Nightmare X 441 members · 118 stories
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While not exactly a "Nightmare Form", according to this info, Twilight may in fact gain her own evil transformation!

How could this happen? Maybe it has something to do with this:

I can't see the other 2 Pictures after the first one... but I assume the last one is that Amulet she is wearing in the Movie

4655884 Ooh, I like that. That's good, that's very good.

First image, on its own, I could dismiss as marketing. Just a fancy getup based on Crystal Prep's colors to put on a Twilight doll. She may look smug, but not really evil.

But that second image is the absolute deal-sealer. First of all, unlike the first picture, she has some kind of amulet on her chest, which looks like the one she's holding in the gif. Second, the pose absolutely screams evil; wings spread, claws bared, smugly malevolent glare. In fact, she looks quite a bit like

Hence, I'm calling this the Sunset Shimmer theory: employing some kind of magical artifact gives Twilight wings, a wardrobe upgrade and makes her dangerously powerful, much like in the original EQG (you could also argue it should be called the Alicorn Amulet theory). The difference would be that Twilight may be analytical and socially maladjusted, but unlike Sunset (or Trixie) she's not naturally evil or malicious; that would have to come from the artifact itself.

Unless... the Humane 6 go out of their way to keep Twilight from finding out about Equestrian magic, but can't hide the fact that they're keeping it from her. This drives a wedge between them, and sometime during the friendship games, she gets pushed too far. Thus, using Equestrian magic she doesn't fully understand, she sets out for revenge against both the Humane 6 and all the popular kids at Crystal Prep who ignored her for so long!

Meh, it's just a theory.

4658804 you know on second glance she kinda looks like a Kamen rider villain or a toku villain in general

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