Feeling Suicidal? Talk With Us. 474 members · 77 stories
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There's nothing out there for me. I get rejected every time I approach a woman, resulting in me having never been on a single date in 29 years. I work a dead-end job because no one will hire me for anything better. I have no money to go back to school. I still live with my mom. I have no friends. I have no hobbies or accomplishments. I live a life that not even a starving child in Africa would want.

I've tried everything. I've been on medication since I was 17, and it doesn't help. Therapy does nothing. I have a therapy appointment tomorrow, and when I tell him all this, my therapist is just gonna recommend more pills, but I don't need pills. I need someone else's life.

I've tried so hard to be good. I'm no saint, but I swear I've been a decent person. What do I get for it? Nothing. Others lie, cheat, and steal their entire lives, and get elected. Nothing matters.

7957891 Oftentimes depression has more to do with perspective than hardships.

There are people with medical conditions who experience excruciating pain every second of their lives. They would literally kill to change places with you, just to experience existence without physical pain.

Tell me, when was the last time you've been starving (haven't eaten anything for 48+ hours)? That used to be a frequent reality for almost all people on the planet. Not even kings had some of the luxuries you have in your modern life.

You'll never have everything you want. Nobody ever will. But that doesn't mean that you can't appreciate the things you do have.

Dude, I would rather starve to death, than live a meaningless existence.

7958473 In the end, all life will be meaningless. Entropy does not allow for eternal life. All contributions will be in vain when the end times come.

But the thing is, death is also meaningless. Life lacking meaning does not mean death has it.

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