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So I just saw this and thought other Flash Sentry fans might enjoy it.

Its a great video, too bad her wish of seeing more Flash won't ever happen. He's just a cameo character now, never to receive any further development ever again. Ahh shipping, can be great for a series, but boy these days does it seem cancer more often then not.

You might wanna check out the EQG shorts....

Flash is an awesome guy and I have supported him and his relationship with Twilight from the start. I love seeing more of him in the show and seeing how fans choose to portray him in stories.

I've seen them, he does nothing but appear here and there, he doesn't really say or do anything.

Thanks for pointing it out. If nothing else, Flash Sentry is fertile ground for fanfic writers.

There are times where he doesn't need to say anything, Good Vibes has shown that his actions speak louder.

He never says anything anymore. So dont say there are times where he doesn't need to say anything, that's all the time now and that's a character who is now pretty much thrown by the wayside.

Not true, he speaks in a couple of shorts. You need to remember that he's still technically a side character, not a main one. It because he doesn't get an abundance of focus doesn't automatically mean that the series has forgotten about him

I've seen the shorts. He has had like one line and that's it. The longest is where he was quoting a script. None of that is of any significance. And so what if he's a side character. There are plenty of side characters who get to do more then him. And I never said they forgot about about him, I said they don't have any plans to further develop him. Its been years since they have done anything significant with him and its all coming to a close soon. After this amount of time and with no hints that they have any plans for Flash, its safe to say that he is pretty much done.

No, it isn't.

Just because the series doesn't automatically revolve around him doesn't automatically mean that he's done for good.

If the fandom can take minor things from characters and use them to flesh out BG characters, then the same can be done here.

If you believe that, then why are you even here? It's starting to sound like you don't really want him to develop.

Why are you taking what I say and misconstruing it? Where did I say the series had to automatically revolve around him. It doesn't, but if they don't give him any time another then a 1 liner and him looking depressed, that's not development. A character needs more then a brief appearance once in a blue moon to be developed. Otherwise, that character is of no importance and will remain just a cardboard cutout.


As Bronies we’ve been nitpicking small aspects of several characters and giving them their own personalities since the show started, so to complain about Flash being a cardboard is lazy, especially considering he has a some good character traits that I've been shown in the past movies as well that can be built upon.

Heck we add aspects and traits to main characters all the time. We can make a Derpy’s animation error and her saying "muffins" and make her a clutz who’s obsessed over the food…

…make Lyra a human-obsessed conspiracy theorist based on how she sits…

…take a DJ with a two-second cameo and make her a party animal who’s dating that one mare from the Gala episode…

…make Berry Punch an alcoholic based on her drinking directly from a punch bowl…

…make Scootaloo an orphan simply because we don’t see her parents and Rainbow Dash a lesbian with a cider addiction…

…and yet giving thids character some interesting personality traits based on his scenes in the movies is somehow impossible? If we can nitpick and speculate about various characters in the franchise and give them their own personality or add onto their character then Flash is no exception. Him being "bland" is just a petty excuse used by lazy hypocrites who are too stubborn to be imaginative when it comes to this character.

I'm talking about the show, I'm not talking about what we do with a character. What we do has nothing to do with the Flash Sentry of the series. So whatever that we do this or that and make a well developed character, that doesn't mean the actual canon version will be developed.

Considering the fact that they at least put in effort to giving him a little more screentime, I'd say that proves otherwise. The slice of Life episode is a thing for the reason.

...Dude, he appears for less then a minute and the time between each appearance is months to over a year. That is nothing.

So do many other BG characters, at least they put effort into making him stand out a little more, either via making him the focus of a short, giving him a bit of a redesign, or just having him interact with the main cast a little. Just wanted to be set for other characters who just say the same way they are.

He's never been the focus of a short, at best he's a prop. A prop that has interacted with the main cast for like all of 5 seconds. That doesn't make him stand out anymore then Bulk Biceps or Derpy. He ain't no Big Mac or Maud Pie.

Good Vibes was technically his short.

He's no more of a prop than any of the other background character, so stop complaining that he is. But this point it sounds like you just want an excuse to denounce him as forever bland.

If you're that desperate to pretend that any aspects of his character can't be used to give him more development, then you shouldn't be here.

Good Vibes, you're the one reaching. He was not the focus of that short, he wasn't even in it for the majority of the short, just a bit at the beginning and end.

And there are no aspects anymore, nothing to further develop him by, gone are the days where we actually saw him be a character. The Everfree movie was his last real appearance, since then he is just regulated to cameos and a prop at best.

And yet his actions lead to the events that transpired, his good actions are what kickstarts the chain of good deeds in the short, which came back to benefit him in the end. So technically he was the main focus.

Also, you don't get to complain about what counts as his "real" appearance, by that logic you should be saying the same about the rest of the main characters who aren't given primary roles in the shorts.

As for aspects, I suggest you look at this.

Also, "we"? Where do you get off suddenly pretending that your opinion equals everyone elses? Don't talk as though you speak for the entirety of his fandom.

You want to see him as nothing more than a prop, that's your problem, however don't lop us all into the same boat as you because you don't like him. Like I said before, if you can't be bothered to see anything other than him being bland, then you shouldn't be here in the first place.

Pfft thats no more a reason to be considered the main focus then when Derpy screwed up the package deliver in the Christmas special and set off a chain of events.

Seriously, stop putting words in my mouth, I never said I don't like him. I do and neither do I see him as bland, but unlike you. I can see that these days, the writers don't really care for Flash or are too scared too give him any real significance again. They just use him sparingly and that's it. He's not anything beyond a prop or background character now.

And me pointing this out isn't a reason for you to go accusing me of being a hater. Its not my fault reality doesn't comply with your perception of things. So seriously, stop shouting for me to go and getting all pissed. You act like I killed your pet or something.

There's a difference, Derpy only had one scene in that was it. Flash had multiple that pertained specifically to him.

You're commenting on a thread mean for discussing the positives and improvements regarding Flash, not the negatives, you seem to be dedicated to only focusing on those. Are you constantly only focus on the bad aspects pretty much makes you come off as someone who doesn't want him to improve, or the very least use the small snippets we get from the shorts to at least build upon his character.

Like I said, we're at least going over the positive aspects, however you're acting like we can do nothing else to at the very least improve his character, it comes off as someone who doesn't want him to improve in general.

Multiple!!!! That was literally just 2 scenes.

Dude, just because I'm not focusing all on the positives of a character doesn't mean I hate him. Seriously, are you one of those sensitive people who cant handle criticism, I point out these flaws because I want him to improve. Part of improving something, means acknowledging the problem, not ignoring it and being all happy happy joy joy.

All i'm saying is that its unfortunate that Flash has been relegated to being just a background character who gets an appearance once in a blue moon, that's it. Its not me hating on him and just shouting "oh he sucks, blah blah blah" as you are perceiving it as. So, sorry you took the wrong interpretation from what I've been saying, oh well.

Then point out how he can be improved instead of just leaving it at "he's just a prop, it's over for him".

There's a crucial difference between acknowledging a problem and acknowledge a problem and suggesting away the character can improve.

Case in point, the link I showed you.

the only way he can improve is if the writers begin to actually give him some real focus instead of these brief appearances.

something the writers clearly don't intend to do, thus I'm saying he wont be able too because the writers don't intend to give him a chance. Its just the sad reality of the situation. Don't get mad at me for stating the obvious, I'm not writing the show.

I'm not getting mad about you stating the obvious, I'm irritated that that's all you see to it.

The way you're praising it can be summarized in two words; give up.

Again, pertaining to the link I showed you, there's still more the Fandom can do for him.

I am talking about the show. The show man. Why you keep dragging it to the fandom when I am clearly not talking about that is either you just don't get it or you know the show has no plans for him and are just in denial.

The fandom can do whatever it wants, it can develop his character far more then the show ever did and in a lot of instances has, but it has nothing to do with the show. Are you a writer on the show... You're not. Then stop acting like the what the fandom writes matters to the show. It doesn't. I know it, you know it(at least I hope you do), we all know it.

And, Slice-Of-Life would beg to differ, you honestly think the fandom didn't have any influence there?

So yes, in a sense, it does. Just in certain instances.

Like I said before, you're simply saying "give up" without even offering an idea on how to make him better. That's the only point you're making.

The writers deciding to mess with the fandom isnt something to write home about. This wasn't some big significant change made in response to major fan backlash or anything of the sort. That episode is comparable to when the teen titans go writers deciding to fuck with their critics with the return of Slade episode. They werent responding out of a desire to fix things and cater to their audience.

There is no way any of us can make him better. We don't control the show. The Flash Sentry fans are a tiny minority that the writers have absolutely no reason too listen too. Thus this whole "making him better" that you are stuck on can't be done. We cant make him better, only those that control the show can and they have no reason to listen to a tiny fraction of the fandom.

Comparing Slice Of Life to The Return Of Slade is like comparing a friendly handshake to getting punched in the face. Slice Of Life at the very least showed that they respect their fans, The Return Of Slade was just an insult.

Like I said before, you're basically saying give up and don't bother giving him more character or depth. Sounds like you're pretty desperate to declare him a lost cause for someone who claims he doesn't hate him.

Anyway, I suggest we end this here.

You can't give him more character and depth when the show itself won't do it. They are the ones that control the canon version that I have always been talking about.

But whatever dude, you are unable to grasp what I am saying. So continue being a state of denial and thinking we somehow control the canon version of Flash.


And yet characters like Derpy became what they are today because if the fandom. I never said we control what happens to him, I'm saying that we as a fandom should put everything into giving him a character instead of pretending that he's just a prop.

Like I said before, your only solution is to give up, mainly because it's easier. The only one who seems to be in a state of denial is you. Since you're completely unable to grasp the point I've been making.


Do you two think you should take this to PMs? You going back and forth on this a lot.


What was the video? The link you sent has been taken down

7664277 It was a youtuber talking about how good Flash was, though it seems the video's been removed.


Who was the YouTuber? Or was their account taken down?

It's right there in the title.

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