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A list of oc available for use in stories

Comment posted by zone-hunter deleted Feb 17th, 2015

Zone hunter (my oc) was born in an unknown was in the everfree forest. Spending the first 15 years of his life the. He is a black ops grade survivalist and tactician spending most of ur life in combat with monster can make you good at hoof to hoof combat. After turning 20 he left the forest home to see the world (at 15 he left and found a farm and became good friends with the ponys taking to applejack and big mac like a little sister and little brother seeing as apple bloom had not been born and applejack only 2 when his saved her and big mac from a timber wolf) back story end. he is carefree most of the time, very smart when he wants to be, and protective of the ones he cares about. And very dangerous when serious, he believes being mad is a waste of energy, and he may have lived in the woods most of his life but manner r important, also very fast Also I'm 6foot 10inchs tall so he is much bigger than big mac and build like a tank. PS all I ask is you let me know if you are using him so I can see the story what you do to him is up to u u may even use a different back-story it only there to give you a ideas of who he is


So edgy much Gary Stu Wow

I would just like to say I never said he was perfect He lived in the woods for 15 year he has almost no people skills. And other than being very good at thanking and surviving in the woods. He knows nothing about the world out of sweet apple acres. He has no super powers. He is a slightly above average athletic pony he knows how to fight but no mma stuff. PS him being tall and strong come from him being built off me

Just look at my blog they are a good for you to use just mention they are mine and they belong to my universe I worked very hard on these OCs

4087132 Please PM me your story and intentions for my OC if you want him.
Name: Winter Star
Nicknames: Winter
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Species: Pegasi
Hometown: Any cloud city really
Current Residence: Anywhere. He was made for my story so his location is up to anyone who uses him
Occupation: Priest/mercenary
Mane Color/Style/Length: A long blonde mane styled in a low ponytail held with a red ribbon
Coat Description: Off white, though he blends into clouds well
Eye Shape/Color: Blue
Accessories: Scars on his back from constantly falling as a foal.
Allegiance: He's very loyal but only to a god like figure, so it really depends on who he meets first. But most likely, he'd be loyal to Celestia, as he has a special connection to the sun.
Cutie Mark: a pair of tattered wings beneath a blazing sun
Special Talent: ...I actually don't know yet. He's good at fighting though...
Family: Many half siblings (different mothers), a father and a grandfather
Friends: Ha! Friends? Winter? Hah! He needs not friends, for his has his most important pony.
Personality: He is a stallion who is loyal to a scary degree. Once he finds a virtue or flaw, his mind remains fixed on that. He is also very 'holier than thou' when it comes to morality, no matter how hypocritical he is on the matter. He will protect you but he tends to come off as creepy, as he will rarely leave the side of the one he has sworn loyalty to. He will even go as far as to watch them sleep because he is convinced that taking his eyes off them will ensure their demise. Basically, he's super obsessive. But that's only if he has someone to idolize. Without anyone, he is very depressed and morose, almost suicidal in his need to either give himself wholesomely to someone or to feel happiest. The only thing that brings him joy is flying up as high as possible and letting himself plummet, as it reminds him of how he gained his cutiemark.
[Character History]
(In this, try to include these things:
•Where is your OC originally from? - My story, Insurgency.
•How did your OC get his/her cutie mark? - After many years of failing to fly, Winter chose to jump off his cloud home, figuring if he wasn't meant to fly, he'd plummet to his death. Instead, he flew for the first time. In his joy, he flew higher than anyone else in his family had but was either burned or blinded by the sun. He then fell, waking up hours later, injured and with a new cutiemark, a pair of tattered wings beneath a blazing sun.
•How did your OC get to where he/she is today? - He left his family/clan after realizing they would never understand why he put himself in danger all the time. He wandered about until he was either captured by someone or invited somewhere. Winter never goes anywhere unless he is either forced or invited.
Oh, and he talks in an old English kind of way, using words like 'thou' 'thy' 'maiden' and 'cur'. Another thing is that he is asexual in a weird way. He dislikes sexual things and generally tries to stop others from 'dirtying' themselves but will react sexual to things, so have fun teasing him as he tries to remain a gentlecolt.
[Current Home]
(Where is your OC now? What does he/she do now?) - Winter is the type to just lay about depressed unless he finds someone to dedicate himself to. After that, he will follow that pony, griffin or creature into hell, defending any decision they make.
[Powers List]
Basic Pegasus Powers:
•Intrinsic Pegasus ability to fly
•Intrinsic Pegasus ability to walk on clouds
-Endurance- can take a lot of pain with a smile, is a little masochistic in his desire to please.
- Is very good at fighting hoof to hoof, though he can be surprisingly violent. He sees no problem with killing ponies who displease either him or his most important pony, though he will put that pony's desires before his own.

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