt to you was very strong friendship, and I treasure that, so much so that I was quite frightened when I found myself gazing overlong at you... never in an inappropriate way of course!

So there you have it, I am one of the lust wolves. Just... please don't fear me, it's your talent to converse with animals after all, you need fear no beast, least of all me. Tell me anything at all, I promise I won't be upset. The only thing I fear is that I have lost my best friend because I cannot keep my own libido in check, please tell me I haven't lost you.

Yours always,


Group Admin


August 12, 2013

Dear Rarity,

I’m so sorry for the delay in my reply. You must feel just awful after waiting for so long to get one, and for that I cannot express how sincerely regretful I am. I’ve just needed some... time. Time to think about what I wanted to say to you...

Rarity, before I go into this, I just want to say something. I’ve always loved you as a friend. I think you’re one of the most dear ponies I’ve ever met, and that’s saying something, please believe me. You are a wonderful pony, and nothing will ever change that, not even the most stressful of times we face.

However, I’m sure you’d like a response from me regarding something else...

Rarity, answer this for me please... that is, if you can- Do... do you really like me? Like... like me like me?

Because I... I-

I like you too.

Wine sounds just lovely, I’d really enjoy coming over.

- With love,


Steel Resolve
Group Admin

August 13,

Never ever apologize for that. I was so horrid to do that to you, and by mail no less. Darling I... just can’t express how much you mean to me, and to have risked that for something so base as a crush fills me with shame.

From the day I met you, I felt as if I had found my soul-mate, we just complimented each other in so many ways that I gritted my teeth because had you been born a stallion I may well have proposed on the spot, protocol be damned. You are beautiful in so many ways that it hurt to look at you at times, but I could not stop looking, even if I was convinced nothing would come of it. Do you know I had this plan for the day you brought some undeserving male to meet us all? I was going to put the fear of Rarity into him, oh yes.

"Like" you... darling I love you so much it pains me to even use such a word as "like". Only your gender ever kept me from pursuing you like some lovesick puppy, and as I sit here miles from you contemplating that adorably shy smile I hope is growing on your lips as you read this I realize I don’t care what body Celestia birthed that lovely soul into, I am attracted to you because of you.

And no, my love, if we are to do this, we’re doing it right. First thing upon our return I will make reservations for a very private booth, I shall make us both the most sheer and eye catching evening dresses, and the two to us shall cut a swath through that restaurant as every male eye in the room sees us pass.

I will be your prince, and you will be my princess, and our courtship shall be one they write stories about. Oh Sisters, I am sorry, I am getting so wrapped up in this. I’m likely frightening you again. Yes, yes I like you very much...

Love always,


P.S. I believe I’m going to go empty every bottle I have in this hovel. I don’t need such swill to feel intoxicated. I have only to think of you.

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

August 14th

Hello, love! I promised myself I would not write another letter so soon but I was just so excited getting your letter I could not help it. I want to sing, and dance, and create! I took every bottle in this little apartment and emptied them down the drain, I have no need of such any longer. You have no idea how it has been weighing on me, I hoped you would forgive me my transgressions but to have my affections returned! Oh my sweet I could kiss you!

(OOC there is a lipstick kiss in the middle of the letter.)

I promise I won't do that in person until you are ready, love. You are my dear sweet friend always and I would never wish to make you uncomfortable, but I so look forward to experiencing everything with you. I should have told you ages ago, I don't know why I was worried. I mean, yes, you could have rejected me, and that would have hurt, but knowing you feel the same I am kicking myself for not having the courage sooner!

I began work on the dresses last night, I was thinking something black and daring for me, and a nice shimmering gold for you. Oh, the pair we shall make! I know a nice French restaurant we can go to, the owner runs a local charity I make donations to, so we should get a good table. You've made me the happiest mare alive, love. I... just can't believe I am so blessed as to be able to share love with my best friend in the world.

Love always,


Steel Resolve
Group Admin

Aug 18th

Dearest Fluttershy,

Um... this is going to come off as terribly needy, and I suppose in a way it is. I just received a letter from Rainbow, and it gave me pause. She said she could not recall any indication that you were previously attracted in any way to mares.

To be perfectly honest, prior to her mentioning that, it never occurred to me you had any preference at all. You are horrible at flirting with males (forgive me, I found it adorable, but you are.) You live alone in your cottage, and I've never seen you show any indication that you ever wished that to change.

So, I have been sitting here asking myself: if I were Fluttershy, and a friend expressed interest in me that I did not return, what would I do? And much as I hate it... I am forced to conclude you may have agreed to avoid hurting my feelings.

I've tried telling myself that I asked you to be honest with me, that you would never be so cruel as to tell me I had a chance with you when you didn't mean it... that we promised each other we would not lie to each other to spare the others feelings, Pinkie Promised even. But... you are not Applejack, sometimes it seems kindest to tell little white lies. But this.... this is not little, this could affect the rest of our lives. Darling, I need to know, are you agreeing because you feel the same, or for me?

So little a thing, but it leaves me in cold shakes. I had to write you to even calm down enough to sleep. I hope more than anything you write back and tell me my fears are unfounded, that you would never lie about something so important, that you do like me as you say.

But if my fears are true... I need you to do the bravest thing of all. I need you to be honest with me. You see, my attraction to you aside, I will never stop loving you as my dear sweet friend. And as your friend, I will not have you simply agreeing to date me just because it will make me happy. I want to make you happy... in so many senses of the word.

Even.... if you are hesitant, tell me! I want to take things slow and easy, the truth is... this scares me a bit as well. I've never been attracted to a mare, and... I worry I will be a bad lover, or disappoint you in other ways. That's why I... wanted to ask a friend, because I had hoped we could be... brave together as we tried it. So please... if you are willing to try this, settle my fears... but if I have no chance of ever capturing your heart... do me the greatest kindness and say so.

With love, and with hope that I am being foolish,


Steel Resolve
Group Admin

September 1st

Dearest Fluttershy,

I’ve been thinking a lot, far too much at times. I’ve thought about what you mean to me, about what’s important. About... why I feel as I do.

I’ve wronged you, I’ve overburdened you. I’m no better than those horrid ponies who made you miserable back when you were a model. I would have loved nothing more than to make you feel special and happy... but your repeated lack of correspondence tells me I am doing nothing but making you feel pressured.

Well, the pressure ends now. This letter marks the end. All I ask is that you read this, so you may understand what I hoped for. Think of it as a eulogy for my silly little crush, because after this letter we will never speak of it again.

From the day I first found you crying by the pond, I felt something so very odd around you. You remember, you were lost and alone after your fall from the clouds? I just wanted to hug you at the time, you were so sad. We found you an adult, and they took you back to flight camp. A simple memory of two foals, but I still remember it vividly.

Later, when you came back to Ponyville to tend to the animals here, I found you again. I was overjoyed, and invited you to the spa. That was the first trip of so very many. It was something we shared, a simple thing, but it was important... to us both I always thought, but to me at least.

You made me so very happy for sharing that day with me, none of the other girls really care to be pampered, so it became something just for the two of us. I don’t have many ways to connect with the rest, you see. Applejack and Rainbow have their little competitive thing, Twilight and Rainbow have Daring Do, Pinkie has her parties with all of us. But the spa is very specifically a you and I activity. Others may join from time to time but for us... it’s the usual.

I think... that’s when I began to wonder about how it felt to be around you. None of the other girls made me feel... anxious, I suppose. I wanted every little thing to be perfect for you. You get this little grin on your face when you are happy about something, but don’t want to bother anypony about what caused it. I ache for that grin. Every time I have seen it I get this feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I don’t think any male has never made me react like that.

But... these are not feelings a mare is suppose to have for another mare, or so I have always been told. So I would smile right back, and ignore those feelings. What we had together was enough.

Then... we all left for our separate business. I felt your absence most keenly when I went to that little massage parlor. The masseuse... did something to me that mares should not do to other mares, it embarrassed me, and excited me. And all I could do was lay there at the mercy of that mare, and wish it was you instead. I felt so ashamed for even thinking of you in such a way, as if I had wronged you.

I bought a very strong bottle of something or other. I just laid money down on the counter and asked for something that could make me forget the last day or so. I remember... going around to all the males in the theater and being turned down, and then catching two of the female leads kissing. I couldn’t look away.

That is what lead to that first letter. The one we are going to pretend never happened. You see... I can’t help the way I feel about you, but I can help what I say to you. It doesn’t matter, in the end, if I would be ecstatic to be dating you. Your occasional smiles were enough before, they can still be. It doesn’t matter that I want to do anything to make you happy. I’ll do that anyway. What matters is how I make you feel, I never ever wanted to make you upset, or sad, or stressed. But I’ve done just that.

I don’t fault you for not feeling the same, my darling. I thought... we had a connection, something special, but I suppose it was a one sided thing. You will always be special to me, even if I am not to you. It’s enough.

So... let us never speak of any of it again. Be happy, my darling. That’s all I want.

Forever your friend,


Group Admin


September 10, 2013

Dear Rarity,

I’m scared.

I always have been scared.

I’m scared of dragons. I’m scared of shadows. I’ve been scared of what I don’t know since I was just a little pony, since I was born. I cannot help it. It is in my nature. I see something that scares me and I hide away from it because...

Oh, nothing. It isn’t important.

Rarity, I want to admit something to you. I’m very scared to do it, but I feel it needs to be done. You see, of all the things that scare me, I guess there is one thing now that scares me more than all of the other frightening things in the world combined.

I don’t really think I have to explain myself, do I? You understand, oh don’t you?


I love you.

I haven’t written to any of the girls in a long time. I haven’t received any letters from them either. The only ones I’ve received since that time are the ones you’ve sent me. I think I’ve cried a little bit after reading through every one. No... I’ll be honest; I’ve cried a lot. I know that you love me, Rarity. I know that you love me so, so much, and I want to tell you what you want to hear... but...


I love you,

but not like how you love me.

And do you know what scares me most? Do you know what I am most afraid of? I didn’t think I had to explain myself, but... oh, maybe I do. What scares me the most is...



Losing all of you.

And I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you. But, in the end, I really hurt you, didn’t I? Didn’t I, Rarity? You say that you are still my friend, but...

I’m sorry, Rarity.

I’m so, so very sorry.

- With so, so very much love,


(P.S. I’m sorry about that offer for tea. I would have most definitely come, if I had not been so scared. If... if I had even loved you like a friend should love you...)

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

From the Office of Break A. Leg
Head Producer of Starshine Productions

To: Rarity
Re: Mislaid Letter

October 10th

Hey kid! Kinda awkward but uh... I ended up with a letter in my inbox amongst the stacks of bills and I opened it with the rest. Listen, was this what had you so down? I mean c'mon kiddo, you really don't need to sweat it. So the mare wasn't into you, no need to murder your liver over it.

Anywho, I thought I'd drop you a line and forward this along with it. We opened up with the new play you mentioned, and you were right, Canterlot loved it. Though I can't help but think you might be a bit biased about the name. 'Measure for Measure' wasn't exactly the best comedy the old bard wrote.

I hope you're doing okay, kid. Mare trouble can seem like the end of the world, but it's really not. Just keep in mind, you're a trooper, and troopers don't quit. The world is full of hecklers, but you're a star, baby.

Hit me up if you want work again, the new guy is okay but he just doesn't have your charisma, the whole crew misses you.

Break A. Leg

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