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June 23rd

hotel room Princess of Magic
From the desk of Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia
Ugh, I need new letterhead.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Our airship just landed in Stalliongrad and I miss you and the other girls already. Ponyville might not be the most exciting place in Equestria all the time, but there’s at least something to do most days. There is something entirely unfair about growing a pair of wings and then slowly floating across the sky in a stuffy room for two weeks. At least on a train there’s something to see out the window; here there’s nothing but clouds. And after playing ‘spot the altostratus among the altocumulus’ for three hours, my eye starts twitching. Look at me, I’m talking about clouds with Rainbow Dash. Sorry.

I really shouldn’t complain; I get to meet so many interesting ponies on this trip. I’ve never been to Stalliongrad before. My first impression of it is…gray. It’s gray here. The streets are gray, the buildings are gray, even most of the ponies are gray. I’ve been here for two hours and I’m already sick of gray.

I’m rambling at you. Cadence keeps telling me these tours around Equestria aren’t as bad as I fear, but I’ve always found this high society stuff to just be miserably boring. I know you probably think it’s funny that somepony like me would be complaining about boredom; I’ve seen your eyes glaze over three words into me talking about fruit bat morphology. I’d bet your eyes glazed over reading those three words just now.

Enough about me and my whining, how’s Las Pegasus? When I heard about your plans I’ll admit I got rather envious. Teaching ponies is such a noble pursuit compared to all this hoof-shaking I’m supposed to be doing. Spreading knowledge to the next generation of fillies and colts. I’m wistful just writing it.

I bet Las Pegasus is much more colorful than Stalliongrad. I swear, I’m going to start turning all the birds into oranges pretty soon, just to see something bright. They’d probably be gray oranges, just to spite me.

I’m going to stop complaining at you now. It’s not fair for me to transfer my boredom over to you through letters. Hope you’re having a more exciting time than I am.

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


June 25th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I’m not really cut out for this ‘travelling around the world, meeting famous pony after famous pony, and always being on the move,’ stuff. It seems to me that famous ponies should be famous for…doing impressive things, I guess. And if we were going off of that, it would be a thrill a minute to be back in Ponyville, if for no other reason than watching the Rainbow Dash fly circles around everypony else.

You puffed out your chest just now, didn’t you? Oh, I could just see you doing it. You’re fun to tease halfway across the country!

But yeah, this travel hasn’t been exactly what I’d call fun. It’s had its moments; yesterday we toured an industrial complex of smelting facilities. After spending a day surrounded by literal tons of burning coal, being frozen in a Box-Mart sounds lovely, but it was quite fascinating learning about metal production on such a large scale. Well, it’s fascinating to this Egghead anyway.

Today was another day of formal meals, but thankfully I managed to convince everypony to take Fluttershy’s advice and go to the Stalliongrad Zoo. Fluttershy would probably have had a better time than I did, but at least I didn’t have to sit around eating cake for another three hours.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say this whole trip was a ploy to make me gain an extra ten pounds of cake weight.

I’d much rather be doing what you’re doing, though. So let’s try to both have fun for the other’s sake, how does that sound?

Speaking of what you’re doing…I know this is probably not going to get to you until after your first day on the job, but don’t count yourself out on it. You need to give yourself more credit than that. I know you’re a mare of action and planning isn’t something you tend to do on purpose, but you’re always so much smarter than you want to give yourself credit for. Just because you’re not an ‘Egghead’ like me, doesn’t mean you don’t have a great set of brains in that skull of yours. Try to find a way to make it fun, for you and for those foals. Just remember how much you managed to inspire Fluttershy when you needed her help to get the water reserves up to Cloudsdale. You’re a natural leader, Rainbow Dash, and I’m sure all of those colts and fillies will be looking up to you in no time.

I tried to peek at the trip itinerary, but Luna has been rather…secretive about it. I know Las Pegasus is a stop we’ll be making, since we’re going to tour the Hooveser Dam. I believe we’re stopping in Baltimare, too, so I’m sure to at least see you and Rarity while on this trip. I miss you all so much already.

Since I’m keeping your secret, maybe you can keep mine. Ever since I moved to Ponyville and got you girls in my life, I’ve been happier than I’ve ever been before. If I had to choose between our friendships and anything else in the world, being a princess, my studies, even my ability to do magic, I’d choose you five in a heartbeat. Take my wings, take my eyes, take my horn. You girls are the most important thing to me. Maybe that’s sentimental of me, but if being away from you all hurts this much now, I’m absolutely dreading how it’s going to feel in another month.

I’m getting mushy, and now I can picture you rolling your eyes. I hope Las Pegasus comes up on the itinerary sooner instead of later; I can’t wait to see you roll your eyes at me face to face again. Also, I’ve never been gambling and so much of it is math. Fun with math!

Believe in yourself, Rainbow. I believe in you. You’re going to do great things!

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


June 26th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic, attempting a new sending spell to mimic dragonfire.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I’m glad things are going well for you after the first day. I always love to know I’ve helped bring a smile to a friend’s face, and I meant everything I said in the last letter. I guess I knew a little bit about that stuff when you and Fluttershy were fillies, but if you ever want to talk about it more, just know that I’m here to listen; I’m all ears. Well, since these are letters, I’m all eyes, I guess? That sounds weird. Whatever, you know what I mean.

I hope when we get to Las Pegasus we can go see Trixie’s show! After that amulet incident, it’s nice to know she found something constructive to do with her talents. She’s certainly flashy enough to put on a show in Las Pegasus. You don’t think it’s a…saucy show do you? Oh, what am I saying? This is your fault, Rainbow. You asked me my opinion on Applejack’s physical needs and her rather shapely aesthetics and now my brain is going to weird places and my face feels warm and ohhh, darn you Rainbow! I’m flustered again!

Okay, I took a few deep breaths. I think I’m better now.

Anyway about that checklist. I’ll…mention it to Applejack. I’m sure she has her own ideas about what she’s doing this summer, but I’ll agree if nothing else, that pony needs to relax. I’m sure if she was given half the chance, she’d take a break from bucking trees to go buck some different trees.

Also, in case you didn’t know, it’s very hard to sit through a dry lecture on export schedules and not start giggling when the phrase ‘that filly needs to get laid’ in your voice is running through my head. So thanks for that.

-Twilight Sparkle

PS My spell didn’t work right and I’m resending this almost a week late. I was wondering why I hadn’t heard from anypony in a while. I’m out of Stalliongrad now and we’re on our way to Manehattan. Hope to hear from you soon, Rainbow. I’m still all eyes (Augh, I hate that phrase!) if you need me to be.

-Twilight Sparkle (July 1st)

Group Admin


July 3rd

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Of course you’d like the phrase all eyes. Fine, all eyes it is. Well, the last week or so in Stalliongrad wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Pinkie Pie gave me some advice on making parties more entertaining, and I tried her suggestions out with some subtlety and it made for more interesting dinner conversation. I don’t mind being the center of attention and I can put up with dry lectures and formal events, but I’m rather uncomfortable having the conversation be entirely around me. I’m going to take this princess-hood seriously and try to do good things for everypony, but being told at length about how I’m going to help just by existing isn’t fulfilling; it’s embarrassing.

And speaking of embarrassing, you’re doing this on purpose, making me turn red over and over again when I look back over your letter. Here I had a few days to get my bearings and the first thing you do is bring it up again and poke me with it. Shining’s looking at me funny, Rainbow!

If you must pry, I suppose it isn’t a secret that I find Applejack…that is to say she’s quite physically…I mean, from an academic, aesthetic stand-point…Well, no, that’s too clinical…Ugh, she’s attractive, okay? Is that what you want to hear? She’s a physically attractive mare in her prime and any filly would have to be blind or so solidly a zero on the Kinsey Scale it would reset the bell-curve!

…You’re laughing at me right now, aren’t you? It’s okay. Shining and Cadence are laughing, too. I wish I could embarrass you, by calling out who you found attractive, or by talking about how attractive you are, but you don’t get all flustered by this sort of stuff.

…Drat, I just called you attractive. You’re never going to let me live this down now. I should scrap this whole letter and start over, but I don’t think I could write…that…about Applejack again tonight. Or ever.

And I just now got a letter from Applejack. This day keeps on getting better and better; I think I accidentally mentioned this very conversation with her. I’m afraid to read it and find out…

Great. She picked up on it. If you’ll excuse me now, Rainbow, I’m going to try and find a rock to crawl under on this airship. That’s something they provide in first class, right? Embarrassment caves?

This is probably a good thing, you ruining my composure like this. I need to get over this silliness. We’re all adults; I can’t be blushing like a school filly whenever anyone brings up...this topic. If nothing else, getting used to it will mean my BBBFF will stop laughing at me.

Anyway, boxing huh? That should go well with your karate. With Applejack surfing and you boxing, kinda makes me want to try my hoof at something. With all this cake they’re stuffing down my face, I probably should. Any recommendations? Keep in mind, it would need to be something I could do while living like a nomad for the next few months.

I’ll be looking forward to your next letter, even if you tease me endlessly in it. Now…to write back to Applejack. Maybe I’ll lock myself in the bathroom and scream for a while first.

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


OOC: This should arrive about an hour after the previous letter, and is hastily scrawled and barely legible


Could I perhaps trouble you to write a song? Only if it’s not too much to ask. It’s for science!

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


July 8th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow Dash,

It’s okay, Rainbow. I know you’re just teasing. You like teasing everypony, and it’s hardly a new thing about you. I’ll just know to read your letters privately now, so I can be amused and embarrassed in peace and quiet. And really, if we’re pointing blame, I teased you first in these letters. I threw the first stone; I can take your excellently aimed return volleys like a mare.

Maybe I’m just feeling magnanimous because of this wonderful song. The record, I mean. Not that your other song wasn’t…charming or anything, but hearing your voice again made my day. It’s funny. I think I went five or six years without seeing my BBBFF at all. Sure I missed him and it’s been great to see him on this trip, and the few times since his wedding and now, but I’ve never missed him like this.

It’s been less than a month and I’m getting wistful over something you recorded as a filly, since it meant I could hear your voice. I’ve been snuggling these silly sock puppets Pinkie sent me, because they look like Smarty Pants and they’re from her. Rarity sent me this bag for make-up and I don’t want to put it down, because Rarity picked it out for me. I’ve just been listening to your song and reading this one from Appl two of the others over and over again and wishing I was home.

This friendship the six of us have found…it’s really something special.

I’m getting mushy at you. I don’t know if that makes you as uncomfortable as you always say it does, or if that’s just your ‘shield’ talking, but if it does consider in payback for the ‘randy’ comment.

Flying sounds wonderful. When I first got these wings, I wasn’t sure how much I’d really use them, since I teleport so often, but it’s such a different feeling to fly myself around under my own power. It’s so freeing. I think you’ve got it exactly right with that change of perspective notion. It’s too bad I’m stuffed up in an airship for most of the commute from place to place. I’ll try to sneak away for flights when I can, though. I think they’ll make me feel better emotionally, at least.

Applejack suggested I ask Shining to give me fighting lessons. He’s a little reluctant to teach his ‘Twily’ anything dangerous, but Cadence is on my side, so I should hopefully be getting trained by the captain of the guard soon. Who knows, maybe by the end of the summer I’ll be able to go hoof-to-hoof with you in a boxing ring!

I’m landing in Manehattan in the morning. Otherwise I’ve been going a little stir-crazy on this airship, listening to your record over and over again while playing with sock puppets.

I think I might be going crazy. Las Pegasus or Baltimare better show up on our itinerary, soon. Or maybe I really will run into Pinkie Pie in Manehattan. Although, if that happens it means I was both right and wrong about the likelihood of that and I probably will go crazy for a completely different reason.

Also, there’s no such thing as winning science. Thank you for both songs, though. Having a recorded version of music as a comparison tool will be useful when I run my experiments.

Take care, Rainbow. Hope to see you soon.

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


July 11th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I was getting ready to write back to you about your last letter, when something came up.

I have enclosed a letter Applejack sent to me by mistake that was supposed to go to you. As it’s your letter, you should have it. I am sorry that I read something that was supposed to be private, but Applejack sent it to me by mistake and I didn’t notice that it didn’t have my name on the actual letter until I was halfway through and terribly confused.

…I’ve been sort of talking to myself about this when I was writing back to Applejack, so some of my initial confusion has worn off and I’m going to start off somewhat direct, because there are some mysteries here I’d like to clear up.

One. I would assume, based on all the letters that we’ve exchanged, that the reason you wouldn’t tell me that you were dating somepony when you are under the impression assumed thought

if I were to have romantic interest in you, and you were dating somepony else, you would want to spare me any heartache from that knowledge.

That is the assumption I can make from our correspondence. From Applejack’s letter, the impression that I get is that she thinks…or knows…that you…well, you like me like that, at least a little, and

One. Why do you think I have feelings for you? I’ve never thought about this, for anypony before, and it’s not that I am opposed to the idea, but what did I say that made it

One. What’s been going on between you and Applejack that she reacted like this? You’re normally so close. You’ve said she’s been ‘mothering’ you, is this just more of that or is there something

One. Did Applejack send the letter that was supposed to go to me to you by mistake?

I’m not angry or upset with you, by the way. It’s okay that you’re dating somepony. I’m happy for you, in fact. You’re such a strong and fun mare, you deserve somepony else in your life. I was maybe a little hurt at first that you thought I wouldn’t be happy for you, but I get that you were just trying to protect me. You try to protect everypony. I can’t be upset with you about that.

I want you to be happy, Rainbow Dash. Sometimes when we talk, I get the feeling that you’re not happy. That underneath your teasing, your confidence, and your strength, that there’s really somepony very sad and hurt. If there’s anything that I want, it’s for that to not be true. I love seeing you smile, bright and genuine, and I want to see that smile every time I look at you. You’re a great mare and you deserve that happiness. That’s what I want.


Write back soon, Rainbow.

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


July 13th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I can’t help but feel like this is all my fault.

I have done several things today that I thought I’d never be able to do in my life, without either dying of embarrassment or being banished or locked away, or locked away in the place I was banished, possibly while attending magic kindergarten on the moon.

First thing was I showed all our letters to Cadence. She’s had a bit of an outside view of things, mostly because I have a habit of dictating my letters out loud as I write them and I’m not always mindful of other ponies in the room.

I…I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t even know you were flirting with me, and I was flirting back. I thought you were teasing me and I was teasing back. I still don’t understand the distinction as I look at it.

I feel like a fool, and I feel like I’ve been leading you on. And the worst part of it is…

The worst part is I don’t know what I’m feeling. Before I got Applejack’s letter that was intended for you, I hadn’t thought about romance in my life at all. But if you couldn’t guess it about me already, as soon as I realized I hadn’t thought about something…

…Care to guess what I’ve been thinking about every minute since?

Celestia damn the world to tartarus, I have no idea what I’m feeling, Rainbow Dash. I just know that when I read your letters, or listen to your record, or think about your face, I just want to see you again. For real. I want to see everypony again, but it’s not quite the same.

Okay, so Manehattan has been similar and different compared to Stalliongrad, but I’ve had this weight on my mind through all the silly formality (we went on a yacht tour through a harbor where all the houses of some rich and famous ponies live, pointing out interesting architecture [yay!] and discussing which such-and-such sugar baron built the original mansion that burned to the ground a hundred years ago that the new one is modeled after, and which ones were owned by their foals, and I couldn’t hope to begin caring). And then…right before I got your second letter that had the note from Applejack, I took your advice and went flying.

And suddenly everything made sense. I don’t know what specifically made sense, but for the first time in weeks I felt at home again. And then I went back to my hotel room, played your record, and started crying.

And then I got Applejack’s letter. And I’ve been thinking about what she said to me the other day, too, about how what she asked was something she should have asked face to face. And then I read the song she wrote me and started crying again.

Because I want to see Applejack so bad right now, too. I want to see all six of you so badly I could scream, but for Applejack it’s different. Like how it’s different for you. But not the same different. Different different. And I don’t know what that means.

I’m still so confused, Rainbow. At first it was about what was going on around me, now it’s about myself. I don’t know what I want, and what’s worse, the two ponies I’d turn to for help in this are…well, they’re you and Applejack.

I know you’d probably think I’d talk to Rarity about this, but she’d be running around making me a dress for a date that hasn’t even been planned with…with I don’t know who, and why this would even result in a date with anypony is a ridiculous notion at this point, since I don’t know that that’s something I really want, or you want, or Applejack wants, or that any of us don’t want, and I’m just so confused, and Rarity wouldn’t help with that at all. She’d think it was ‘romantic,’ whatever the hell that means.

No, it’s you and Applejack I’d talk to, because we think the same about these sorts of things, I think. Even when we’re angry or overwhelmed, we’re practical and we think in down to earth and reasonable ways. Any advice you would give me, while full of teasing (or flirting, I don’t know), would be something simple and rational. And it would be the same with Applejack. I like simple and rational.

But I can’t ask for either of your advice on this, really. And we’re all so far away from each other.

Which leads me to the other thing I never thought I’d do that I did today.

I…sorta threatened Princess Luna.

She was taken aback by it, and I think I hurt her feelings and I’ll need to make amends, but I couldn’t be in the dark on this anymore. One of the things Applejack mentioned in her letter was that thanks to this summer, ‘we can’t sit down and talk it out.’

I threatened her so I could see the itinerary. I told her I needed to see it and if she didn’t share then I would take it from her by force. I feel scummy and awful for doing it, but I’m at the end of my rope here. I need to see you and Applejack again, as soon as I can, or I’m going to go crazy. There’s too much that needs to be said face to face.

Because…because Cadence says she doesn’t believe you when you say you just thought it was adorable. And she says she doesn’t believe me when I say I didn’t know it was just teasing. And she says she doesn’t believe me about not ever thinking about any of this before.

And…and I think about your face and your smile…and when I got Applejack’s drunken letter and read it, I imagined Applejack’s hooves around me in that hug she wanted to give me.

I think Cadence is right.

I’ve made a mess of things, most of all myself. I’m sorry, Rainbow. I’m sorry I couldn’t see what’s supposed to be right in front of me, and I’m sorry that all of this had to happen while we’re miles away from each other. I don’t know what I want, and I doubt either you or Applejack really know, either, based on everything Cadence has said to me about this, not only about me and you, and me and her, but you and her as well. All I know is that we need to talk about this face to face to face. Because letters aren’t cutting it.

I didn’t get to see the itinerary. Princess Celestia took one look at me and said I could take a few days off from the trip to sort out this mess with myself.

I’ll be in Las Pegasus on July 18th.

If I can organize it, Applejack might be with me.

See you soon.

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


July 16th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow Dash,


Well, at first I thought you had gone crazy. I…you burned an acceptance to the Wonderbolts? I’m still surprised. Really surprised. I was getting ready to tell you about rescheduling things; Applejack and I being in Las Pegasus shouldn’t be the reason for you to not join. I was so ready to argue with you about it.


But I read the rest of your letter. Rainbow…

I don’t know how to say it, other than I think your idea is wonderful. It seems so…right for you. I don’t know what else to say. I’ve been yammering on about how noble teaching foals is, and here you make a plan to really do it, not just for the summer but as your life, your future.

I feel really silly for saying it, but I’m proud of you. Really proud of you. Sure, I’d be proud of you if you went into the Wonderbolts; that’s a prestigious career that isn’t easy and inspires younger ponies. Both would be fitting for you. But, this Ponyville flight school idea?

I really does just feel right. I can’t put my hoof on it exactly. I think you’ll be great at it. You have my support, Rainbow. One hundred percent.

I can’t wait to see you, Rainbow. We’ll talk about it more then. I’d talk to Princess Celestia about it right now, but I think I’d better keep things sort of calm and quiet until after this trip; everypony here is worried about me after what happened with Princess Luna. I just…

I get caught up in things sometimes and it messes up my judgment. I’m okay right now. I’m more okay than I’ve been in days after reading your letter. I’ll be okay after we have a chance to talk as a group, I hope. I really can’t wait. I miss you so much. I miss everypony, but…

Well, this is the mess, isn’t it? You’re exactly right, I think. Nopony knows what’s going on in their own heads and the distance has made it more than painful.

Applejack will be coming with me for sure, so we’ll both see you in a couple days. I can’t wait.

I’m so proud of you. Whatever Princess Celestia says, I’ll do everything in my power to get you a flight school in Ponyville. I promise. I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. If this is what you want, I will do everything I can to help.

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


August 3rd

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow,

I have been extremely busy since getting back on my tour, too. It’s been a crazy time for me, but it’s been the best time of the trip so far. That might just be because when somepony starts going on about local infrastructures, I can smile and nod while thinking about that thing you did with your tongue while bent over backwards.

Okay, not really, but I’ve been in a much better mood since our visit. Oh, and I learned several letters ago to read yours in private, anyway. One of the things I’ve been doing in the scraps of free time I have had is rereading everypony’s letters. I can’t believe how out of sorts I got over yours at the start (that’s another phrase for flustered, since you asked but I was too wound up to answer you. Wound up is another. Agitated, bewildered, befuddled, confounded, discombobulated, embarrassed, fazed, and thrown [possibly for a loop] would all work, too). I still get a little bit of a blush reading over them (or writing about your acrobatic tongue), but it’s such a fun feeling now.

I can’t wait to get back to Las Pegasus, too. I miss your tongue. And the rest of you, too, I suppose.

Gosh, it’s fun flirting on purpose.

Anyway, Princess Luna was very understanding when I got back. She did give me a look that sort of silently said she might have had a small peek into a dream or two, but I might have imagined that. She wasn’t upset by any account, and she mentioned something about a moose she once knew as why she understood. I’m going to have to get to the bottom of what that means some day.

Also, I did talk to Princess Celestia about establishing a flight school for pegasus foals in Ponyville. She’s been a bit aloof about it…not that that’s much of a surprise; sometimes talking to her is like reading a book of riddles. I get the sense that she’s dodging me about it right now, but I’m not going to drop it. It’s wonderful to know you got all of your students in the air. I can only imagine how proud of all of them you felt, but I can picture that smile on your face. You have a couple of different smiles, did you know that, Rainbow?

See, a lot of the time you have this cocky smirk thing you do (it dimples only one of your cheeks), but there’s this other one you have sometimes. It’s like you’re smiling without thinking about the fact that you’re smiling. It’s smaller on your face, but it’s so warm and bright. I bet that’s the smile you had when all those foals got up in the air around you.

Okay, I really can’t wait to be back in Las Pegasus and see you again, tongue entirely removed from the equation. I want to see that smile, instead of just imagining it.

I still don’t know when that will be, but we’ve been making a rough circle around Equestria so far, so I’d have to guess we’ll be back in two or three stops. I’ll be thinking of you until then. Your smile, and other things. *wink*

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


August 11th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow,

Your letters always make me giggle and smile. Sometimes they make me blush, too, but it’s never without a giggle or a smile. As nice as that is, and having them to reread and feel like you’re here (because when I read your letters it always feels like you’re right next to me, cracking jokes, poking me in the ribs, that sort of thing. Sometimes without thinking about it I try to rest my head on your shoulder and almost fall out of chairs. Dorky is probably an accurate description of me, huh?), I’m looking forward to being home again and having you there, instead of just in my head.

Ugh. You make me all sappy and mushy, too. It’s that talented tongue of yours, I’m telling you.

Anyway, I have good news. I asked about the Wonderbolt show in Las Pegasus and Princess Luna let it slip that a VIP box was already reserved for our visit, so not only will we get to see the show together from there, but I also know that I’ll be there for the show at all. I’m so excited to see you again, even if it’s only been a few weeks.

And who’s to say I won’t be flaunting you, anyway? ‘Princess of Magic Spotted with the Only Pony to Perform a Sonic Rainboom’ has a nice ring to it.

I’ve stopped bringing up the school for now, since I know you’ll have a chance to talk to Princess Celestia in person. Not that I have had a large amount of time to talk to her anyway. Mostly I talk to Shining and Cadence, sometimes Princess Luna. Luna still keeps her night hours despite the lunches and meetings, so I see her when everypony else is asleep (I always was a night-owl, anyway). I’m not sure how much sleep she’s getting herself, to tell you the truth. Probably explains the way she described what moose look like to me.

See, I asked her and she said (and I quote; I couldn’t not memorize this word for word), “Rugged and furry, with legs that go on for miles, broad chests, and antlers to write home about.” After that I think she realized who she was talking to. I’ve never seen her that out of sorts before; I probably would have laughed if my jaw wasn’t on the floor.

Anyway, moose are generally very tall. Bulls start out a little bit shorter than Princess Celestia and some can be even taller. Cows are somewhere in between Luna and Celestia in height. They usually have brown fur with a similar length and texture to griffons, and bulls have very large antlers that fan out to the sides of their heads.

Luna also described them as ‘dreamy’ if that helps you picture them better. It certainly didn’t help me; it just made me even more curious to get that story out of her. If I have any ulterior plans for our stop in Las Pegasus, it’s for the two of us to get her drunk enough to spill it. Are you in?

Of course you’re in.

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


August 24th

From Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic

Dear Rainbow,

I just left Las Pegasus, and I want to turn around, come back there, and tackle you to the ground.

I told you that I thought I loved you. Well, I know it now. I’d explain how I figured it out, but I can just see your eyes glazing over from me trying. Here’s a simplified explanation: the dorky egghead did some dorky egghead magic experiments, and they happened to show her how she already felt in a different way that was easier for her to understand.

I don’t know if you noticed it, but I did a lot of worrying over the last few days, which I tried to keep hidden because I was so happy to see you again and be around you, and you needed me to lean on. I was happy to be there for you, and see your smile, and know that you’d be okay. Even though I was worrying about what I felt, being there with you was wonderful. It would have been perfect if Applejack was there, too, which made me worry more.

I’m done worrying now.

Okay, probably not. I’m quite talented at worrying things to death, so I’ll probably keep doing it, but I’m done worrying about this.

Because I love you, Rainbow. I love how you can make me laugh, even when I’m so embarrassed I could faint, or upset because you’re upset. I love how I can loosen up around you and just have fun. I love how right it feels when I’m with you, and how I can see the drive and fire in you to do great things. I love how sweet you can be, and how when you are that sweet it seems to endlessly surprise you, like you don’t know where it came from. I love your talented tongue—by which I mean how fun it is to tease each other.

And for some strange reason, I love how much you love Applejack, too.

We are a trio of freaks, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

With Love,

-Twilight Sparkle

Group Admin


October 27th

From the desk of Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic
(You can only imagine how wonderful it was to finally get new letterhead)

Dear Applejack and Rainbow,

This has been the craziest summer, hasn’t it?

I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to write very much recently. It’s not entirely my fault; it was a joint effort between me and Shining Armor to completely derail the tour across Equestria and nearly kill everypony.

…I should probably explain that.

See, after our visit, Applejack, things between me and my brother improved a lot. I’m not sure exactly what was said between the two of you in the grove, but not only has he been in better spirits, he’s also stopped treating me so much like a foal. It was nice…well, nice isn’t quite enough to cover it. I know you both know that Shining and I have been close most of our lives, but…

We really haven’t been that close. Not for a very long time. We were as close as a pair of siblings could be when I was really little. I still remember what it was like, being in awe of him, because not only was he older and bigger than me (funny how big of a deal that could be when you’re a kid), but because he was so many things that I wasn’t.

Shining was so outgoing and charismatic; as a filly I kept to myself not only because I didn’t get the point of having friends, but because I had trouble relating to other ponies. I was so far in my own head that making those connections was beyond me, and he was so good at it, and at sports, and just as involved in his studies as I was.

Okay, not as involved in studying as me, but I could hold better conversations about magic with him than some of my teachers, back before I got accepted to Celestia’s school.

But then I did go to school, which brought me to living in the castle instead of with my parents. I saw Shining, and both my parents for that matter, off and on for all those years, but that relationship we had had as foals had become a memory instead of reality. For the few days I saw him, that didn’t matter, and we could pretend everything was the same as it was because there was no reason to look deeper and see that our relationship was built on a house of cards. Even when his wedding made me see that, I didn’t want to believe it. I’m glad things turned out the way they did, but at the same time we willingly put ourselves back in the dark, pretending that we were always this same team of BBBFF and little Twiley.

If I ignore everything amazing, wonderful, tedious, educational, and frightening, magical, boring, and eye-opening that happened this summer, it would still have been worth it to start that over, get to know who Shining Armor really is, and build something new with him.

Unfortunately, that meant that he stopped holding back for our sparring sessions. On the one hoof, I could keep up with him and learned a move or two (though I imagine without magic the two of you could still best me with no trouble; we’ll have to test this theory somewhere secluded). On the other hoof, we almost blew up the airship.

…And by ‘almost,’ I mean we blew up the airship.

I didn’t mean to, okay? I wasn’t trying to put everypony’s lives in danger when I cast that lance spell, and I know Shining didn’t know that it would go through three engines when he blocked it! It was an accident! And as many times as I’ve told Celestia that, I just know she’s gonna send me back to magic kindergarten any day now, and it’s hard to remember to breathe sometimes, and it was an accident, but

Sorry, started to panic there a little. I calmed down and had a slice of cake. It’s funny, I got so sick of cake there for a while, but now it’s relaxing. Maybe I ate so much of it that I got sick of being sick of it and grew fond of it again. I wonder if that happened to Pinkie ever? Anyway, that’s mostly what I’ve been doing: making myself panic and then eating cake. I’ll probably have to make myself useful around the farm before I make this triad look more like a quadrad.

Oh, that reminds me. Cadence gave me this book about relationships that I never had time to really read with any sort of critical eye until after I blew up the airship, and I finally found why she gave it to me.

What we have is called a triad. The simplest definition for that is a romantic relationship involving three ponies.

My book had a lot to say about it, a lot of which didn’t apply (for instance, most triads start out with a primary couple dating a third pony, with that relationship sometimes limited to sexual), or had some negative things to say. Triads are difficult to manage; most ponies who try them have issues with jealousy, if not over their partners having feelings for each other, than over how time gets split up. One on one relationships can be difficult on their own, without a third pony involved, and they have a history of being short lived and frustrating. I confess I saw the point; we three aren’t idle ponies who have all the time in Equestria to focus on each other, and we’re going to be hard pressed to always be available to be there for one another.

It was liberating to find how little I cared about that, though.

It was nice to know that what we have has a name, and that others have tried and succeeded before us to make it work, but that doesn’t matter to me, either.

I’ve spent the past two months dealing with an exploded airship and several dozen annoyed dignitaries who had to make arrangements to meet with us in Canterlot instead of their home cities, annoyed princesses who don’t enjoy having airships explode around them (also Luna was disappointed we didn’t make it to Baltimare. I was, too; I’ll have to make it up to Rarity later), working more on this song-magic project, eating far too much cake, and panicking.

And I’m finally coming home.

I’ve been dreaming about seeing the both of you again, every night and half of each day. I’ve missed my home, I’ve missed my friends, and I’ve missed the two ponies who have captured my heart. I’m excited for the challenge of making this work with the both of you. It’s going to be hard, and whatever the future holds now is going to take conviction and strength.

But I’m so ready for that, because you’re both worth it. Wherever life takes us, wherever we go, no matter how this ends, whether that’s months, or years, or decades in the future, through hard times and good times, I’m ready to take that journey with both of you.

I really can’t wait. I’ll see you both in a few days.

With love,

-Twilight Sparkle

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